Marsha T.
Turning your computer, phone, tablet, etc on Do Not Disturb mode and putting them in a drawer works wonders! Shut them down and store them away 30 minutes to and hour before going to sleep, using that time for other forms of self care instead. This may be reading, skin care, night time yoga, or meditation. This helps settle into bed and forget about the devices.
Natalie U.
You don’t. It’s better to rest and reserve your energy for your immune system to fight the cold. Your body does not need the extra stress
Yaneth N.
I usually skip it. But thinking about it, maybe i should come up with a replacement for it. For example: If im not exercising today, at least do the minimum like walking so that the habit does not go through execution. Im still doing the task but not as challenging as it usually is. I think it is important to take breaks once in a while it could get tiring and there should be some days where you get to relax but get back to it in the end.
Gauthier T.
When I feel blue or overwhelmed I practise yoga. I play on my yoga playlist and just flow on the mat, listening to my body and moving gently. Then i meditate for about 5/10 min.
Emilie W.
talking about myslef firstly when im sick ,small stretching also works because body is already in stress and it need energy to recover secondly weather is just an excuse just do everything that you can do with your weight like pushups , crunches and all.