Dinner offers a nice break between work and study so you don’t feel burned out and by getting your studying in early, you leave yourself enough time afterwards to enjoy a guilt free reward – your favourite tv show, music, a book etc.
Otherwise, from experience, if you do the rewarding ‘fun’ thing first then you’re not really incentivising yourself to study and will likely put it off.
When you found the times you study best, create a clean study environment. Make it organized and put all electronics away (if you need a laptop, block all unneeded websites). Make sure you have water or a cup of tea and maybe a HEALTHY snack so that you don’t have to keep getting distracted.
It’s best to study for a set time like 30-40 minutes and then have a 5 minute break where you stretch, eat a snack or talk with a family member. Watching YouTube and Netflix is not a break because your brain is still processing information at a high speed and that’s not good.
I hope this helped somehow 🙂 remember that motivation to study never just pops out of nowhere. It comes from building the right habits!