I guess for some people, they're perfectly content with eating the same food for breakfast every single day. Just like they're comfortable eating the same lunch for forty years. And the same dinner and taking the same bus route and being the best employee of the ae company for as long as they've worked. Perhaps they always use the same type of soap and squeeze exactly two pumps of shampoo every time they shower and haven't upgraded their wardrobe since bell bottoms were in fashion. I respect that. There's safety in this. A sense of assuredness, a quiet comfort that only increases over time and makes them the sort of reliable workers, friends, partners, people we need.
But not always. A lot of people change their tastes from day to day, sometimes within the hour. And THAT'S OK. If you find a food that you love, stick with it as long as your mind and heart allows it. Routines are nice. But don't push yourself. The exact foods you choose aren't a "Til death do us part" deal. As long as you strive to have a healthy breakfast every day, I'd say you're doing well. (In fact, the Fabulous app only encourages us to eat healthy daily. It doesn't tell us to eat the same foods.)
And of course, don't be surprised if you end up having the same breakfast every day after some time. Lifestyles are a trial and error thing. Maybe the rest of your life is chaotic. Amidst the paperwork or the tests you're cramming for or the family screaming for you, it's nice to take a little time for yourself in the morning and treat yourself to something good for just you. After a while, you may end up eating the same breakfast every day and actually liking it because it's easy. It's the one thing you've come to count on and it's not the most fancy or complicated or even 100% healthy/organic/fat-gluten-otherscarythings free food, but it's what you've grown to enjoy and seek out in the mornings.
And that's ok too.