How do you find time inbetween life and work to excercise properly?

Alberte C.
My favorite time to exercise is right when I get home. I also am in dance classes where I do workouts, and I go to dance classes almost every day of the week. This keeps me accountable because I compete at dance competitions and have dance auditions, and I always want to do my best at those, so it is essential that I am present at dance class for that, and I get to workout there too.
Marceau Y.
You will never find time if you will look for it just steal 5 minutes from your daily routine and give it to anything you like based on energy level of body yoga,pilates,cardio anything. One day when you make a routine out of it for daily exercise,when you find fun in it you'll eventually start making more time on it. So don't pressure yourself into getting for exercise just start it slow with 5 minutes daily and you'll get there.
Tony C.
This is something that I have struggled with before, sometimes still do and is something that has become less of a part of my daily life. I started really working out (mostly gym at home exercises and lots of walking) during the quarantine. Now that everything has gone back to normal I work 12-hr shifts and it is difficult at times to find how to make exercise a part of your day.

On my break I go for a little walk 15-20 minutes, I take the bus so I walk to the bus stop twice which is at least 20 minutes and on my days off from work I try to go for walks and to do as much as I can by foot.