How do you motivate yourself to exercise? And how often do you do it?

Jenna N.
I saw other people happines and that make me think why i cant do that? …. So here i am just to make sure i can be like those guys
I think i often saw media social so the answer so often until i get bored of it
Jenna N.
Exercise, it was for our body
Which gives us strength, health and also fitness . It is very good and important to us.
And motivation is noting but giving self confidence . So my motivation is noting but self confidence !
Jenna N.
I try to make it fun. I don't do exercise just to do exercise. I play, practice fun disciplines that use the different energetic engines of the body and compliment it with conditioning to get better and be able to do more fun techniques
Jenna N.
i don’t work out as much as i should, but the way i motivate myself is by thinking of the future. i know i’ll be happier and healthier once i lose weight and i cannot wait to reach my goal
Jenna N.
I exercise every day even if I only do one exercise. I'm not always motivated but I know my goals and I think if I don't do it now I'll be mad at myself later and start to eat (I'm an emotional eater).I want to be healthy and start being comfortable when someone says let's take a group picture's I don't always want to edit my body just so I can post it on Instagram.
Jenna N.
I run for for about 30 minutes, I am still a beginner at this so I mix it with walking and then, I do a 9 minutes strength training regime which is followed by 9 minutes long Liberation Kriya.
Jenna N.
After finish workout I like to have a shower then eat or drink my fav snack, so after alk that I feel so good and fresh and daily I like to feel that
Jenna N.
I use an app called Fiton. It has nice features. I simply surf through it and get the motivation to work out. I am working out everyday these days. And also I add it to my list in Fabulous and it gives me a 2nd motivation to complete my exercise. Simply think about your goal. Can be health, weight loss or weight gain. Just remember every workout gets you closer to that goal. Good luck to us!
Jenna N.
I'm attending to group excercises mostly, that's a big motivator for me.
When I'm excercising alone my biggest motivation is "Let's get this s**t done".
Jenna N.
I do my routines with always a little walk. This is a good technique for make exercise and have fun.
I do this 1 time at day.
Jenna N.
Get up ! Get up from your bed! Breathe ! Have a water bottle next to you, and don’t rush while exercising! just relax. And do it little by little for 30 mins everyday and eventually you will get accustomed to exercising and that little boost of self love and motivation to do More!! Have sticky notes in your room or wherever you look at so when you’d exercise you get that extra boost 50x of motivation and determination. It works, please do it! I often do it every morning before i start my day, your mental state will be stronger as well🧠
Jenna N.
I exercise because I want to stay fit. Every time when I feel like not exercising I just tell myself that if I exercise today I will be closer to my goals. I exercises everyday, it doesn't need to be a full on workout sometimes even just for 3 minutes a day or so is enough.
Jenna N.
i try to do at least a little bit of activity every day, even if it’s just a walk. i like how exercising makes me feel so motivation personally isn’t too hard
Jenna N.
I motivate myself to exercise by getting up early in the morning and reminding myself of what the end results would look like. It would motivate me more if I was sore after a workout. I usually exercise daily, two days of rest a week.
Jenna N.
Exercise doesnt have to be big. I decided to fit my excercise into my daily life by walking faster and a longer / more challenging route to school so that I know despite how I feel when I wake I'll get my exercise in