When did you start taking yoga more seriously?

Sa Eeda C.
When my mental health was at risk. I found meditation, prayer and yoga to be essential, in adddition to therapy and medicine.
Vreni N.
I started taking yoga more seriously after going to a class a couple times with two friends. This gave us reciprocal “no excuse” mentalities as we didn’t want to be the lazy one of the trio that cancelled on the others. And we do the same now in quarantine. We send each other our favorite YouTube yoga sessions that we follow along to and exchange them so we can see what the others are finding relaxing or challenging. I personally like being able to choose between a more intense or relaxing yoga session depending on how my day went (I do yoga in evenings after kids are in bed so I have quiet).
Ma Va N.
During the home office period during covid pandemic I found my everyday much less stressful at he same time i truggled to be awake. After morning yoga i really see he benefits of such a start of my day.