Melany Y.
Wake up, have breakfast, do something to activate your body, drink water, do not do anything that requires you to be quiet.
Zach P.
If I've woken up after a bad night's rest, I like to be a little more gentle on myself. Instead of a full workout, I'll just do some yoga and allow myself to relax, and take it slower. If it's late at night, I try to focus on doing the most important habits, such as brushing my teeth. I know that tomorrow morning I will appreciate my effort to take care of myself. Often, once I complete the most important habits, I'll have found the energy to follow through with the rest of them. Ultimately, try to be kind to yourself. It's ok if you miss part of your routine here or there, that doesn't mean you've failed or given up. Just allow yourself to be human, and pick it up the next day! 🙂
Dene P.
Waking up, letting my dogs out immediately and stepping outside for cool air, come inside, start Fabulous and other apps (Shine, Intellect, Down Dog Yoga, Yousician) to start the day positively. I have more energy after I start with water, food, and even just just little yoga. For a fast day, food/water/a brief walk with the dogs then starting the day.
Maja W.
When I am extremely tired a good routine is putting the glass of water by my bed side with all my daily supliments (but D, zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron and B complexe) by my bedside table for the next morning.
Waking up the next morning to take my morning water and supliments, blending a frozen banana blueberry peanut butter smoothie for Breakfast. Then drink my smoothie in bed whilst completing my coaching, thenleave my apartment and walk down the 6 floors and walk back up twice and that's my tired routine.
Make a green macha late with oat milk to get caffeine to get me working.
Take a nap at lunch. Eat my premade lunch I made the weekend before, same with dinner.
Go to bed by 9pm
Ash Z.
I do not know the answer. What I do know is that I have learned over the past period of time to allow myself to relax when I’m tired, be active when I am not. I guess for me then, the possible answer would be when I’m tired a possible routine is a relaxed routine that will allow me being tired for a period of time rather than keep pushing myself to perform and have this tiredness increase to a tipping point.
Kinn T.
Avoid any type of stimulant, being sugar, coffee or much TV. Do gentle exercise, take a warm shower or relaxing bath, read a little and go to bed early.
Tori P.
Take it easy. However you can still stay productive with small things such as..making ur bed, washing your face, having breakfast, get dressed + ready for ur day!
Mark P.
listen to your body. If it needs test it will force it. Concentration on diet and refulling, breathwork and some gentle stretching from bed if that's where it needs to be. I mean depends what you need. You can do floor work for back pain etc. Just recharge
Princess N.
Do just what you can do! But always remember, if you do something that might be excausting you are doing this for yourself!
Thibault O.
Take time for yourself. If you are tired emotionally find something that will bring you joy- a bit of gardening will help to take your mind of things. If you are tired physically, then do some meditation or yoga. Just choose a class that concentrates on energy restoration, stress relief or finding the balance. Have a bubble bath, turn some music, light the candles. Warm water will help to relax your muscles and music will help to feel happier
Gabrielle O.
Something simple and non daunting to the brain. For me it's usually brush my teeth, rinse my face, and meditate before sleep.
Eva I.
When you are extremely tired, it helps to have everything ready for you, so you don’t have ANY excuse to not work out.
lay out your gym clothes the night before
Fill a water bottle to place near your workout clothes
Set aside a time in your work schedule (MS Outlook) so others know you are busy
Start to watch exercise videos on YouTube to get inspiration, educate yourself, and stay motivated.
lay out your gym clothes the night before
Fill a water bottle to place near your workout clothes
Set aside a time in your work schedule (MS Outlook) so others know you are busy
Start to watch exercise videos on YouTube to get inspiration, educate yourself, and stay motivated.
Caitlyn U.
Start by drinking water and then washing your face first thing with water that isn't too hot. That always helps perk me up the fastest, and I have narcolepsy.
Robin W.
Get a cool shower first, maybe an extra shot of coffee and do everything you would do if you weren't tired 😉 in the long run make sure you get around 8 hours of sleep at least no matter what
Silo P.
Depending on how tired I am. I have to brush my teeth if I at e something, cleanse my face by either washing it or wiping it with a cleansing water, put my pajama onesies on and go to sleep. However, that needs to improve. I should reflect everyday and I definitely should pray for my well-being and others’ well-being too. It would be nice to have a nightly routine that is consistent. So I should try washing my face often, reflect on my day, meditate and go to sleep earlier for a wonderful tomorrow. That I believe would be the best way to have a night routine.
Lito C.
Muscling on and doing my daily habit anyway. Trying to understand what is the cause of extreme tired and how to fix that for next time. Continuing to do my daily habit is essential no matter the feelings.
Luka Q.
Rest the most that you can. Get comfy, drink water, watch TV or a movie, if not, listen to the music you like. You can also take a walk if there's a park near your house. Getting some fresh air helps energize yourself. You can also walk while listening to your music and treat yourself with a good meal when you'll be back home and if you have a bathtub at home relax yourself in it. Hot water makes you feel good
Tania N.
Try to do something that helps you wind down for the day. Like for example have a nice warm bath. Or take your favourite decaf tea before going to bed. If you are a fan of heating pads, use them too. Self care before a good night sleep should help you have a restful night.
Eddie J.
A calm and slow one to help me adjust to the morning and get ready for the day. I need time to make lunch, eat, drink a coffee and have alone time before I get ready for work. Then I like some time when I get to work to relax and mentally prepare or just shut off until I work.
Ronnie Y.
Just shorten your normal routine even if it’s just the bare minimum doing something is better than doing nothing at all.
Kris N.
Sleep. Is that a silly answer? Even if you can lay down and rest, you will find it helps. If you have to stay awake, energizing breathes and your favorite dance music.