Also not having social media easily accessible helps too. Having those social media’s on my desktop makes it less desirable.
Also if I get the urge to share my own pictures and accomplishments with the world, I just remind myself that pride comes before the fall. I don’t want to brag or show off my accomplishments anymore. I want my actions to speak louder than the words/pictures I post. Having a few pictures of major accomplishments like graduation, wedding, or kids is good. But if you start putting stuff everyday, you are only looking for attention and when you don’t get it, that leads to discouragement and stress and anxiety.
They didn’t have this stuff in any other generation throughout the entire history! This is the first time we have social media and there are mental and emotional as well as physical consequences related to it.
Just disconnect And live your life to the fullest!
I also leave my phone out of the room when I go to bed so that I don’t use it before I fall asleep and I don’t use when I wake up.
I would suggest if you want to keep the Apps on your phone to turn off the notifications.