Sure, how do I get out of bed when I have no appointment on that day? I waste my whole day sleeping.

Eyanah C.
I think something that helps me is giving myself something to look forward to the night before. For example, making plans to hang out with a friend or giving myself time to develop one of my hobbies. I found that I have the most difficulty getting out of bed on days where I feel overwhelmed or a sense of dread so it helps me to establish something specific to get up for instead.
Phillip J.
I think about what knowledge i can get to help make me a better person in whatsoever i am involved in and what will push me into my vision for my future
Dyllahn E.
Just like the app says wake up and drink a glass or a bottle of water, ask yourself what you want to get done today and what you neeeed to get done today. Prioritize my friend. Prioritize.
Andrea J.
set a lot of alarms like one for 7:00, another for 7:10, other for 7:20 and go on, this way you will need to get out of the bed to stop the alarm, making it difficult to you to go to sleep again
Izzie Q.
Hey! I would recommend finding a hobby or committing yourself to doing something early in the morning, like going for a walk or volunteering. Give yourself work to do even if you don’t have any.