Chris T.
I dont really care much about the quantity of food but the quality. I’m young so if I eat a lot and move there is nothing bad about it. The problem comes with sugar, processed flour, canned foods, snacks and alcohol.
Gebhard G.
Try and have balanced meals. Ensure you’re getting enough proteins, fats, and carbs. Eating slowly will be helpful. This gives your brain enough time to realize how much food you’ve had and you can stop eating when you’re satiated.
Elo Se I.
The best way is to determine your caloric needs first, then measure everything you consume to see if you are overeating. Also, drink water after your programmed meal and wait 15 minutes, normally the hunger will go away by then.
Kathy U.
Eat as much as you need to feel your hunger satisfied, or maybe a little bit more if you enjoy that as a prize to yourself for making an effort on preparing and eating ealthy. That's what i think!
Maria U.
I have always struggled with that but for me what worked wonder is calories count. This app “MyFitnessPal” is very easy to use. You just put in what your eating, it will show you how much calories are in how much of it. It had worked wonders for me.
Julie P.
I find it helpful to use my fist as a guide. I eat a handful of food per meal. Breakfast is typically a small handful. Lunch is a solid handful. Dinner tends to be a large handful.
Noah O.
It depends on a lot of things, like how active you are, how tall or short, your weight and more. These are things you can research online or talk to a doctor about. But, generally speaking, eating regularly but not exorbitantly is best, and it's much easier when you're eating healthier meals as they tend to fulfil your hunger a lot more than fast food and sugary snacks. In my opinion, a big plate or bowl at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a small plate of food in between those meals. More or less, depending on your activity and weight. Good luck!
Harvey U.
This is really simple! Eat slowly and deliberately, chew everything (yes, even a smoothie!), and enjoy every bite. If you don’t rush and allow your body to respond to the food intake, it will respond with a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. At this day and age of fast life, fast food, people tend to forget this. When we rush, we will over-eat before our bodies are given the opportunity to process and respond. Going back to the roots, enjoying our meals as our ancestors did, will help you be more in tune with your body, including hunger.
Livio P.
I stop eating when im full. I only enjoy true fullness when I dont snack between meals. So make a big deal on three meals a day!
Axel B.
Look into a Daily Calorie Calculator online to determine your needed calorie intake. Then, track your caloric intake throughout the day. Don’t believe apps that restrict you to 1200 calories per day! That will lead to binge eating. As a 5’4 female, I eat about 1800 calories per day based on sedentary activity.
To be mindful of when you are full, eat slowly. Don’t look at your phone or do anything else while eating (talking is fine). Enjoy and savor your food. Notice how it smells and tastes. This will give your body time to indicate if it’s full.
Bianka A.
This is something I struggle with as well (especially in restaurants). I came from a family practice of which I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I finished all my food. Recently I was taught "eating with awareness". Take one small bite. Before putting it in your mouth, look at the texture and color. Smell it. Before chewing, roll the food with your tongue and taste it. Slowly chew until it is mushy then swallow. Before taking the next bite, become aware of your stomach and ask if it NEEDS more food. This process takes a long while which is better than rushing through the meal and feeling stuffed and bloated.
Florence J.
You know, I’m not an expert, but I think all you need to do is learn self- control and to know how much you should eat, all you need to do is buy, or if you have them, get a small plate, and put your food on the plate and your eyes will see if it’s to much! I wish you good luck!
Michaele B.
Use portion sizes as a guide. I have more satisfying meals when I eat with less distractions. Think of meals that you've had before that have been satisfying and that have given you energy for longer periods during the day. Try listening to your body–for me, this means not feeling hungry and starving, but stopping before I'm really full or stuffed. I try to take less than I think I need, because I can come back and eat more if I'm still hungry, but generally I'm not really as hungry as I think I am.
Mandy O.
Believe in yourself and practice patience.
There are many ways to do things in life but if we lack patience as human beings, we lack understanding. Not only of what around us as individuals but also for each other.
Tarc Sio Q.
I can only think to say each persons body is different and really depends your level of "movement" in a days time.. But never eat till full or at the least think all your food has to be gone in one sitting. After mastering this then practice different diet 15days at a time. Your body will let you know what is working.
Marie O.
Start with a smaller portion than you usually would (portion sizes are normally recommended on the packaging) and only eat until you feel satisfied – eating slowly will make sure you judge this accurately. If you're still hungry, you can always go back for more. Drinking water with your meal will also stump and false hunger. Once you realise the perfect portion, you'll feel much better for it – it will give you energy as opposed to making you feel lethargic.
Dean R.
I find that putting my food onto a smaller plate helps with portion control and give mindful eating a go, take your time and you’ll find your body tells you when you’ve eaten enough. Good luck with your journey!
Tilde C.
You will know when to stop eating, because you would have a time structured eating window of 2 hours a day. So when that time passes no more eating for the day.
Mathew F.
Acredito que quando eu sinto que estou satisfeita é o melhor momento para parar. E isso funciona melhor quando se come devagar e prestando atenção na comida. Ao invés de comer enquanto assiste alguma série ou TV.
Marie Y.
I stop eating when I feel satiated, but before I feel stuff. I try not to let hunger rule my eating habits. Instead I put myself on a schedule, and a portion control formula. This works for me if I can stay away from snacking. Snacking seems to be get more snacking.
Jonathan E.
I track my food intake using an app as I am trying to lose weight. The app is very useful once you get used to it. The trick is to check in to it often and stay honest.
Martina Q.
A great piece of advice I had was to tune into when you feel 80% full to stop eating. At first this was hard to recognize having always been an overeater, but I started to feel it and it has helped me get my eating portions down. They suggested that eventually the aim is to stop at 50% full. I also use smaller plates and bowls now and that helps.
Sean C.
I think you need to settle a pattern of how much food do you need to feel saciated, it's not the same way of feeling full but only saciated.
Rita N.
Serving size. Track food intake. Wait 30 minutes after eating meal. If still hungry, eat high protein low fat and or moderate amount of good fat food. Lastly if craving, indulge once in a while.
Rosalyn E.
When you finish everything on your plate but if you still want to add more food, then you know you are taking the extra cal and you should stop.
Magela F.
You need to give your body the time to process the food you eat. People who eat slowly are satisfies with less food than those who eat quickly and don't wait for the brain to indicate that the stomach is full
Emil W.
Try to eat without distraction (as long as you can :), focus on the food: how it smells, look, taste. While eating listen to yourself, what your stomach will tell you, enjoy what you are eating beign in the moment. Our body loves to communicate with us, we just need to learn how to listen to it, start paying attention, beign in the moment. It’s hard, I know from my own experience :))) just try for a minute or two and see how it works 🙂
Alyssia Q.
To take the guess work out of portion control, use portion containers. To eat mindfully, there are meditation exercises you could do while eating.
Henoch E.
It’s very difficult to know because sometimes I cannot stop eating. To resist the desire to eat, I record what I eat and calories of them.
Ilka T.
From my experience, it's not helpful to wait until you feel like stopping. If there's food available that isn't in a defined portion size, define the portion size! How much you need depends on several factors, including your age, height, gender and muscle mass, alongside your activity levels. There are lots of useful calorie calculators out there which can give you a target, which you can then stick to; strictly at first, and then you can be a little more flexible. I hope this helps somewhat
Marc Ntia E.
Be mindful when you eat. Before you eat think about why you are eating. Are you really nutritionally hungry or are you thirsty and eating for some emotional reason. When you are eating observe how you feel while you are eating. Think about every bite. We all eat mindlessly as we are designed that way. Cavemen had to be observant all the time so they could eat mindlessly while watching out for danger. Listen to your inner dialogue and pay attention. How have you felt in the past when you have continued to eat a quantity of food. After you eat pay attention to how you feel in the next half an hour and the next hour. Are you satisfied or still hungry or feel stuffed?
Jesse F.
I live in a developping country and we dont really compite our nutrients here. So.. yeah, i stop eating once my plate is clean.
Depends on my mood occasionally
Depends on my mood occasionally
Axel Z.
Eat slowly, listen to the signals your body is giving you. Is your stomach feeling fullness? Are you feeling like you want to take another bite-if so, take it-if not, then put your fork down for a bit and take a rest from eating to listen to your body. Trust what your body is telling you-it will tell you when it has had enough.
Jacqueline Z.
Seems like a complex question once you look at it. For me it brings up the questions.. What types of food do I hv to eat or afford to eat. How often will I be eating. How I was raised plays a part as well. Because I was raised to finish everything on my plate. That is a very good question. I never thought I would need help with knowing what to or how much to eat. But in the end I guess I would say eat till you are full and keep the rest as a snack till the next meal.
Kitty Q.
Everyone’s body is different. So you need to find what yours says. Mine begins shows me a little pressure on above my stomach and some a small sigh. That’s how I know I’ve had enough to eat.
Elias C.
Many will say "eat if you feel hungry" but with all the sugar and artificial foods around, it is really difficult to know when you are actually hungry and when you are just craving (mind hunger-it's a trickery).
The best way is to have your calories, your macronutrient analogies and your portions precalculated. Also make sure you have the proper variety of foods that cover your micronutrient & vitamin needs properly. It will take some time to educate and train yourself, but once you learn it, you will never worry about it again.
The best way is to have your calories, your macronutrient analogies and your portions precalculated. Also make sure you have the proper variety of foods that cover your micronutrient & vitamin needs properly. It will take some time to educate and train yourself, but once you learn it, you will never worry about it again.
Claire O.
My stomach should be at least 20 per cent empty after eating and some of the 80 per cent should be liquid. I should never eat to full. Eating less means living longer according to the blue zones book .
Louise P.
Well, I think I’d eat with a slower pace , you can feel that you are full without eating too much , it’s like you body will have enough time to process that you are full. I hope it helps , cause it helps me .
Jimmy A.
At home, form your hand into a fist. That is generally about the size of your stomach. Only put enough food on you plate to fit your fist.
In the US our portions are huge compared to most other countries I have been. I ask the waiter to bring a to go box when my food comes out. Then I put half my food away. Eat the rest, and if I’m still hungry then I order desert. Save the rest of the food for another meal.
Sophia O.
I just try to stop for a second and think: am I already not hungry? Is it my stomach or the brain wants to eat now? And often in this moment I realize that I don’t want to eat and my stomach are already full. So my answer is to listen to your body. It always knows what is the best for you.