But make sure it is the first thing you do after brushing your teeth and drinking a glass of water because the moment you start your daily life routine it becomes really hard to exercise in between and you can actually feel yourself crawling to complete that work out routine
To conclude the answer, first thingy early in the morning with earliest time being 6:00 or 7:00 am before breakfast and shower
Then in between naps and playtime and cleaning and doing laundry I will do extras. When I walk past my couch I try to stop and do 20 or so triceps dips or 10 pushups and as I am folding laundry ill get my calf raises in.
and Wednesday (6-7:30)
and swimming or running Friday afternoon
I find that if I don't get my exercise in before lunch, I may not get it in.
I do exercise in the morning. I usually wake up at 6am and be at the Gym aroud 15 to 7am. I do this from Monday to Friday, pausing on Wednesdays.
How about you?
In the morning, before getting dressed, I do a 10 minutes strength training and stretching. It's comprised of mountain pose, Warrior pose, push ups, and arm exercises with light weight dumbbells that I keep by my bed. No gym and very limited equipment needed.
At lunch, I do squats and walk. This is about 15 minutes away work.
In the evenings, even it's not too cold, I walk again outside with family and dog. This is 30 to 60 minutes at the park.
On the weekend, when it's cold, we do family dog walks at the mall. This is about an hour or so. Also this is a morning thing.
At first I found it hard to get up earlier, especially if the baby had had a bad night, but actually, the half hour of exercise gives me ten times the energy that an extra half hour in bed would have.