What are some tricks for a restful sleep?

Alex Y.
Melatonin, eye mask, fan (noise and breeze) and make this as consistent as possible. The more consistent your sleeping patterns the easier to sleep.
Clara U.
Don't eat about an hour before bed, get some kind of white noise involved,and let your mind wander along some positive thoughts and memories. Don't try too hard to think about something specific just start somewhere and let your mind wander. Also some deep breaths when you get into bed help get you calming down.
Trudel G.
Not 📵 using your phone before bed time, I also exercise sometimes at 4 or 5 pm so that my body gets tired before I eat supper. Reading my bible also helps and I've found sleeping naked as well
Harold R.
I find switchingnoff all distractions such as the tv, games or my phone an hour before I want to sleep. Then I tidy around for 10 minutes, get myself dressed for bed, have a herbal tea and get into be with a book or maybe a diary to write or sometimes I knit. Then unwind in bed with no electronics, just some calming rain sounds. Then After half an hour of this activity I turn of all the lights put in earplugs and do some.breathing. 9 time out if ten I drift off easily.
Alwin Z.
My tricks for a restful sleep is to be in bed around 10 PM. Then I start by being thankful for the day, I visualize the day and say thank you. Then I start focusing on my breathing and begin to meditate, feeling relaxed in my body and just focusing on my breath. After 15 minutes I come back, open my eyes and smile. I start to read 1 chapter in my book, cause this also gets me relaxed and sleepy. Now I feel tired, relaxed and in balance.
Grace E.
Keep your phone away from your bedside and from direct access, but close enough that you can hear the alarm in the morning. Such that it forces you to get out of bed to turn the alarm off. Turn off all lights and block any light from coming into your room.
Abigail Q.
Set a bedtime alarm and go to bed at the same time every night. Have a bedtime routine that includes some winding down time like reading or drinking camomile tea or taking a warm bath. Keep bedroom cool and dark and free from TV.
Marion J.
Stay off your phone. Read a book and drink some green tea. Keep your room nice and cool and make sure it’s dark so there are no distractions. I hope that helps!
Chester T.
you have to have a repeated sleeping pattern, sleep and wake up at the same time. Don’t use electronics 30 minutes before you sleep, read instead
Frederik A.
1. No coffee past 3 pm.
2. A clean room, with a well made bed.
3. Mouth guard.
4. Getting ready for bed before I think I need to.
5. Shower, and brush my teeth.
6. Some water, electronics off, and fall asleep reading or meditating.
Filippa Z.
Begin with the same before-bed routine everytime. Take shower and focus on yourself. Being thankful and grateful for the day, because we're still alive and sorrounded by the people we love.
Bruce Z.
Lay quietly. Put all other things aside. Clear your mind and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Tomorrow is a new day. Progress not perfection. Your body will thankyou for this tomorrow 💕💕💕
Mitchell E.
I like to listen to guided sleep meditation, in particular the mindful movement channel on YouTube it helps me clear my mind for a restful sleep
Jason T.
For me, working out helps get me in my routine of early peaceful good night’s rest. Taking a hot shower just before helps me sleep off as soon as I hit the bed. And the last thing is a very comfortable cool environment with a cozy comforter and loose clothes.
Id Rio Q.
A restful sleep is the one where your mind rests and not just the body. You should figure out what conditions help calm your mind, and stick to those conditions every night before you go to bed. For me, some examples are a hot shower sometimes, dim or no lights around me, some nighttime music to help me dive into my dreams, and a perfect pillow for my head. Just let you mind relax and not work for a little while as it works all day and gets tired. You shall have a great sleep automatically! Cheers 😊✌🏻
Elsa Z.
Not drinking caffeine after lunchtime, doing some meditation before bed, writing all your thoughts and anxieties in a book before you sleep.
Rigo N.
Meditation is definetly helpful before bed, helps you slow your mind down meanwhile, listening to beneural beats. I also have got into the habit exercising during the day to burn some energy, by the time i have to go to bed I am allready exhausted.
Erica T.
If you want to have a restful sleep you can try some tricks like: drink a cup of hot tea before, put a sleep mask on the eyes, put some lavender in your bedroom, get some fluffy and comfy pijamas ☺️
Victoria A.
Have a routine in place. For example, drink a glass of milk and then read for half an hour. When you continuously go through the same motions day after day, your body will recognize what is coming up. Also, be sure not to be in your phone or any electronic devices half an hour prior to your sleep time as studies show that the LED light from these devices are wired to keep you awake.
Zack E.
Have a night time routine: washing your face, brushing your teeth, tidying up where you live, some sort of routine to remind you that when you begin the routine that means it's almost time to go to sleep. Also try not to be on your phone or look at screens like a laptop or t.v. while in bed. Instead read a book for 20mins to induce relaxation. I dim the lights while I'm in bed reading so that I'll want to go to sleep more easily
Josefine P.
All things they suggest here,yiur results may vary and adjust to personal taste.

What has worked for me was black out curtains and a light that slowly turns on to help wake me up in the morning

A white noise machine.

Setting a regular bed time and wake up time and doing what I can to stock to them.

Being active during the day so I'm actually tired at night.

Luis X.
Don't be on your phone before you go to sleep, and make sure you do something that makes you tired such as taking a bath, or drinking water and writing.
Meral J.
No food after 8pm, turn devices off an hour before bed and think sleepy thoughts. Breathing exercises help clear the mind.
Gustav Z.
Whenever possible, avoid screens one hour before going to sleep. LED screens and blue light make it harder for you to go to sleep. You can search for more info on the internet. There are plenty of articles explaining the science behind this.
Angel E.
Meditating before going to bed helps a lot. It makes you feel relaxed and calm. After that going to sleep is a lot easier and more restful.
Kenzi G.
You should sleep in quiet a place if you dont want to be interrupted. Dont drink coffee, dont smoke cigarette. They keep you awake. For your hormonal balance, you should sleep in dark place.
Kristina E.
The best things to do for a peaceful and restful sleep is turning off you technology either 30mins or an hour before you want to go to bed. This allows time for your brain to settle down and for your eyes to have a break from the blue light. Another thing to do to assist in a good night sleep is to acknowledge anything that is worrying you for the next day at loud that way your not thinking about it over and over, giving you no chance to shut off your brain.
Carlos P.
I try and keep to my routine to power down such as my face wash routine. Then I read something. Lastly, I set up sleep stories in my Calm app
Danny T.
When I cannot sleep, I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. Breathe in for five seconds, hold for five seconds, and breathe out for another five. It’s better if you think about a place or an event you love. Breathing helps to slow the mind and relax the body. If all you think about is your breathing, then you shouldn’t be able to think stressful thoughts. I hope this was helpful!
Jamie T.
Abstain from drinking alcohol, don't use phone or tv before bed, go to bed every time at the same hour and don't sleep too much, and dont eat sugary food before sleep.
Lucie I.
When I feel sleep is not coming I listen to a sleeping story. The fact there are describing everything precisely make me fall asleep.
Another trick is to do a body check, I review all the parts of my body. It requires more effort than the sleeping story but it’s a good exercise to be in the present.
Owen F.
The best tip for a restful sleep I've found is to put in earplugs before I go to sleep. It eliminates those little sounds that wake me up in the middle of the night (like my husband's snoring).
Phoebe Z.
Go to bed at the same time every night. Wake up at the same time every morning. Make a list of everything you're grateful for before sleeping.
Rom O C.
Wake up early so that you feel sleepy early at night and most importantly avoid the urge to scroll social media at night as you can’t keep track of time and might spend many hours doing that and by the time you think of leaving your phone you already skipped the part where you were very sleepy and now you can’t sleep even tho you want to. So just go to bed, set alarm, see if something important you need to do before you sleep do it and then put your phone away from where you’re sleeping. And close your eyes and focus on your breath. Sleep well 🙂
Arthur O.
If we follow to the nature for better sleep we need to not think at all, means our brain have to be relaxed, but for some reason our brain we need to push for hard work after that he can be relaxed.
In that case I recommend just to read a book before sleep and just agone what is written in the novel.
Charlotte X.
One of the biggest reasons for poor sleep is our long term use of our devices without protective eyewear (blue-light blocking spectacles) so either purchasing proper eyewear or better yet, setting the phone aside atleast an hour before sleep can improve sleep quality immensely. Next, not eating heavy meals or junk food close to bed time. Your body already needs to digest, detox, and heal during your sleep. Eating before bed or too close to bedtime is extra burden upon your organs which can lead to poor sleep. Managing stress levels during the day also helps to improve sleep quality. Try to practice gratitude, deep breathing, positive thinking. Another helpful tip is to get into a night time routine. Use calming scents in your room. I like candle warmers with my favorite scents , it really sets the tone of relaxation. Finally, taking good care of yourself, eating habits, and giving yourself enough time to fall asleep can all lead to improved sleep. I hope you get some restful shut-eye soon! All the best!
Olivia Q.
First don’t drink soda or coffie before going to bed and just create a ritme. So go to bed on the same time en get up on the same time
Janique P.
Make sure you make your body tired during the day, let your body earn a restful sleep. Make the environment around you calm and sleep-ready 30 minutes before bedtime switch off all the lights, light an aromatic candle may be, reflect on the previous day and plan for the day ahead, gradually try to relax your mind and prepare it for sleep.
If you have trouble sleeping you can try listening to white noise that is specially designed for sleep.
Tanya N.
Cut down on caffeine consumption later on in the day. Don’t eat a heavy meal before bed time. Watch a funny show or read your favourite book, do breathing exercises to help you sleep better if you are stressed out. Put relaxation music to help you fall asleep. Use ear plugs to cancel out all the noise, if you can’t fall asleep. Drink a big glass of water and use the washroom prior to your bedtime. Last but not least, try to stay consistent and go to bed at the same time in order to create a circadian rhythm, in order for you to sleep better and wake up more alert. These are different techniques that I hope can answer your question. Sleep well! zZz
Milton Q.
Tire yourself out with exercise in the morning, don't eat an hour before going to bed, no TV or screens in the bedroom, contemplate how comfy the bed and pillow is, slow your breathing and or mediate.
Cinira P.
Having a hood evening routine helps me get to sleep easier. I go through my motions of getting ready for bed and try to do then the same every day at a similar time. Then my body starts recognizing that it’s time for sleep.

To help me stay asleep and not wake up in the middle of the night I have a face mask to block out any light that’s in my room. When I’ve lived in noisier areas, I also used a white noise machine to help block out what’s going on outside my room.

Caroline N.
For me getting a restful sleep means sleep without interruption.

To achieve this I've started to wind down a bit earlier so my brain is not as lot up when I hit the pillow and I am attempting to get everything I need for the morning done ahead of time so when I wake up I jump to action.

Loreen E.
Winding down before bed is helpful. Listen to something calming like music, asmr, or a podcast. Make sure you are giving yourself enough time to sleep as well. Your body should naturally wake up when it is well rested.
Romy T.
Stop using digitals phone laptop etc an hour before heading to bed. Go to bed latest 11pm do not eat heavy food light dinner by latest 8pm
Emeline T.
Meditation before bed iDVD great for a nice, long sleep. It will help you sleep deeper and in the morning you will be well rested. Try and stay away from any screens before bed so you can sleep better.
Aiden F.
Doing 10 to 20 minutes of downtime yoga, finishing with some nice long deep breaths. What makes me relax is to breathe in for 4, hold for 4 and exhale for 6. Once in bed I like to put on some soothing music to send me to sleep.
Alexander G.
really i dont now what do you say
but i think i should goaway my cell phone for that work.
i used a lot of my phone before asleep
Hakan S.
Meditation and solitude. Breathing exercises and limited social media. Just understand unplug and breathe in a quiet space.
Vivan U.
For me right now it’s being as productive as I can manage to be and to keep moving throughout the day and keeping myself busy. Might not be the best solution, but you end up being so exhausted that you fall asleep once you hit pillow and don’t usually wake up until you need to!
Helienay C.
Move before you try to rest and calm down from the day, turn off your mobile phones and get in a good sleeping environment, keep it dark and cozy and quiet. Cuddle with your loved ones
Ricardo S.
Make your bed inviting and comfortable. Splurge on cuddly blankets and use calming and pretty colors. Set an alarm clock before going to bed so you don’t have a reason to look at your phone. Set up a daily bedtime routine. Lastly, during the day try not to use your bed for any other activity so your brain associates it only with sleeping. It will help you fall asleep faster and have a more restful sleep.
Johan U.
I used to have a tough time falling asleep, especially during the time that I was applying to grad school. Doubts kept haunting me, I kept telling myself I didn’t have enough time. I really struggled with sleeping well for a year and a half.
What helped me were a combination of things. Some that I had to practise during the day and some just before going to bed. They’re laid out below:
1. Doing at least half an hour of exercise during the day, that makes you a little more tired before going to bed
2. Incorporating some kind of breathing exercise during the day
3. Spending some time addressing your doubts and thoughts and dealing with them. Asking questions like, “Will it matter in 5 years?” Or “Whats the worst that can happen? And how dealing with this worst is also possible”
4. Daily affirmations saying it’s all going to be okay
5. Concentrating on your breath while lying down
6. Reading a light novel till you’re sleepy
Hans J Rg C.
Make sure to be actively moving during the day. Avoid stressors and stimulants after noon. Keep your room cool, dark, quiet, and clutter free. Go light on alcohol or Rx benzo meds, as both can impair sleep quality.


Karen N.
I have a sleep playlist that I use almost every time I go to sleep. I only let myself have 30 songs in the list so it only lasts an hour so it gives my brain something to focus on until I'm asleep instead of thinking too much.
Giulia O.
Find a TED talk, book, or podcast interview (there's a lengthy one with Peter Attia) by Matthew Walker. His two main recommendations: sleep to a strictly regular schedule, and make your room cooler. He also suggests restricting caffeine to mornings, and cutting out alcohol before bed. I would add — get a really good goose down feather pillow that can give you good neck support and reduce apnoea. And make it dark and quiet, with eyeshades (try Dream Essentials) and earplugs if necessary.
Finally, when my sleep pattern is really broken, I use binaural beats, with comfortable earbuds and Bluetooth — amazingly effective.
Hope that helps!
Armand T.
Shower before getting in bed. Make sure the bed is made up ahead of time. Finish all daily tasks. Get in pjs. Unwind with some tv or a book.
Elliot T.
Turn off electronics (this includes TV) at least 30 minutes before bed. Dim the lights and drink warm decaf tea to help unwind before bed also.