Mathias E.
I had enough food to make a simple dinner. And I will have enough tomorrow. For now, I have my health and my loved ones are ok, even though I cannot be with them, I am grateful for video chats. Whoever you are, I am sending you love and compassion ❤️
Jeff J.
I’ve been grateful that I have, and always been able, to work remotely but especially during such a tumultuous time. While I think the situation is a little blown out of proportion, it’s comforting knowing my job is needed and that I’ll still have a job after all this clears up
Prisca W.
Lately, I am most of all grateful for having the time to discover myself and create new habits. Quarantining because of Coronavirus is scary but it also proved to be an opportunity to finally have the time to get to know myself and try new things. I started running daily, online yoga and I have been planning my day every morning and make sure I work productively while saving time for myself, such as for reading or playing a game!
S A.
My health, my wealth, my family and friends. I am grateful that I live close to nature and can take walks on stunning beaches