Do you use any other meditation apps or websites for a bit more variety?

Adam Z.
Yes, I just downloaded "Balance" which is an app to get into meditation with or without any experience. Allows you to learn about meditations every day and guide you to morning and evening meditation.
Adam Z.
I like brain Scott (Reality Revolution) on YouTube. He takes teaching of so many different people and bouls it down in a fantastic way
Meredith N.
No. I don't use. I believe less is more and that sticking to one website like fabulous, can help save my progress and allow me to reflect upon the person I was in the past.
Adam Z.
No I don't I used to use Calm. That taught me how to meditate. Now I do meditate just without the app to guide me. It taught me what part of my body to focus on at different times.
Adam Z.
I use the app called 'fiton' which you can find it on both app store and Google Play, it has various categories of workouts, yoga and meditation! it's like an all in one app to take care of your body, hope you'll like it 🙂
Adam Z.
Ginger tea or mint tea . My favourite is green te with a spoon of honey a pinch of ginger and mint on top . A spicy a start for a healthy day ^_^
Meredith N.
I use insight timer for all my meditation needs. It’s free and they have more than guided meditations they have sounds and talks about difficult topics such as healing from trauma etc. they also have donate buttons for each meditation to give what you can to instructors.
Meredith N.
Yeah, I use another app called Intellect, it allows you to build certain skills and encourages good mental health practices