What do I do if I feel too lazy to work out?

Jo N.
Set low barriers of entry. It’s harder to get up for a big workout when you’re lazy. If you tell yourself that you’re only going to the gym to do something easy (e.g. skipping, walking, cycling etc.) you’ll find it much easier to get up for a workout. Usually the momentum from going to the gym to starting the workout gets me doing more but if I don’t then I still count as a win since I worked out anyway. Hope this helps 🙂
Angie J.
I try to do as much as I have the strength to do. Like if I’m to lazy to get from my beef I just take a weight and workout my arm’s
Beate S.
If I’m not ever feeling like I don’t want to workout, I just say to myself “okay, I’ll only workout for 10min”. I put my workout clothes on, and get started. Saying you will only do something for 10min is more approachable if you’re feeling lazy – or after 10min you still aren’t feeling it then go back to being lazy. However, when you get into things you will find almost every time that once you’ve started you want to keep going and finish the workout.
Encik R.
Find the motivator. Whether it's your friends, an app, or anything. Any reason. For me, I have a healthy group of friends to keep ourselves motivated.
Sara U.
If I feel too lazy to workout, I workout anyway. I choose to workout to keep up healthy habits and build a foundation for better health and a better body.
Ralfe Q.
A good alternative would be to stretch your limbs and be productive, If you see something that's messy then clean it. You don't necessarily have to be doing a lot just satisfied with what you did for the day, and eat and during something that will help boost up your energy like water vegetables or even meats that can potentially help you.
Meili E.
Do something that doesn’t take a lot of energy some stretching or yoga, or dancing to music. Have a reward at the end of your workout like maybe you can’t have breakfast until after you finish your workout.
Ellen B.
If you’re feeling too lazy to workout then just do whatever workouts you can do right there in bed like some quick sit ups or leg raises just to get your body moving a little bit.
Airon Q.
Try to do just one thing. Maybe just put on your workout clothes. Or blast your workout jam on your speakers. If it leads you to workout, great. If not, still consider it progress. Keep it up!
Sina E.
By online shopping adding small size clothes into my bucket list , trust me guys it actually works , it motivates us a lot
Alban W.
Go to the bathroom And take a nice not to hot Shower and then jump up and down atleast 20 times and then your not too layz now it always Works for me
Mona Z.
You don't have to always do full work out. You can just make some little exercises to střech your back, neck, arms and legs. Even those little can move you forward
Tiago N.
Remember the feeling you get once you’re done. The influx of feel-good hormones, the instant mood booster, the ease your mind feels. Remind yourself that you continue to make healthier choices, drink more water and sleep better after you’ve worked out. Prove yourself wrong for saying that you’ll give up again this time. This time is different. This time you’re going to be consistent and stick with it for your own good.
Abhiraaj F.
Break the work into the smallest piece which you can do, then do that. Once you achieve that you'll feel self-motivated to do more, incase you don't try taking breaks in between work and doing only small amount. Hope this help!
Monica F.
If I feel too lazy to workout . I will justify it and ask myself why I'm not working out right now. And maybe Chuck on some pink or zz ward to get my mood moving towards energy.
Rose O.
U should look at YouTube videos or just like think that if I workout these are the benefits I will get maybe. Not like a super cardio workout just sone simple 15 min yoga will also help u
Cindy U.
I don't know the exact reason of it, but i can tell you, if you have a short of motivation and you actually start your workout, you'll feel so proud!
Tarun F.
1. Music – having a playlist of tracks that get you energized and motivated helps a good deal
2. Trying new things – Repeating the same workout everyday can get boring after sometime. Dont get me wrong, continuity is important, but so is giving your body different kind challenges after some time. I would suggest that you introduce small changes to your exercise routine.
3. Planning – Fabulous teaches us to prepare and plan our activities beforehand. So in the evening you can prepare your playlist, prepare that list of exercises.
4. Environment – Maybe try following some people on instagram who motivate you to exercise. May some celebrity or a local fitness enthusiast. And if possible connect with them. Set your phone, computer wallpaper accordingly. The goal is to put yourself in an environment where you consistently get the message about what you want to be.
I hope this helps🙂🙂
Esiquia N.
I find if you feel to lazy to work out; try incorporating smaller movements in between actions that you already do. For example you can dance your way to the restroom, kitchen, or laundry room, wherever you are going. You can also jump or hop to grab something instead of walking, you can even lunge your way to the closet to get your clothes. I would even go so far as to say to do one or two biceps curls with the gallon of milk or water you plan to pour your self before pouring it. It’s may sound a little ridiculous but It’s effective because you’re doing small movements in between things you already do. Plus it makes the task at hand a bit more fun. My second suggestion would be to try and really think about some sort of movement that you love to do whether it be stretching, walking, running, dancing, skating, or even just wiggling around; you can do that first thing in the morning. And if you don’t have time to do it in the morning don’t feel bad about not being able to do that. Instead try to squeeze in the exercise or movement throughout points in your day. Start small and work your way up. And once you are doing more if you’re having a day that you feel like you wanna do less or you forgot or could not move/exercise just returned to the small steps that you originally started with and don’t feel bad about it. Every movement that you don’t normally do is exercise. My third suggestion would be that, As soon as you take your first step out of bed and start moving to go do whatever you normally do in the morning, after that don’t stop moving do not sit down try to find an activity or something that you were planning on doing but do it standing/walking. To quote newtons first law of motion “ an object at rest stays at rest while I’m object in motion stays in motion.” And lastly, very much like my first suggestions, if you’re still feeling lazy or unmotivated try planning to do an activity that you love to do and do every day; but alter it so you’re doing it while moving. For instance if you like watching TV do it standing up or walking instead of sitting, if you’d like to draw try to find a standing desk instead of a sitting one, if you like to play The guitar or trumpet play it while marching to the beat. Anyways those are my suggestions I hope they help you on your journey give you hope and motivate you to move! 🙂
Suraj E.
Just don't feel lazy. I know its easy said than done. I assume you're in your mind always thinking, wondering about everything. Who what where and how. Just don't think and go on with the exercise. Your goal shouldn't be doing exercise everyday. But excercising a little but consistently. Even if 5 pushup will do. Or a little stretching. Make sure you get used to it so when the time comes,your mind automatically gets into action without being lazy or procrastinating
Nikisa T.
First, show compassion for yourself. Accept the fact that it feels difficult to exercise right now, and that getting started feels like an insurmountable obstacle. Give yourself credit for the desire you have to begin exercising even though it's difficult.
If it's your first time starting an exercise routine, make it fun! Try to find a type of exercise that fits your personality- solitary walks or runs if you're introverted, maybe dance classes or group exercise (or a routine with a friend) if it's helpful to have other people to have fun with or feel accountable towards. The important thing is to focus on the process and routine of it, and have something that feels good to you.
If you're having trouble completing your established routine today, set a time limit. Let yourself take extra time getting ready, and then say 'i will commit to this for 5 minutes'. Even if you decide to stop when the 5 minutes is up, that's 5 minutes more than you would have done otherwise. For days when a harder routine is too much physically or mentally, I highly recommend Yoga With Adrien's stress relief videos, which have easy movement and are excellent for practicing mindfulness and self-compassion.
Finally, understand that while exercise is good, it's important to have balance and look out for your mental health as well. Listen to your body, listen to your mind, and know that there's no shame in scaling back intensity or taking days to rest when you need it.
Albane E.
You know, you can’t really do anything about it until you get up and move. If you want to change you need to, but remember to always start small. Wake up, get up of your bed, drink a glass of water, exercise for about only 8 minutes at first. A little stretch in always good, eat breakfast and start your day. If you want to feel more active, then a brisk shower, washing your face and cleaning your teeth, drinking water, all these things may help you. Think, “the exercise isn’t that hard or long, but it will help me!”
Remember to: never start big. If you start off by like lifting a car 7 times each day then you’ll give up VERY quickly
Note: please try avoiding hard exercises after you ate a good big meal. It can harm you
Suraya N.
Start small. Go for a walk, and then if you still feel too tired or lazy, maybe today is not the day you workout. If tomorrow you feel energised after your walk, that’s when you do a workout.
Wendy Z.
You can try some stretching ,do the easy ones first …or maybe the laziness is as a result of your environment,you can try putting your work out stuff close to your bed so when you wake it’s the first thing you see and you will be more motivated to work out
Sasha I.
When I feel that way I think about what’s making me lazy. Do I have a lot of work and don’t feel like pushing myself to do a million and one things? Then it might be a good idea to skip that gym day and plan for a next one. If you notice you’re making excuses, get to the bottom of why. Don’t want to drive to the gym? Do a workout at home with what you have? Don’t want to run? Take a walk. You’re too lazy to shower afterwards? Take a bath instead. Work WITH your feelings not against them.
Cheyenne N.
When you feel too lazy to workout find someone or something to inspire you or just push through that wall and just tell yourself you can do it.
D Bia A.
Remember that i dont need motivation to work out – the motivation comes from working out. And no one decides how a workout looks like – it could be dancing around or just doing some bodyweight exercises. I love to practise handstand in my garden 💜🌞
Liara Z.
I would suggest you try that workout but half the time for each part of your workout better to have half a workout then no workout.
Esiquia N.
I find if you feel to lazy to work out; try incorporating smaller movements in between actions that you already do. For example you can dance your way to the restroom, kitchen, or laundry room, wherever you are going. You can also jump or hop to grab something instead of walking, you can even lunge your way to the closet to get your clothes. I would even go so far as to say to do one or two biceps curls with the gallon of milk or water you plan to pour your self before pouring it. It’s may sound a little ridiculous but It’s effective because you’re doing small movements in between things you already do. Plus it makes the task at hand a bit more fun. My second suggestion would be to try and really think about some sort of movement that you love to do whether it be stretching, walking, running, dancing, skating, or even just wiggling around; you can do that first thing in the morning. And if you don’t have time to do it in the morning don’t feel bad about not being able to do that. Instead try to squeeze in the exercise or movement throughout points in your day. Start small and work your way up. And once you are doing more if you’re having a day that you feel like you wanna do less or you forgot or could not move/exercise just returned to the small steps that you originally started with and don’t feel bad about it. Every movement that you don’t normally do is exercise. My third suggestion would be that, As soon as you take your first step out of bed and start moving to go do whatever you normally do in the morning, after that don’t stop moving do not sit down try to find an activity or something that you were planning on doing but do it standing/walking. To quote newtons first law of motion “ an object at rest stays at rest while I’m object in motion stays in motion.” And lastly, very much like my first suggestions, if you’re still feeling lazy or unmotivated try planning to do an activity that you love to do and do every day; but alter it so you’re doing it while moving. For instance if you like watching TV do it standing up or walking instead of sitting, if you’d like to draw try to find a standing desk instead of a sitting one, if you like to play The guitar or trumpet play it while marching to the beat. Anyways those are my suggestions I hope they help you on your journey give you hope and motivate you to move! 🙂
Fern U.
If first thing in the morning (the only time i workout) i do the 5 minute workout on the NHS website (you start it lying in bed)
and i tell myself: i am not allowed to get out of bed unless i have done the exercise

(while i can spend my whole day in bed, i need to leave my bed to get dressed or to go to the kitchen to make food or heck, to go to the toilet)

one day i might ignore it, but i know that i will beat myself up if i don't work out, so to save me from the guilt i do the workout.

Jennie O.
You should remember the reason why you begin who you want to be reuse your imagination that you imagine before about who you want to be remember your achievements between relationship and talent and work and health