Have you tried reversing your eating habits and having a ‘dinner’ type meal for breakfast?

Vonte W.
Yes, on the second day I realized it would be easy to eat breakfast before work if I prepared a portion on the dinner made the night before to eat in the morning.
Reiner M.
I actually belong to an Asian household. There are times when I eat bare minimum for the breakfast due to my scheduled lectures AND there are also times when I have my breakfast more heavier than a dinner. Eating heavy for breakfast ain't wrong until it gets digested properly. But definitely, i personally experienced few problems due to less eating in the morning (for eg. I feel very less energetic during lectures i.e. No creative thoughts cross my mind. I feel frustrated and sometimes I even face gastric problems due to it. To conclude I would say, 'yes, I have tried eating my breakfast as a dinner and it does not have had any side effects on me till date. '