What advice would you offer on how to stay consistent

Silke Z.
Consider this: you already know how to be consistent, just examine the bad habits you are consistent with, and remember you have the power to focus your consistency on something that will add to your life.
David Z.
Start your morning the same way. Wake up and remember what you did yesterday. I like to take a shower, meditate and have a coffee then exercise. Makes me feel like a million bucks 🙂
Crystallienne T.
"Consistency is the key". Most people say this and me too believe in this. Start with small task or habit that you know you can do it effortless. Then repeat. You can do it coz I just did.
Matthew Z.
Visualize yourself with good habits, visualize how your health would improve, how your sleep will be deeper, how you bank account is growing. Whatever it is visualize and comprehend that it's for your best! For your growth and that when you turn to look back it's to thank yourself for being committed and consistent
Tullia C.
Take the courage of your choices, once you decide to change your habit, it would be easier to follow the path because your action and your brain will go together.
Timmy F.
My iPhone because I have it on me at all times so I can open the app at anytime time also it’s more convenient so you can check on how your progress is doing
Tri C.
To stay consistent starting out set alarms, reminders, or write on a sticky note to do xyz. After 21days it should hopefully become a routine.
Zainab N.
Prepare and plan in advance. Visulaise your day to come so that you can see yourself doing the needed tasks. It also means having boundaries and protecting them so that you do not run out of time to do the things that are required as part of your self care routine. Bottomline- dont leave your day to chance! Take control. Have two days of leisure where u can drop the routine
Houyeme N.
Being consistent means that you should always remind yourself about your goal and to stay on track! I read once that to make something a healthy habit you should constantly do it for 21 days straight and like that it’ll be imprinted in your psych and part of your routine! Never give up, and never postpone! If you thought of it now do it at once because chances of you remembering it later is very slim and if you forgot you are a step behind from your goal! Consistency is key to great results and a happy and better YOU! So don’t deprive yourself from such great achievement! YOU GOT THISSSS💪🏼