Leo P.
I like to make scrambled eggs and add a caprese salad (tomatoes and mozzarella cheese) mix together with some garlic salt for breakfast!
Emma I.
Oven-cooked rainbow trout – Get a whole trout and remove the bones, add spices of your choice (I like chilli, paprika, salt, pepper), add a whole sliced red onion, wrap in a foil parcel and cook in the oven @200°C for 20mins. Serve with savoury rice and sauce of choice
I find it very tasty!
I find it very tasty!
Taylor X.
Ready in 1 hour
Serves 8 people
Don’t worry about the calories 😜
Ground beef
Red sauce
Lasagna strips
Cottage Cheese
Parmesan cheese
The first layer is meat sauce all over the base of a 9 x 13“ pan. Then 4-6 pieces of lasagna noodles laid flat out. Then the cottage cheese. Then Parmesan cheese. then lay out the meat sauce again but opposite directions. then cottage cheese, and Parmesan cheese. keep doing that until the pan is full or you run out of meat sauce. then cook for 45 minutes in the oven at 375°F.
When you are spreading out the meat sauce make sure to cover the entire layer and do a bit extra on the bottom and top layer.
Doris F.
Oatmeal and soybean milk or yogurt and mueslis can be a light yet energetic source. In addition, having a bowl of salad would provide more fibers.
Elizabeth N.
Omg anything from veganricha.com she is such a fantastic cook!!!!! I own all Of her cookbooks and literally cook her food for at least five meals a week. I’m obsessed with her spinach tofu curry (palak tofu), her mango curry, and her veggie burgers — all of which are on POINT! You should totally check it out and spend some time perusing her culinary brilliance!