I do housework under Clean & Tidy. And I do huge chore a week under One Big Thing. I also use the Make My Bed, for my first thing in the morning.
There is also Learn & Study, which I use for brain training in the mornings. I use the app Elevate for brain training sessions, so far so good.
I like to be progressive, but I don't pressure myself to complete everything though.
My challenge was the same as yours: what is my deep work for my real life? I have had three answers –
1) things I have to get done. It is sometimes helpful to make a list of, like your example, the housework I need to get done today and just hammer through it in a deep work cycle. This is particularly true if I have day that DOES look like a collection of lots of litter hanging I ligations I need to pin up.
2) accomplishing longer term goals – some things are bigger than a task. I have been, for example, fixing a part of my front yard with some drainage and erosion issues. It’s a lot of work and if I just sort of put it as a todo it takes forever. But taking a deep work cycle a few days a week to work it can be really helpful, both for getting the work done and for forcing myself really look, concretely at what next steps rally look like.
3) working on my own values. Chores, tasks, etc are important but the thing I find really hard to take time for is things I don’t have to do but that are important to me. For me this has included writing, spending time with my kids, doing service for others, and practicing skills I really want to learn (languages, playing piano…). A deep work cycle each day is a great way to schedule something like this in first –
And in terms of that shaping the way the whole day feels, it starts me on a note that feels like meaning and progress – if I started with chores every day, I would begin to think of my life as chores. Most important is not always the same as most urgent!
Anyway, o hope that helps. The tldr I guess is to really sit and think about what it is you want your life and your day to feel like. Then figure out what you could be doing that really matters to you, something that finishing makes you feel the way you want to feel all the time
Hope that helps!
It will help you focus.
Try to create something. Explore your skills. You never know what’s waiting inside you to come out
Committing a block of distraction free time on a regular basis is the best way to develop a new skill, project or habit quickly.