Sandra Y.
Truly I think when you get down to the individual, it varies. Looking at available research data, my presumption is Mindfulness related meditation. If you get a bit deeper into the work pioneered by Marsha Linehan, you will find that practicing mindfulness in it’s full purpose will make a significant difference in stress related disorders, not only during meditation but in walking down a hall or talking with classmates or coworkers or struggling with a difficult relationship. It’s very helpful to go through her training courses.
Francisco C.
Try guided meditation focused on letting go of worry, things you cannot control, perhaps. Look at Calm app for meditation.
Marie X.
I believe research would reflect Mindful Meditation. For me personally, it’s a mix of Mindful, yogic, focused, and Contemplative.
Charlie E.
Square breathing while thinking about something you are thankful for works well to reduce stress and anxiety. Breathe in 4 counts…. hold 4 counts…. breathe out 4 counts…. hold 4 counts…repeat.
Lewis J.
I usually do a short meditation with deep thinking, takes max 10 min or so. Of course a sleeping music helps to concentrate.
Willard J.
I believe that when somebody is struggling with stress related disorder, a good start for meditation is breathe meditation. With breathe meditation, the practitioner will start with conscious deep breathing exercises, that will allow him/her to redirect her focus from a scattered mind to a focus simple activity such as the inspiration and expiration of air though nose and mouth. Next to that, is a system or head to toe meditation. Consciously focusing on each part of the body, acknowledging tension if there is, positive self talk to the part if applicable, then letting go or surrendering.
To me these are basic but important. These will ground somebody who is struggling with negative self talk/stress related situations.
To me these are basic but important. These will ground somebody who is struggling with negative self talk/stress related situations.
Lea B.
What's been studied most for mood disorders (anxiety and depression) is mindfulness meditation, which helps maintain an even mood. However, personally, I like meditations that focus on deep breathing when I'm really stressed, as it helps me focus on something specific–but I have OCD, so I don't know how generally applicable that is.
Mathilde X.
Breath centered meditation helps with stress. The breath is neutral, focusing on it allows you to let go of the thoughts that come to mind. You are then not bringing into you meditation a stress related feeling or thought.
Aliciane C.
I think the most important no I is to have a plan
The follow the plan
And be sure the plan is followed every day
For each one of the tasks you have chosen
(Including and/or only meditation)
The follow the plan
And be sure the plan is followed every day
For each one of the tasks you have chosen
(Including and/or only meditation)
Once you bring order things will come