Zoey Y.
My evening (bedtime) routine starts at 9 pm. I clean & tidy up, stretch and check my weight. I think thats the perfect evening routine (at least for me).
Mads C.
Ash my face, brush my teeth, put on my pajamas, then stretch my body out well, take relaxing breathes, get in bed and snuggle down
Ronnie G.
I don't have the stretch routine as bedtime. I've set the set water ready for tomorrow morning routine and meditate. Meditate before sleeping is great for falung asleep. So almost no effort at all. Stretching is for in the afternoon when I feel drowsy from lunch. Hope it helps
Barb W.
My entire bedtime routine is brief. I’m practice a small routine of behaviors fostering sleep. My stretches are: standing calves stretch, seated Hamstring stretch seated piriformis stretch and down-dog.