What do you do while you eat breakfast? Are you mindful or are you using social media?

Marcela P.
While I eat my breakfast it is very difficult for me to be quiet because my thoughts do not stop flying through my head, so before eating my breakfast I choose a Netflix show or a movie and then I put that movie on to enjoy my breakfast
Penny Z.
Actually, I am trying to be present with my food, but I am not perfect and sometimes i do watch youtube videos with my lunch, but I try to bring more awarness into my life
Kira F.
We eat breakfast together as a family, so I talk to my family while eating. I’m usually still half asleep though so I don’t talk loads. But I listen.
David C.
I always have a breakfast before I reach for my phone, as I have done now. I like to just concentrate on my breakfast and enjoy the tastes. Everything else will wait.
Rosa Y.
Actually I use my mobile phone and use social media. However, before breakfast, I drink water, prepare my bed and then i go to the kitchen cooking my breakfast, and only in the moment i take my mobile phone.
Anna Z.
I usually watch TV while I eat. I like to curl up on the couch with my breakfast, a blanket, and watch TV. Lately however, I’ve been feeling more productive in the morning. I like a quick breakfast, some fruit and maybe eggs. Then I’ll clean the kitchen or find something to organize. Yesterday I walked into my pantry to make oatmeal, and ended up organizing every closet and cabinets in my home. I know I need to work on a better routine, but I do feel a change in my behavior just with drinking water and eating breakfast. Which I usually skipped breakfast in the morning.
Andreas Z.
I live with my family, so usually I talk to them while having breakfast. If they're not there, I put on some music or a podcast. I usually don't browse social platforms.