Do you prefer a physical journal or a journal app?

Courtney N.
I think I honestly prefer either depending on my mood. If I’m feeling more sophisticated, a physical journal would be nice. It’s more hands on, and you can get more creative with it. Though for a digital journaling app, it can be easier for times when I know it’s necessary, but I either don’t have time or enough energy to truly journal in a psychical journal properly.
Keyra N.
Depends, if i want important memories i write it in my physical journal. If i’m just journaling my daily thoughts i use a journal app.
Jemima N.
i actually prefer journal on my phone i mean i use the one on here and it’s just very easy and it feels more private i like it a lot!
Rebeca A.
Physical journal, because it’s like it’s own keepsake. Each journal is special for the period of time you have it in your life. Also, I get tired of staring at screens all day and it’s nice to just let the thoughts flow freely onto a piece of paper.
Elmer Q.
Physical journal. I like it because you get to spend actual time with your thoughts and you don’t just type away on a screen, increasing your screen time. You also wrote slower and remember and reflect what you wrote.
Emma Z.
I prefer a journal app rather than a physical journal because not only is it easier, but I don’t have to rely on a physical book to write in when I could type down my feelings or thoughts in the moment.
Frankie W.
I prefer a physical journal simply because of the fact that a journal app requires me unlocking my phone and spending time on it, which is something that I’m trying to reduce.
Stephanie X.
Last year, I would have choose physical journal but since I have A.D.D, it is harder to manage a physical one. Carrying a journal with you all around, feeling insecure when you leaving because people are curiou(they could open and read it) etc. I would choose physical one because actually typing down and sense of holding a pen is more satisfying for me. And i have tried a physical one. I have used it for 1 month, lol. Then never opened and write it. But, I have experiences with some journal apps. They are more accessible, secure, easy to use, quick compare to physical one. So, now, I would choose a journal app rather than a physical journal.
Erica G.
I prefer to use a physical journal because I have the time to write down my thoughts and say how I feel about certain situations.
Judith O.
Physical journal – by my bed – if I don’t put it there I sometimes forget – having it there I remember to journal every day / even if it is few lines – it’s interesting to flick it open and read from a random day and see if I am moving forward
Kind regards
Pauline O.
Physical journal, it helps ground me in the hear and now. Seeing and feeling the pen glide over the pages. Knowing the page is full where before it was empty.
Sanvi C.
Even though online ones are good, I prefer physical ones because they make it better for me to share my feelings and I feel as if I can express my feelings through writing and not typing 💬
Sylvia B.
It depends on the mood, but I like both though the journal app helps me get on track, while the physical journal doesn’t and I often forget about it.
Nika N.
Honestly, I think I prefer a journal app. I find that I can express my thoughts and feelings much faster this way, practically at the same as they come to my head. It’s also infinitely easier to go back and rewrite or remove certain parts without leaving any ugly marks or spaces. As well, the journal that the Fabulous app offers gives you a writing prompt, which encourages the flow of new ideas.
Fae N.
Backs and shoulders are always in pain. So, from what i’ve done in sports, I roll out my back. When I do this i lay flat on my back, on the floor. I then bring my knees to my chest and hold my legs with my arms, like i’m giving my legs a hug. Then I rock back and forth on my back (i did this on a yoga mat and cheerleading mat! not on hard ground!). After that i normally do downward dog. Then for my shoulders, I will grab a chair and place it in front of me. Then i’ll get on my knees, place my hands at the edge of the chair, (so that i’m on my knees and my arms are straight out with my hands on the edge), then i will take deep breaths and let gravity pull me down to my limit and repeat that.
Kasper F.
physical journal, as it helps you take time off the screen and clear your mind in your own handwriting.
life is better written in paper as u can write it ur own way – friendly stranger
Ilhan F.
Journal app if it meeta my demands of being private, ad-less, free and convienet. If it doesnt meet those requirements might as well use a physical one.
Edward P.
When it comes to reflecting or planning out my day, I prefer a journaling app called "DayOne" because I can edit the words I type. This helps me stay clear and organized. On the other hand, I use a Physical notebook when I need to doodle when I can't put a label on my emotions and I need space to scribble. What about you?
Tabita Q.
I prefer a physical journal so I can improve my writing. If I type it just doesn’t feel right. I love writing, so for that I prefer a physical journal.
Imaan F.
I mostly journal in a physical book but I do enjoy the freedom of being able to just open an app and journal wherever I am ,but physically journaling is definitely my favorite
Merve H.
I use 4 physical notebooks. One for weekly and daily plans, one for daily notes, one for journalling and one for notes I would like to take from the books I read.
Molly Y.
I prefer a physical journal, because I can remember the passion I felt by how hard I was pressing the pen/pencil. If that makes sense then great lol
Janelle P.
A physical journal. There is an emotional connect when I write that helps things pour out whereas an app doesn’t work that way.
Edgar E.
I have rarely used a physical journal in my life. Sometimes i write my thoughts down in a note app- things like lyrics i came up with or a to-do-list or just simple reflections on my life. I do have a spare notebook lying on my desk though and i will start writing my dreams down every morning. I will also use this notebook (and every next one afterwards) to sum up my day- what happend i how i felt about it etc. So yeah, basically starting a journal. It sounds lik e fun! How about you?
Nguyen C.
Journal app because im the only one who can see it,it’s easier to write because i can express my feelings and thinkings more
Tommy U.
I Think i would like more to do journal in real life so you can buy a book and buy some stickers and just write it Nicky but in the same time I don’t have a pretty hand writing so it won’t be easy for it to be pretty in the book
Rodney Z.
Uhh I personally do both because I love to read back and see how I have grown in my past days but an app gives notifications and keeps me on track so that’s my opinion but you have to chose what you want to
Glenda Q.
I prefer a journal app because I feel like it guides me more than a paper journal does. As an autistic person it is easier for me to get going when I have little prompts.
Najoua R.
I prefer a physical journal .. but an app is more practical .. it’s easier to have it everywhere and you don’t need to replace it as the space is unlimited
Calvino Q.
I am honestly evenly split. I love physical journals. I love the look and feel of them and having them to look back on. But I am generally more consistent with an app because it is always accessible to me on my phone.
Marius S.
Journal app because it reminds me to do it and if I do it in the physical journal I might forget to write or reflect in it one day
Kei N.
I prefer a physical journal. With this, i’m able to keep myself accountable on writing. Additionally, if anything happens and somehow internet or electricity is scarce, at least i have my physical journal to keep me and my thoughts company.
Hannah N.
Journal App because it feels more safe to me. To have it more personal and I can keep it longer. A journal can get destroyed vs an app I will have for a long time.
Rish E.
I prefer physical journals. Scrolling on your phone just doesn't have the same intimacy flipping through old pages. Plus its a lot more hands on.
Jalisa P.
Usually a physical journal because I love to be able to use multicolored pens and make it look creative to my own creativity vision. However, I never can find the perfect time to sit down and bring all those journal supplies out for use, so an app does make it simpler to use daily & on the go!✨👍
Angelo T.
I think it depends on the person. If it's someone who can easily stay committed to their goals then both ways can be effective. I personally prefer physical journals since it helps u & also gives u some time away from the blue screens.
Tonya N.
I prefer a physical journal. When I use one, I feel that I get more of a grounded thoughtful feeling out of using one. It forces me to take a step away from my phone and truly slow down and think. It also feels more cathartic to see the feelings and thoughts filling the page and it gives me space to feel more for some reason.
Christiana X.
for me, it depends on what i’m writing down. in my journal i like to write deep and true feelings, things i’m learning about myself. in the notes app of my phone i like to jot down experiences, dreams, drama, etc. there is less weight to it and these are more so i have them written down. i save that space in my journal, where some things are too heavy to be typed out. plus, if i decide that it was a mistake writing it out, i can delete it from my phone and not waste paper. choosing between the two is definitely a personal preference! happy journaling! 🙂
Mikkel P.
An app is an amazing way to make sure that whatever you write down, it gets saved. I like to use Reflectly, but you have to pay to continue writing and to see all quotes. With a physical journal, you can draw, write down stuff, and you can make it all your own. All in all, I think a physical journal is better that an app because for most apps, you must pay.
Josini C.
I prefer physical, but that’s just because I am a freelance writer and prefer to have a physical journal to look back on my thoughts. I also feel like it
Nicoline U.
I recomend a physical journal. That's because u can decorate it, u can reflect to it later on in the future (thats the best part of it) as well as u won't use digital device.
While journaling app is a nice pick too…..but u it's digital and u may delete the app and will never see ur writings then.
Beth U.
I like both for different things. A physical journal is good for the evening so I am not looking at a screen but the rest of the time I prefer an app because it is usually quicker so I am more likely to fill it in and you can use things like journal prompts.
Csilla E.
I am not sure which one I prefer most. both has it's advantages. For bow I wanna try and see the advantages of a digital journal app
Mirika X.
I think that both are great. Both have some benefits and flaws. While a physical journal is something I can immediately see when I wake up, app journal is also easy to use since I use my phone everyday anyways. I would like to see more personal customization options on a journal app, as well as the widget so I can put it on the first page of my phone. Physical journal is very easy to lose or forget it. If I go outside and I want to bring my journal with me, I will probably forget about it on the way out.
Dana O.
I keep a physical journal. I like having something I can grab and physically write in. I seem to connect more with myself that way.
Lyubomira A.
For me at least I don’t think so. I don’t see myself journaling by hand anymore. Everything is on my phone. I’m a sucker for a good journal and it all sounds very romantic, but I just don’t think I would do it more than 3 days
Abril P.
the two of them, it’s what i do since s bit while. i have a physical journal that i use for more personal things like: gratitude, thinks i’m excited for, mood tracker… and writing stuf. but i also use “notion”. i use it for: my to-do list, reading/podcast listened/readed, a moving tracker…
Mikkel C.
For me,it is better to use a physical journal. Nothing beats the traditional way of sharing your thoughts and plans by writing it and contemplating on it. I draw sometimes figures that will make me show my emotions. All things in between, i write them down without worrying that I might misspelled some words. My journal,my rules. Somehow, there's a personal touch when you use a physical journal.
Serafim Z.
for now, i choose journal app, because its more efficient and easy for me, since i doesn't need any other equipment to write, only my smartphone. thanks technology for bring us such an easier way to release our thought.
Emily X.
I personally use a journal app but I enjoy the occasional journaling in a physical journal. I used to only want to write in a physical journal, but for convenience I use an app, which helps me with consistency.
Thanisha O.
Personally, I think a journal app is easier to access, more fun and enjoyable and easier to keep your streak. Although, a physical journal is better overall as it doesn’t encourage the use of technology, which can have a negative impact on the user. For me, I think I would like the app comparatively as I have my phone with me always and so can access it whenever. Moreover, the motivational messages on this app are really a game changer!!! 🙂
Eleanor T.
Personally, I prefer a physical journal, because it’s more solid and I can get a grasp on my progress. It’s also good not to spend too much time on a device. I also find that it’s good to practice writing by hand, now that we spend so much time typing. It feels more refreshing and productive. However, this is just my opinion, none of these are facts, and it entirely depends on the person. Have you tried both? Which did you prefer? Why?
Lisa E.
I use to have a physical journal where I tracked my mood, sleep and habits but it was a lot of work because I had to write the whole month out before the 1st otherwise I couldn’t journal that day. So I think I like a journal app because it has the work there for me and I can open it up and write in it anytime.
Maisy S.
I havent really tried a journal app but I do like having the physical journal to write in but I think its easier to document and organise your entries digitally.
Sara E.
physical journal because it makes me feel like i’m actually getting something done rather than just using my phone to type something. it makes it more real.
Arron F.
tbh I really like both, I feel like a physical journal is better if you wanna draw stuff and you wanna get creative but at the same time a journal app is so easy because you literally have it all the time. 👍👍
Liv S.
Both are fine. With that being said I feel like I would prefer one in real life so that I could personally have it with me in my hand, but online it might be cuter (which I admire) and it might be easier to do. In conclusion I think that doing one in real life makes me feel more comfortable, which is what I am really aiming for.
Anshpreet X.
I prefer physical journal always. Everyone have their own choices. But I like physical journal because I like to use my creativity and decorate it in different ways aesthetically. But still I use journal app because of privacy reasons😅
Annette X.
I prefer to write in a physical journal, it feels more therapeutic as I am not looking at a screen and feeling like I’m wasting my time on electronics. Something about writing with a pen and paper feels old fashioned now but I encourage it, it forces me to work my brain harder as auto correct isn’t there to spell everything for me. I also enjoy writing when my handwriting turns out neatly, is pleasing to look at. It’s also much less stressful as you make less mistakes than you do typing, I find anyway. The only upside to typing is sometimes you get your thoughts out faster, and no writer’s callus!
Cl Vis T.
A physical journal; it just feels better to put a pen to the paper and carry it around everywhere instead of a journal app when it feels like texting…idk maybe I’ll try one.
Nurten C.
I think both have their advantages and disadvantages, but I like using physical journals for To-Do Lists, scribbling and quick notes, whereas I prefer journal app for trying to express my thoughts and feelings .(Emojis are usually a big help with illustrating my mood☺️)
Juri X.
I don’t really know actually. I had a period of time where i wrote in a physical journal. And I really liked that because I you write 1 oage each day, after a week you can read through everything you’ve done in the past week and it’s like a story. But I also really liked writing in a journal app, because paragraph’s text’s are such a vibe. I do think I prefer a journal app, beacause it’s easier to write in that, since I always have my phone with me. And i’m lazy sometimes so grabbing a journal wasn’t an easy job when lying in bed.
Paul Q.
I keep one in my notes app so everything is in my phone rather than trying to find a journal.. in the future I may use a physical journal but at the moment I think my notes app will do.
Michael F.
I currently use an app (Daylio) for my journal, and have for over 500 days. It’s convenient because I always have it available, but it does have major drawbacks. For instance, since I like to have multiple entries throughout the day, I want to keep my phone on me constantly, making it difficult to avoid distraction when I am trying to work. However, I do like how the app can give statistics like average mood for a given week/month, even with the free version. Also, with an app, as long as your phone has a password you don’t have to worry about people looking at your journal without your permission.
Roland T.
In my opinion better is physical journal because you can feel paper, pen, smell It it’s so physicaly. App is good too but i like feel how i doing.
Morgan Y.
I actually enjoy them both. It's different though. Using an app is new to me and I just realized that I may not be able to look back on my entries. I have had to download app with new phone and for some reason it doesn't move with me and I have to start over at the beginning. I haven't mentioned it until now. As far as writing in a journal it's a huge release and I believe more confidential. I like to look back on my entries years later and see the change or remember good times or even bad times and it's usual fantastic when I do because I realize that I survived! Some of the hardest things I have been through I felt I wouldn't make it but had been blessed with better things. Any way that is how I feel about app journals and written journals.
Naja N.
I like physical journaling. I have had a journal that I write in since middle school when a friend of mine suggested that I use it as a form of emotional relief. I have a whole drawer filled, and I quite consistently wrote 3-4 pages a day about everything. I would do a to-do list, write what I did, and details of my day. Small details, so if I get old enough to forget being young I could relive it through the pages. As my eating disorder took over, my pages were full of numbers and food related issues… the journal is really a portrait of my mental state.
Nadya P.
I actually really like a journal app… partly because I always have my phone on me and I’m always on it so it’s easier to journal when I’m reminded about it and when I can just quickly go in and type. As opposed to when I have a physical journal often I lose it I forget to write in it I am too lazy so this is perfect
Ashley S.
I like both. I keep my journal app for when I’m out and I keep a physical journal for my thoughts at the end of the day.
Rabs N.
hello! i personally prefer a physical journal. i like the feeling of grabbing a pencil and sketching on the paper. It also gives you more opportunity to personalize it with little doodles. I also enjoy looking back at my old entry’s from a couple years ago, and comparing my handwriting to how it is now. Of course both types of journals are fine. Use whatever you prefer! I find that a lot of journal apps also make you pay so it really depends if you can find a good one or not. Have a great day, and rest of your life!
Antoni N.
I would prefer a paper diary but I have little trust in people and the fear that they poke their nose into something of mine bothers me so better opt for notes 😂
Carter U.
I think I prefer a journal app because with a physical one I feel as though I have to make it pretty and perfect just like the ones on social media. I’ll end up spend more time and energy worrying about wether it is good enough and what is another theme to do then actually writing and processing my feeling through the day. With an app it all do for you and you even get reminders to do so.
Fabiana A.
Acho que prefiro na App. Acaba por ser mais fácil de poder escrever a qualquer momento. Poder apagar e voltar a escrever.
Julie F.
Definitely a paper journal. It helps me slow down and reflect vs. being just another thing on a screen. I can also, then, see a tangible result of journaling consistently. It feels like a real win to see a notebook fill up over time. But we don’t naturally have a concept of file size.
Dora Z.
It is a matter of convenience for me. I will use what I have at hand, and most of the time, that is an immaterial journal.
Claudete B.
Physical journal involves muscles which keeo memory whereas journal app is pretty good and convenient. In my opinion journal app is good for people like me who need reminders fot doing things
Anyana E.
A journal app, I already do so much fysical and I couldn’t do much more sport in a week. So it’s better for me to to just rest a little bit still be productive 🙂
Jimmy C.
The physical journal I prefer much more. There is that special feeling of touching and connection with yourself. But in a journal app I can fill more faster and dynamic than in traditional, and enjoy the reunion of truly Me.
Robin T.
I prefer a physical journal as I feel I can really express myself when I'm using a pen and paper to express my thoughts.
Hilary X.
Both because sometimes I forget to write on a physical one but if it’s an app I will remember to but I wanna improve my writing so…
Anton Z.
I prefer a physical journal due to old school teachings. I feel more free and comfort writing down my thoughts on paper. Some times i can draw pictures that express my feelings better then words.
Willie C.
Physical for the “realness” factor. It feels better to write in a physical journey but, the app has its perks too. I can just whip it out and do it whenever or I can save it for later while I’m on the tram.
Urbano F.
I prefer a physical journal, as that provides a reliable visual cue in order to always remember about making entries. Also, it’s physical presence can provide a sense of comfort or security knowing that you can always turn to it when needed. Physically writing in a journal can allow you to fully express your thoughts through the hand and the pen, and can allow you to retain those thoughts for much longer.
Engin O.
I think it’s best if you use a real journal so then you can feel really energized and not using phones so then your eyes will hurt it is best if you use a journal book or a notebook and claim it as your journal
Julia M.
I prefer a physical journal because it’s easier for me in my opinion. Journal apps are okay, but I don’t like writing my thoughts and feelings through a screen
Linda N.
A journal app is easier on the go, since we all carry our phones with us. But when you take longer (like an hour on a quiet sunday afternoon, with a cup of tea) nothing beats paper.
Larry Q.
Physical journal. Since for the Physical journal you would need to take your time off and write that would give you time to think and reflect on your thoughts
Kizzy E.
I prefer having a physical journal because I always have time to organize my things and write, think it through and all of that. But if you are a busy person I think an app as a journal might be a little bit better because it's easier and faster in my opinion. It's all up to you<3. Bye now! I love you <3
Chai N.
i like both! but as someone who takes technology breaks, and enjoying writing, i find myself preferring a physical journal. this app helps me with prompts for my physical journal, as well as a way to journal subtly and in public any time i need to.
Savannah F.
I think a physical journal is better because you can actually Experience writing with your own hands which becomes more permanent
Benjamin O.
I prefer a physical journal. Something about writing with a real pen and paper makes it feel extra special. Happy journaling!
Darvin C.
Try both. I use a real one and one on my iPad as well as one for school. I travel next month and am going to buy a single one for my trip. Do what you feel encourages you to write.
Elizabeth Y.
A physical journal makes the reflecting feel more personal and concrete than journaling on my phone. And it helps me have less time staring at a screen.
Ma L C.
A journal app because we have most use of mobile laptop and so many gadgets and therefore if there is a app than it will remind you through notifications which is best
Nicky J.
Both but I’m liking my journal app better. It has random prompts for me everyday which make it interesting . I also journal in my personal notes app and lock my diary entries.
Megritte N.
Physical journal. The act of writing in paper is much stronger for me and also gives me space to sketch in case I want to work with an idea graphically as well. Plus, there’s something incredibly powerful about seeing a shelf full of beautiful volumes capturing moments of your life.
Elly N.
A physical journal is preferable when I have time and am calm, but other times an online one is better when I don’t have my journal or am afraid I’ll forget. It’s quicker too. So probably online; just protect it! (Tip; for times when I feel emotionally charged, I sum up everything in a poem. Less time, less words.)
Jeny F.
I think a journal app might be a little better because no one can peak. And its personally refreshing you can read it again and fix mistakes or i can just read and see how my journey started from.
No Lie Y.
I like both. Because a physical journal will make me be more creative in my writing, while the journal app will help me be more inspired and motivated because of the different features of the app.
Weird G.
I prefer the jurnal app that i can write as much as i can in an endless jurnal without suffering from a messy physical desk .. also non of my jurnals will be lost and i will be always able to find my oldest jurnals whenever i like ..
Nini N.
I think I prefer a physical journal, mostly because I love writing and also I’m hardly on my phone. A physical journal will help me be on track.
Ck N.
Because it is on my phone it is easy to access I do prefer a physical one though because I feel like I’m talking to myself more and it is engraved in a paper take that as you wish
Silje W.
Sinceramente prefiro as duas. Uma agenda em papel permite me escrever, riscar e pensar nas palavras, papel e cabeça à moda antiga. A agenda em app é diferente pois da para configurar alarmes e lembretes, assim recebo alertas ao longo do dia do que tenho para fazer.
Nicoline U.
Definitely an actual journal to write in! I have a 5 year one line a day journal. Nice and simple and also nice to reflect back on other years!
Jesse V.
I do have a physical journal and I believe it’s better than a journal app, reason being you are actually writing what is in your mind besides tapping a device instead! More therapeutic to write with a pencil an paper
Charly O.
I prefer journal app when it reminds me to write and cheers me up to get on track and be better for myself, although I really enjoy writing in physical journals but it’s not the same progress.
Frieder J.
Sinceramente non saprei. Ho sempre usato diari cartacei e grazie all’app Fabulous mi sto avvicinando al mondo digitale. Credo sia molto comodo avere traccia della tua routine sul telefono dal momento che lo abbiamo sempre dietro, diversamente da un quaderno che è più facile da dimenticare. Continuerò a utilizzare il diario cartaceo e, contemporaneamente, userò Fabulous per aiutarmi a migliorarmi!
Patricia A.
I've tried both but writing it down helps me understand my emotions a lot more than typing it. Maybe it's the feel of the paper as I write and how my thoughts become physically manifested on paper! Digital ones are practical though; easier to search through the entries, too 🙂
Tomekia Z.
Too be honest both I love journaling both ways because even though it’s good that you can take your notes with you every where inside your phone but it’s always good to write everything down so that you can read and write down what’s most important because I have heard and it’s true “anything could happen to one but if you have a back up it’s easier to always the best security ever” so journal and keep plenty you could never say enough in a journal and it’s always a good timeline for your life! I hope this helps someone 🙌🏽 It’s great writing practice for those who doesn’t like their handwriting lol
Malle B.
I prefer a physical journal, because I like the feeling of my pen on the paper. I also feel like it’s easier to write all of my feelings down instead of typing it all on my phone. I feel like I can be more honest with myself when I write things down. It’s also fun to read back what you’ve written a year ago. That’s way more fun to do when it’s in writing instead of in an app on your phone.
Erico Z.
Journal app only because its easier and faster to type then write, but i think writing would be better for your own health and mind and to have it physically on paper and such would be so much different
Dustin Z.
Honestly a physical journal would be better in my opinion but i think for right now im still building the habit of writing everyday so i like the online journal on this app, also i dont feel restricted by pages and not wanting yo write more bc i dont want to take up more space on another page yk
Meghan Q.
I like a physical journal because I like using different colors, sizes, see my own handwriting, and I’m very kinesthetic.
Dalia G.
I prefer a physical journal just based on the fact that I can keep it with me at all times. I can look back at it at anytime and not have to worry about device changes and what not. The only disadvantage of physically journaling is that I type faster than I write. I tend to use a mood tracker app more so than a journal app since I journal what I think about and see etc.
Ericka E.
By reminding yourself daily. I was often annoyed by what is your purpose question because I thought it was dumb but now I see how asking yourself that question daily helps to focus you on doing things that fulfill your purpose. So now I geni
Alana O.
I feel like journaling on my phone always allowed for too many outside distractions – oh I'll just check Instagram right quick, or oh let me text this person back really fast. There's also usually a more limited layout. Having to choose from a set of feelings then add a couple sentences can restrict you talking about what you want in depth. And then lastly in my experience journal apps frequently have writing prompts but I feel like that should be separate from what we consider as journaling.
Maryam Z.
I’ve been journaling since i was a teen and i’ve used both physical and journal app but I personally prefer the physical one because writing down works for me as a form of meditation and the journal i use somehow represents itself as my personal safe zone. Though using apps is a very green choice.
Maria Z.
Mostly a physical one. Same with books. Something about physically writing the words makes it stick more in a way. I feel more connected. Although sometimes my brain goes faster than I write, so writing it through text can help with that. Ultimately, I go between the two. But mostly physical. I also like having a physical copy of my writing, I get weirdly paranoid that digital things will disappear. And I have so much digital clutter. It’s easier to look back at the physical. And I like to see my handwriting
Lina E.
Well prior to this app I’ve only ever used journaling by hand. I recently moved to Maui and target/Walmart are on the other side of the island, I tend to look for notebooks that are aesthetically pleasing so that I use them for everything, anyways the stores a little too far for me at the moment. So I decided to try the app. It’s actually helped a tremendous amount, I like that it send me reminders, and when I’m doing my daily habits it sets music for me. I love it! It’s only been the second day but I love that it’s always accesible to me. I feel like if I had my journal I’d always have it in my bag and forget to take it out. The app has turned out so great for me!
Gilbert Z.
i like journal apps because it makes tracking habits like sleep and water intake less tedious. also you get notifications to remind you and can connect with others on the same app
Wilfried O.
I like a physical journal. I love the texture of different paper as well as pens and pencils. I can write a lot faster than I can type.
Vicki P.
I like to write rather than type as I feel more connected when I use a pen. I used to use a physical journal but now I use a journal app that lets me write with the stylus and then coverts this to typed text.
Crispiana C.
A physical journal makes me feel more connected and generally I think writing is more insightful than typing, but a journal app is probably more practical and direct and when having less time will make it easier to be consistent
Shelly Z.
I use a pretty physical journal because I enjoy the feeling of writing and it encourages me to do more. Apps and all that typing discourage me
Shane C.
I personally prefer a physical one as when I write down something I feel accomplished and more motivated than typing it on a app.
Plus it decrease screen time which adds to the benefits.
Angel U.
I actually prefer a physical journal. There’s just something about writing your notes down in your own writing that makes it authentic and personal.
Raicca Z.
Eu prefiro um journal físico, me organizo melhor e sinto que tudo fica em ordem. Também me parece que as coisas tem mais facilidade de acontecer, como se fosse alguma magia do universo que tornasse aquelas palavras reais. E sempre que faço algo fora do celular, eu me sinto mais produtiva e desconectada da internet, tendo um tempo só pra mim.
Emily P.
I use a digital journal for gratitude, but I prefer a physical journal. There's just something about physically writing that feels cathartic to me and I personally get more from it. I retain information better and any realizations I have seem more profound to me.
Gesine U.
I would rather do a physical job. Because it would be more exciting. I would like to study marine biology when I am older.
Daryl S.
I prefer a physical journal over a digital journal. As I typically forget a digital one exists. It mainly depends on the person who has the journal.
Rachel E.
I’m not too sure to be honest, probably a physical one because it would be more helpful with getting my feelings out properly. However, I always forget to write in it as I am busy with other things. A reminder on an app is helpful when letting me know that it is time to do something such as journalling. Even if the reminder isn’t for journalling but for something else the reminder is still helpful in putting my mind into that mode.
Alina F.
Physical, because on paper it is guaranteed to be kept and I prefer writing more than typing. It is like more healing and more artistic in a way. When typing you don’t add your own style like you do when you write with your own hand to leave a print.
Sam Z.
i prefer a physical journal because it makes me feel more connected to what i’m writing even though it takes way more time
Alex E.
Honestly it depends, sometimes I really like a physical journal but I just wrote faster and can write more when it is digital so I don’t know actually
Pedro U.
Honestly, I love both. I don’t really care where the journal is as long as I have one. Sometimes it is better to have a physical journal though, so you can really feel connected to your thoughts.
Julia C.
Physical journal because it forces me to slow down, but also gives me more creative freedom to doodle or stuff. Although sometimes I find that I don’t always have the most energy to do it and find myself avoiding it. But overall it is still a better experience for me to write in a physical journal
Susie J.
A physical journal, I like being able to turn a page and leave thoughts physically behind also the time and intimacy of physically writing gives me more thinking time
Hana F.
A physical journal is better because i can touch it and i prefer touching the papers more than reading something from the phone
Ross T.
i journal in the evening, after i have the day impressed in my mind for sure
so i find more comfortable a journal app, but only because the app i use (daylio) is REALLY good.
When i tried other apps, i found myself using a physical journal again.
It’s better for me using a journal app because i can stick photos as well and i can track days better (having always my phone with me)
Lily Y.
Either works fine. A good app is EMMO, but I suggest using a real journal. Using an app right before you sleep can lead to many difficulties. Please don't use your phone an hour before you go to sleep, trust me, I can ensure that it works. I hope this helped!
Victoria W.
I always thought I preferred a physical journal and I think part of me will always lean towards that option, just as I prefer books to ebooks. There is definitely something to be said though for ease of use and convenience to using apps for things. I’m learning to love reading on my phone through the kindle app recently and I think the same could happen with a journaling app eventually.
Curtis U.
I think a peraon journal is better because you can feel out every word and be able to write down your thought as you see them. However, a digital one is also good for short notes along the day as sometimes it is hard to take out a pen and paper while out and about. I believe both are good options and equally as effective. Wether you are spilling your thought out on paper or onto a screen they are gettibg out and isnt that the whole point?
Annera Z.
I prefer a physical journal. It’s just something about writing or better yet poring your heart out on paper that makes the journaling and healing process better
Rae O.
If you want a long answer, then journaling in a physical journal is more likely to get that from me than an application. I spent too much time on my phone as it is, it’s nice to connect with pen and paper rather than typing on a screen.
Sam C.
I’ve always been drawn more toward writing but hands. It’s easier and more ‘automatic’ for me, I worry less about spelling and grammar mistakes and focus on the message or story.
Joe U.
I think it depends on what I’m trying to journal. When it’s a lot of thoughts running through my mind, I prefer typing. But when I’m having a quiet moment where I have more time, I prefer writing in a physical journal.
Anna Z.
I prefer physical journaling. Although journal apps can be helpful too, physical journaling allows me to be more focused on what I’m writing. Using a journal app can allow more distractions because of the other apps on your device. Also when writing it down, it take longer than typing so it forces you to think more about how your feeling.
Michail C.
Both for different reasons. I rather filling out a physical journal however I will forget so A journal app is better for me because it will remind me
Sue N.
I prefer a physical journal because I write in it but I also glue things into it and take it with me to remote places where the app won't work.
Fabi O P.
I prefer physical journals. As much as an app is more available, the relaxation of writing down what’s on your mind directly onto paper is a new meaning of satisfying in my opinion. It’s always nice to distract yourself from the world with a single pen and a sheet of paper.
Lilla M.
Both! Both have different vibes: digitalis ones are more convenient and easier to make notes in esp quickly , but paper ones are aesthetic and can be nicely decorated with stickers and random doodles.
B N.
I’m not sure. I use to write in a journal when I was younger and I as I got older I had drifted away from it. I’ve tried to go back but I haven’t. I’ve skipped days or forgot all together. I’ve been using the app – it seems to help but even then they’re short answers I’ve given. Possibly because I get distracted.
Monika X.
Physical, you write slower, longer and can think more. Also I like the texture of paper, drawing and using many colours!
Haizal F.
A physical journal is 10x better coz i usually get off of my phone an hour before bed writing out all the unecessary thoughts , disconnecting and letting go of them . It's really helpful
Sigmund U.
i prefer both because i feel like writing in a physical journal most times but other times i’ll feel like writing in a journal app
Johan X.
So growing up and in high school I preferred a physical journal but I really love this app and breeze it helps me so much and it’s such a relief at the end of my day being able to reflect on my day and my week each day and week I love it !
Axelle A.
I prefer physical journal because it give me time away from my phone or tablet and give me time just declutter my mind without any distractions.
Osmar C.
I prefer a physical one, because I feel freer when I writing the letters with my hands, but I've found that the digital one is waaay more pratical. Also, as long as I don't have a prompted journal, it's easier to look for one online and answer to it than having to switch mediums
Olivia T.
personally i prefer a physical journal, i feel more in control of what i’m writing, it feels more personal to me and i’m more likely to follow through with writing in it if it’s a physical journal
Viry E.
I prefer a physical journal. I like doodling and coloring and I find that doing it traditionally is satisfying and and hearing myself write is soothing sometimes.
Peyton X.
Physical, I like seeing progress and the feeling of satisfaction I get with another page filled, slowly getting closer to finishing it. Pretty journals also give me the motivation to continue writing. Lastly I like writing in the evenings and a physical journey doesn't do that whole breaking melotoni apart with blue light stuff. Oh and I'm always afraid of accidentally deleting documents and that's not an issue with a ohisical one
Folkert G.
Both – a physical journal are good too look back on from the past to the future showing you what you’ve achieved or what you wanted to achieve in the past and may have forgotten about whereas an app can send you notes or alarms for the things you need to do for that day.
Lauryn T.
I know many people will say physical journal- because of the writing experience etc etc, but there’s actually more to it.

Physical: hand written, can be decorated with a lot of things
Digital: cheap, unlimited pages, prompts, interface, small, synced between devices

I would say physical though, I *wAnt* to start a physical journal, but digital is definitely easier to get and considering I don’t have any physical journals, it’s my best bet!

Eva O.
Both! I think a journal app is good for reminders etc, but a physical journal is great for writing, setting intention and to-do lists.
Thea C.
I prefer the app journal because the physical journal use paper and the paper is made from the trees and we should cut the trees to made the paper so I prefer the app journal for the environment and the humanity.
Lebogang X.
I prefer a physical journal because it just feels close to home and I enjoy writing down how I feel as compared to typing it out
Ben S.
I like journal apps because I’m sometimes not a big fan of my writing and I can easily type, delete, or fix on a journal app.
Ivan Y.
I don’t really use a journal. I write in the journal here in this app and reflect on the quotes and then I use a physical journal to write down what I’m grateful for
Herman E.
A physical one, it always gives u more space to create and use ur imagination. I think I like feeling the pages under my hand while I write makes it more real, more personal, more me!
Jon G.
I prefer a physical journal because I can store the info that I’m writing and it makes more fun to journal then an journal app because notifications and messages can distract me while journaling so yeah physical journaling is the best for me even if it’s got it’s own upside downs, but physical journaling works best for me😁😁.
Arquimedes I.
I like physical journals I can go back and look at them and collect them but sometimes I like digital because it’s on the phone so u don’t need to keep buying books
Arnold Y.
Personally I don't read it a lot but I prefer a physical one cause I already stay on the internet a lot for school and it hurt my eyes On the other side of the coin the journal app produce less pollution
Daisy S.
I like both when I’m in my morning routine it asks me what I’m eating for breakfast or what I’m grateful for and I love that but I also love being creative and making one myself
Alice N.
Physical journal as it is a memory for life you can take it anywhere and online it could easily erase a book I find is bettet
Shada G.
A physical journal! There’s something very special about being able to hold something tangible containing your own words. And since so many other tasks are combined into a phone, a journal can feel less special when it is just an app. Being able to see your thoughts in your own handwriting also reinforces wanting to write in a physical journal! 🙂
Lucille Z.
I prefer a physical journal over a digits one. The sense of nostalgia that a physical journal gives is much more as compared to a digital one. For me, anything physical as opposed to digital, be it books, journal, magazine, it feels more personal.
Oliv Rio I.
For me a physical journal is more impactful. Something about pen on paper really works for me. Also, a journal that’s strategically placed such that you can’t forget/avoid it, is different from an app that’s out of sight and can easily be forgotten if you don’t take action immediately after seeing the reminder notification, or if you happen to be away from your phone and miss it.
Catarina S.
Nowadays i’ve been using a journal app because it’s more easy.
I am a little lazy and the phone is always with me and at hand.
So this way I ashore that I write everyday or almost everyday.
Honestly I still prefere a physical one! It somehow feels more personal I think. There’s something diferent about writing yourself and seeing you handwriting with your own words and feelings.
Jonas R.
Right now I do use a physical one but if there is a simply app I would rather use this, because it is then easier to look back out search.
Fatima F.
I love writing in a physical journal but sometimes it's a lot of work and I don't want miss out journalling that day and since phones are always there I prefer using journal apps on those days.
Allison E.
A journal app is preferable so that I can do it in dim lighting and it is not an additional object. I would try a physical journal too.
Danielle J.
Both. I am not a great writer in a physical journal or an app. But it is nice to have paper always at hand when I want to write
Isle Z.
I prefer both. A journal app is nice to have on the go but sometimes taking your time to make a pretty journal is relaxing upon itself.
Claire M.
Honestly, I prefer physical. It just feels so satisfying to sit in bed and write out everything that’s been on my mind throughout the day. I can look back and see what my mood was based on my handwriting (sloppy=anxious, neat=relaxed) and it feels so amazing to fill up a journal. Either one does the trick, but personally I will always go for physical.
Jacob Y.
I prefer a physical journal. On an app you will be more on screen and it’s harder to type. A physical journal you can keep forever to look back on and it gives you time off screen. On a app it’s harder to keep all of your journaling saved to look back on too.
Lucy S.
I believe that physical journal is more personal and real, it is easier to connect with it. I also enjoy physical paper books, than electronic version, so that lead me to think that I would prefer physical one.

On the other hand, journal app is always with me, and it is very easy to reach and write there from almost any place.

In the end, I try to combinate it and use both types of journal.📖

Нигина Алимаровна N.
I’m more into journal app, bc I can record the most significant insights, feelings and ideas whenever and wherever i want
Mikkel W.
An app journal, physical journal will increase the chances of it being searched through. I don’t need anybody reading that
Dominic I.
I have used a physical journal my whole life so I am open to have prompts digitally but I would perfer to write my answer in a journal
Hugh C.
I prefer a journal app for an easy access everytime I need it. The fact, it will be more easier to note thoughts on the go that wait the right time to put it down. Thank you for the question
Florent P.
I prefer a app for journaling. It’s easier because it’s always right in your hand. Yes, a physical journal feels more concrete in a way, but we are all here because we have trouble getting motivated, and creating routine. So in this regard a physical journal will be more likely to actually get used.
Jahzea Q.
I prefer a physical journal .. but a journal app is just as useful where I don’t have to carry my journal. And not all the time I can pull it out. An app is more combiner for me.
Diana U.
I prefer a journal app because it will be accessible at all times during the day. It will be helpful because I can do it at the time I remember to do it. It is more for a convenient sake.
Felismino S.
A journal app is better because you don't risk someone reading it and the security is high . Also, you can back up to your Google account so you don't lose your notes , and finally a physical journals pages will end but in the app you can write everything without worrying about that, you can also add emojis .
Tadeu E.
i prefer a physical journal because i love to write with a pencil on paper and it can be neat or messy or i can really just do whatever and be more creative it’s also more relaxing because i’m not on my phone which is good for you and i can just disconnect with a pretty notebook and get lost
Osaj O.
I have both. There are times when I feel that the act of putting pen or pencil to paper is cathartic and allows me to release in a different way. Other times I love and enjoy the organization and simplicity of putting my thoughts into my digital journal that is secured with a password that only I know. Both are very valid and valuable.
Iwona F.
I prefer a physical one. Just something about putting pen on paper. Random doodles. Crossing things out instead of permanently deleting them. It's a better representation of me and my thought then an online on for me.
Gottlob F.
I would definitely go for a physical journey, I have to use my body, it’s healthier and better to keep moving, not just sitting and being lazy and looking at apps!
Lauren Q.
A physical one to immerse myself in the act. The digital journals however are more accessible and convenient. It depends on the structure you already have and your needs at the time…
Maya T.
I prefer to physically journal instead of a journal app I never tried it so it might be good or better but I’m not sure I want prefer physical journaling so I don’t have to go on my phone but what works for so.Good luck 😉
Paola Z.
I prefer a physical journal because I can create it, I can do it following my ideas and it could be more personal in this way. Also I feel good touching with my hand a paper book or notebook, it feels concrete. On the other hand, in my opinion, with a journal app you have more options and different ideas that you don’t own originally. Plus you save time.
Mirith U.
I like journaling both ways – theres just something about getting to write in a physical journal, but that said i think a journal app is more effective because you can take it everywhere with you and don't have to worry about forgetting a pen or whatever
Artemis C.
I very much prefer a physical journal. I connect more with what I’m writing and take the time to really think it over. It’s a lot more personal that way n.n
Lucas W.
it depends. i prefer having a mix of the two, but if i had to choose then a journal app. this is because i’m always on my phone and have a few apps for journaling. although physical journal gives me the ability to be creative, the already organized apps are way more useful and less time consuming for me 🙂
Gabrielle I.
Yes I think it’s helpful to unwind and unplug at night. I need to feel like a human being again. I would rather write in a physical journal, the feeling of a pen in your hand, reflecting and the feeling of writing feels so nostalgic- since we use technology more now than ever. I enjoy writing and the turning the physical pages. I feel happier when I’m writing.
Steve F.
Physical journal. It's more private and we need to practice our handwriting from time to time. It's nice having a notebook waiting for you to write in.
Karina U.
I like them both I think that and app journal is better because it gives you topics to write about and things rgat make you think a lot but also a physical journal can be good just to write down thoughts or anything in your head.
Maire W.
I make my own sourdough bread which I will often toast and have with light cottage cheese and a slice of tomato. Am also a big fan of scrambled eggs. Instead of rushing for breakfast, I wake up earlier to make sure my kid eats a good meal before going to school.
Natashia F.
I perfer to write in a physical journey. For me there’s a grounding element that connects me to something magical and the words being to float off the paper as if the words themselves have came to life! However writing in an app has its benefits as well especially when I’m on the go and I need to get the thoughts on to something quick . Hope this helps!
Nikki T.
I think I prefer a physical journal yet I have 100 of them and never use them. It’s easier for me to have an app. So thinking about it the app is what I use most therefore what I prefer.
Mary F.
I prefer journal app because we carry devices with us most of the time instead of a physical journal. I used to use a physical journal in a short amount of time and then just forget about it.
Rigo X.
I prefer to have a physical journal. I like how it feels to write down in a physical journal and having somewhere specific where I do my writing. I like the aesthetic of writing in a physical journal and being able to look at it whenever. I like a digital journal on an app because I always have my phone with me and will not forget it. I can write in an app anytime.
Nino E.
physical journal; it’s easier to write in and i can add diagrams and drawings. it’s also easier to express my feelings with a physical journal
Josh J.
I prefer an app on the pc but that's just because I prefer typing on a physical keyboard. It's down to preference really.
Hon Ria Z.
I personally prefer a physical journal; not only because of your unique handwriting and the feel of it, but also the smell of a book and the choice to make it the way you want. I am doing my journal in vintage style; old paper, dried flowers, and cursive calligraphy with artworks of angels and poems. It really gives you the space to fully express yourself. But again, if you're in a rush, app journal works too- both do!
Aphiwe Z.
I would of said a physical journal because i don’t spend a lot of time on my phone but now that i tried a journaling on a app, it’s much better.
Seircha E.
Well that all depends. I usually love writing in physical journals but I don’t have a journal to right in right now, but I have used journal apps, it’s just not the same as a good old pen and paper, so I guess I’m not very biased against either kind really
Stephanie P.
I prefer a physical journal but I never really have the time so writing on my phone is equally effective. Its the same thing just a different style of accomplishing it. I can just rant and be free to say anything that comes to mind.
Sam Y.
I don't mind either to tell the truth. I like to physically write but I also hate it at the same time. I struggle to think of anything to add in a journal whether I have to physically write or not.
Kristin U.
Well in this case I live both because physical Journaling you don't have a word limits and plus you can prefect your handwriting and make it joyful. App journal I like it because it gives me motivation to do a few stuff around and it makes me feel a bit fancy and organized
Xeniya N.
I prefer a physical journal because I have different notebooks where I can concentrate in several directions and notice development, I may decorate it, draw and use imagination when I reflect 🌸
Maya Q.
i like using both. the physical journal is more fun because i love the feeling of writing stuff down, but a journal app is easier and more effective
Marty Q.
I prefer a physical journal because I have more time to think what I want to write. And because I can draw things in it. And I can underline things or make them somehow different. It feels more "personal" than using an app. But it takes more effort to write than in apps.
Kate F.
I personally use both, but for different situations. I use the journal app to help me reflect every day because I always have my phone on me so if I have free time throughout the day, I can take the time to write about my day in my journal. I only write in my physical journal when I have something that makes me so happy or sad that I feel I need to spill my emotions into the journal. Plus, I like to look back on these. My physical journal entries are usually longer than my journal app entries. If I’m writing in my physical journal, my hand does usually end up hurting from writing so much.
Brii N.
A journal app is quicker and you can write soon as you think of something. A physical journal is also good cause you can feel what your writing and you mind just goes full speed. I say have both.
Katie W.
I have never tried to keep a true journal, physical or an app. I think I would prefer a physical journal because I do enjoy writing.
Aleena F.
Journal app, because if I have a physical one my parents—or anybody could find it. I need a private journal, and I only have privacy on my phone.
Raechel F.
I like both physical and app journals. Both are great and for me it helps me keep track of my day to day emotions and helps me regulate them as I am thinking more about why they are happening which helps me to process them
Laura E.
I'd prefer a physical one but I always give up quickly as it looks messy or I get sidetracked and forget to write in it. Using the journal on here is good as it asks me questions and it's on my phone so I can just full it in quickly.
Aiden J.
I prefer a physical journal, specifically a bullet journal. It allows me to physically write down and read aloud what I’m journaling about as well as give me time to think of how i will answer. A physical journal gives me the full effect of journaling.
Jude N.
I prefer both to be honest. I enjoy the journal prompts and the fact that I can edit what I type in Fabulous. But I also really enjoy my physical journal that I have as it allows me to write and be really grateful and look for the good in everyday. I use the “favorite moment a day journal”.
Ann N.
I relate that a physical one us very goody because every time that’s you get to write down feel safe very soothing but at the same time I prefer an app journal because it’s easier and faster
Shreya T.
I actually use both as with a journal app i can quickly jot down how i feel and take just one minute to pause and reflect whenever i am. I like journal apps also as they track my mood and i can see how my mood is changing on a graph. I would recommend the journal app daylio or reflectly. I however also use physical journals as the action of taking the book and pen out and sitting down grounds me in the present moment and helps me connect with my mind more than simply going on my phone.
Lily Z.
In an ideal world I would prefer a physical journal as technology can not always be transferred across devices and could be lost along a lifetime however I would be less likely to write in a physical journal and it would require finding a space to quiet space to write when I have time to whereas with a journal app I can do it on the go.
Victor P.
I prefer a physical journal because theres something about being able to “hold “ your thoughts in your hands and writing it out thats more sentimental and real. Maybe because technology is all about short attention spans and constant change of trends and stuff.
Lia Z.
i prefer a physical journal. i tried some apps but they didn’t really work for me and now i’m using a physical one. i like the actions of getting out my pencils and stuff to journal rather than just clicking open an app.
Fafa N.
At first, I prefer physical journal rather than journal app because it feels so good to write with a pen, add or draw some pictures but then I realize It's easier to write journal in a journal app because I bring my phone everywhere. Maybe in some nights, I'm still outside, not going home and don't bring my journal bit my journal app, which iny phone , are always with me. So, for the sake of practicality and continuity to build a good routines and habits, I choose writing in journal app
Sofia O.
Oh, thanks for This question!
It's a very good question, because I was also always thinking about, "why do I prefer the physical one?"
Now I know. I don't really like the screen style, I mean this typing, swiping… I like to touch the paper pages, turn to the next one, that makes me more relaxed ✌🏻
Linda Q.
I don't write a journal, I haven't since I was very young. I think an app would be easier to use and maybe keep me more consistant with it, since I almost always have my phone in my hands, and I could also use it when I have spare time outside my house (on the bus, work etc.)
Benjamin Z.
I like to write down things. I think it will have more impact. I like physical journal more but apps are great too you can use them anywhere.
Neurani Q.
I am used to writing in a physical journal and i like it because it feels more personal i guess but i would like to try out a journal app.
Lillyanna P.
I prefer a journal on here I dont know why I dont really trust it though because a physical one someone can steal and a app it can be haked and I dont need my secrenmts out like that.
Greeta O.
Sometimes you need to have a physical journal that would bring the satisfactory of having connection with the nature, you know what I mean, like paper is from trees yeah, so they give you a sense of feeling that you are worthy in this Earth and that you are obliged to take care of it too. Apps make us consistent yes, they have reminders and all that but personally I would suggest at least one journal, just a small one.
Sol Ne E.
I have tried both and a physical journal is best for me. The physical act of writing lends itself to discovery and catharsis. That’s just my preference:)
Vernon W.
I prefer a journal app as I type faster than I write and I would love to note down all that goes down in my head. My head is constantly filled with so much that it's better if I just type it out quickly, before I forget.
Kelly S.
I prefer a physical journal because it feels more personal and I can be as creative with it as I want. It’s also very soothing to write with a pencil on paper.
Di O.
I rather the journal app, it is easier to access at all places as my cellphone is always with me 😜 and this app lowers the light 💡 when working on my journal during the evening, so that’s great!
Sonia P.
I prefer a physical journal. For one, I'm a person who loves to write- lists, notes, you name it! Secondly, I prefer physical because it is easily accessible as well as more personal.
The E.
Hello! …… May the peace of The Creator be upon you. I prefer a physical journal. I must say I’m old school and in my opinion a physical journal will always outweigh an e-journal. It’s just something about physically writing vs typing. The new technology makes it easy for us to stray away from physicality. Now in days we spend more time on our phones than we do physically enjoying other human beings. I choose to stay grounded with physical journals and books to keep my reading and writing skills tight. If the circumstances calls for an e-journal, maybe on a plane or road trip, yes, an e-journal will be most helpful, but I will always prefer a physical journal. Thanks for asking, and don’t have a good day, have a GREAT DAY! 🙂
Maira W.
I prefer a journal aap because it's very easy to type and just save it that's it you don't have to struggle to get a book and pen right beside you to write your journal… I can say that when you are having everything in phone and you are working most of your things from phone than why don't you try this too ….
It will save your time.
But as every thing has some prons and cons this too have …. And they are …
You won't have them all next to you like when you sit ideally and you would like to read anything then surely you will like to read it from some book rather than your phone …and also if you write journal in your dairy entry then you may have nice handwriting practice and it will be saved in that book but if you are really a very busy person then i would suggest you to write your journal in aap rather than in a book 📚!!!
Mahsa U.
I prefer a physical journal more than a journaling app because you can customise it in any way you want and you can write about your day/ feelings more comfortably. I think that you can express yourself more in a physical journal and may be more productive using it. However, I also think that a journaling app like Fabulous is a great way to connect with others and get more motivation doing what you want to do. There may be better opportunities in a journaling app because it has suggestions of how you can stay productive and asks you questions about your day/ how you feel, but to me, I like expressing myself using a physical journal and make it into something I love. Perhaps it’s different to other people, some may prefer a physical journal or a journal app based on what they think may help them succeed in their goals.
Edeltraut O.
I prefer a physical journal because it allows me to see the mistakes as I go. It’s more personal for me. It allows me to be myself without the judgement of the internet or the apps that own the material you place on their site cause you didn’t read the terms and conditions. I prefer to feel the pen mark up the paper. Or having to scribble on the paper to get the pen to work! Minor inconveniences that I miss now with all this convenience. or those blackout words that you got so caught up on the back of the paper has ink on it in the same spot.
Isidoro N.
I honestly prefer a physical journal because it helps me not focus on my phone and just lets me write down everything that’s been going on in my head without social media distracting me
Pierre Z.
App definitely more accessible easier to just keep going back to and putting all ur thoughts down almost feels like ur typing it to someone feels more secret and secure often I get too caught up in how the journal looks or my writing
Friedericke X.
a physical journal. i tend to journal before i sleep and try to keep screens away from me so taking the time to look at something that isn't my phone helps me get to sleep.
Mia X.
i prefer a physical journal. if there is a day where you aren’t able to access your phone for some reason, you won’t be able to journal and continue your routine. i also find it comforting to put the pen to paper and let it all flow. there is something nice about doing it the “old fashion way”.
Madison T.
I think I prefer a physical journal because it’s more traditional to me and it takes more effort so in my mind it means more.
Margarita X.
I prefer a physical journal. While it may cramp your hand after a few minutes, getting the words of your day out on paper, using your energy…just makes me feel like all the emotion of the day has been erased. Rather than just typing away on your phone like you can do all day. Plus it lessens the screen time and gives your eyes a rest from staring at a screen.
Marjorie C.
I don’t know, my experience with journaling is not clear yet I feel like I don’t know how to contribute my thoughts and I feel overwhelmed, and maybe that’s because I don’t know how to express my emotions and speak my mind.
T Cio P.
i honestly prefer both! with a physical journal, i feel more relieved and more organized since i have all my thoughts and things in a notebook!
with a journal app, it kinda helps more on keeping things in place and sometimes gives you different things to jot down!
Gustav Z.
I honestly believe a physical journal would be better, but if you don’t want someone to find it, a journal app is definetly better
Madison O.
I prefer a physical journal because I feel like when I write verses when I’m typing I can really like focus on me without distracts like other apps or notifications or anything like that and I can keep my journal to myself like with a lock.
Louis F.
I prefer physical journals to apps. I’ve tried several apps and none of them stuck. There’s something to writing out the words, seeing your penmanship improve as you relearn that skill. For a journal it’s a whole lot about getting it out, reflecting on the day, feeling grateful and engaged in the moment. This is exercise.
I take notes on things in apps that I will later want and be able to search. That is where apps shine.
Galiano P.
I have both. And I use both regularly not preferring one to the other. Everyone is different. One may be more convenient then the other for some. And others may prefer a certain way of journaling. For me, writing is my life. Maybe that's why I had such a hard time with routine. Instead of actually doing anything, I wrote about it and how or why I couldn't or wouldn't. Not to say writing is counter productive…It definitely isn't. It's just a matter of what you are writing and how been you use what you are writing in your everyday life …Not which method of writing you use. That is the most simple answer…Use whatever method feels best to you and whichever is most likely to help you to channel it into action.
Aleksandra N.
i like journal app because i have access to it any time. although it doesn’t provide adding some doodles/drawings as paper journal does
Lorraine Z.
I prefer a physical journal. There’s just something about putting pen to paper. We live is such a digitalised world that almost everything we once enjoyed is becoming this online version supposedly to make life easier but weren’t these things fine just the way they were? So yes writing it down just feels more cathartic and whimsical.. like you’re the main character in an early 2000s movie.
Ol Via Q.
I’ve tried journal apps, but it isn’t the same cause you’re still looking at a screen the whole time. A physical journal is a lot better in my opinion because one, you’re not looking at a screen and two, it’s better for your hand muscles and so then one day you can see your handwriting get better and better.
Eitel E.
I used to prefer a physical journal, but there is the matter of invasion of privacy. So I’ve switched over to a journal/blogging app. There I can blog anonymously even if the posts are public or privately, and have the option of posting with passwords so only the people with the password can view it. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now. No more physical journals for me.
Marian G.
I like a journal app more because there’s less paper waste. Also with app journals I can write as much as I want without worrying that I’ll run out of space. I can keep all my entries stored in my phone whereas with a physical journal I’d have to keep many notebooks once I finish them
Eliza P.
I used a physical journal last year. It ended up going to trash at the end of 1 month, lol. I am still thinking the sense of holding a pen and typing down is a better feeling but, physical ones are not quite user friendly, imo. I would choose apps because they are more accessible, secure, easy to use, quick compare to physical ones.
Claire Z.
I love physically writing, but I definitely prefer a journal app. I travel a lot and don’t want to lug a lot of books around, and I find a lot of value in being able to tag entries and easily search for old topics by tag or date.
Giulia Y.
I actually use both. I have an interesting application on the phone, called "stoic". I appreciate the fact that there i can not only write, but enjoy other mindful activities like meditate, breath, reflect, be inspired by quotes and answer a seres of daily-routine's questions.
The other interesting fact is that you can add photos on your journal.

This said, i'll be frank: i prefer a physical journal.
For me personally writing on paper is really therapeutic and helps me a lot in putting down my thoughts and experiences in the most honest and spontaneous way. Being a physical activity is great to feel the intention and connection to the reality around.
I don't mind if the writing is less readable or if i make mistakes and scribbles. I honestly think is another great way of being transparent and reflecting how we really feel in that moment.
Furthermore, i am actually more motivated and constant i journaling on paper, because i feel like i can be quicker and more honest with myself.

This said, i use a physical journal and sporadically (when i am out of house or travelling or have more time) the journal app.
This is what feels best for me at the moment, but everyone is different!
I would suggest trying both and taking time to understand which feels better.

Good luck and stay healthy. ♥︎

Abby F.
I like a app journal better, BUT I think both are great! There are pros and cons to both of them. A pro to a physical journal is that you are not on a screen and it can make you feel relaxed. A pro to a app journal is that you can write a lot faster than you could on a physical journal. A con to a physical journal is that it can get damaged easily. A con to an app journal is that it can be not as fun! -Abby :))
Jitendra Y.
I prefer an app. But I do enjoy writing in a physical journal once in a while. I think I like using an app better because I don’t have to worry about how my handwriting looks or how to spell words. Also I think I can write more while using an app.
Uaira Y.
I would definitely prefer a physical journal. I never liked the technology and prefer to separate my thoughts from the screen.
Lucky N.
I prefer the journal application, because in the journal application we can usually plan and write our assignments, we can also make small notes about the days we have passed, or we can also record our habits.
Joey P.
I think that I prefer a physical journal over an app because it is a more tangible item that you can reflect on many many many years from now. I think that the act of actually writing something down is much more enjoyable than typing it out (at least for me). You can also make yourself more motivated by investing in a nice pen that feels really good to write with, it doesn’t have to be expensive! If you enjoy the feeling of writing you will do it more often. Okay
Livio O.
Paper journal for me, as it steadies my pace, so i write to the sound of my pen scribing in changing rhythms, allowing me pause and read back the page.
Riu Q.
If there is a prompt along with the journal app then it would feel more interactive, but ultimately I prefer tangible items so I would pick a physical journal if both options were sitting in front of me. However, because phones are very portable it is also easier to use an app sometimes. I think it’s good to have both.
Tiffany U.
A physical journal because if your phone dies while you’re journaling then you’re gonna have to use a real journal anyway
Michelle E.
I prefer a journal app because my phone is always with me and I like being able to write down thoughts as I have them at any time.
Cameron U.
recently i have been enjoying journal on this app rather than in my book probably because i find it easier and faster. i am trying to take the time to journal every night as i think it is good for reflection.
Lou Jade E.
I think a physical journal is better because I don't have to be on my phone in the morning and I can fully focus on myself
Gertrude Y.
I prefer a physical journal because there you can better see your progress.
You can look at it in a year and think "wow, I've come so far"
Andrea W.
It really depends on what you want. An app can be more private because it's probably on a device with a passcode, and it's already laid out for you, but many times the layout is not how exactly you want it to be, it may be too simple or too complex.
A physical journal is completely laid out by you, exactly how you want it, but you can get carried out and start adding trackers for everything that you can't find in apps, and then lose track of stuff and feel intimidated by everything you put in, and it's more difficult to delete what you don't want to see, it's also usually possible that people may read it, that's a point expecially if you have anxiety about that.
It really depends on what you want
Efrosini P.
Actually personally I use both . It helps me to write things on the spot on a journal app it is a lot easier but sometimes I find a physical journal more relaxing and helpful. With an app is easier to transfer all your thoughts wherever you are and let your anger or anxiety out just by typing on your phone . I thing by using both for a little while you will see which one suits you the most or you might end up using both .
Leila R.
Ooo ok so I use both Because this app stops me from having bad habits and gives me clear thinking along with my physical journal which I basically just use as a diary (I use this whenever I feel the need to express my emotions after an argument or when something important is on my mind) and my greatfulness journal which name speaks for itself but is also partly a manifestation journal. I feel the need for all three of these but everyone has different needs so do whatever feels right to you! If it feels better typing and letting your phone do the work than that’s perfect, if you feel like writing it by hand and keeping yourself organised instead that’s also totally fine!!xx
Glen J.
Journal app because I have my phone with me most the time so whenever I feel like writing something down I can simply do that.
Rita Z.
I'd prefer a physical journal, but since I can't go shopping the last few days, I write down my journal on my phone, in the notes. I have no clue about a journal app, I will give it a shot. Thanks
Johannes F.
Physical journaling is my preference. Writing helps relieve stress and anxiety. Being able to tear up the paper I wrote in also helps achieve letting go.
Ella Z.
physical journal, because i find it easier to look back and reflect on, and having a physical journal makes the process and journey of journaling more personal.
Rory F.
I honestly prefer a physical journal because I find it easier to write down my thoughts and feelings rather then type. It helps me reflect and remember to write my thoughts and feelings down. It also helps me personally understand, express and deal with my emotions if I can physically write them down.
Arlene T.
I like bought in the physical journal I like texture of the paper and contact with the book a journal is Like map and I ride Mach less in it but this is up to you ❤️Leasing you inside
Belane N.
I usually prefer a physical journal, but lately I’ve been needing the guidance of prompts. When I don’t have the energy to pick up a pen, I will either type on my phone or do a voice recording of my babbling. Physical journals are great for reducing screen time but I also need a working pen for that which seems to be in short supply in my room rn LMAO