Is there anything other than breathing that you try to do while meditating?

Valeria Y.
i can also think about the things i am grateful for, and to be aware of which parts of my body is tired or aching and try to breathe and feel the air travelling to those areas
Valeria Y.
I recommend turning off your phone when you go to sleep, leaving it in another room and picking it up after you do all the things you need to get done. I also recommended adding a time limit to all the apps that distract you.
Valeria Y.
To be honest I am a person with ADHD so it’s hard for me to meditate, I get distracted easily and when I successfully concentrate just a little I begin to overthink everything so that’s why I prefer to do poses, gymnastics and running. So I can’t really respond to your question.
Valeria Y.
I try to focus on my body, on how different parts of my body feel and think about simple pleasant memories that only involve feeling (walking into a pond, seeing the sunrise)
Valeria Y.
We can here to daily motivational I am affirmation quotes which would energize you and make your whole day bright.
Cna follow mudras which would be of great heth benefits
Valeria Y.
I follow “Liber Null & Psychonaut”’s instructions, so I try to be motionless, focus on breathing and recite a mantra to focus myself completely. I still get distracted, but that’s the whole point of meditation.
San A.
personally, when meditating i always try to focus on my forehead haha, i know it might sound strange but it just helps me to concentrate and then I just start to be at this weirdly calming point when i don’t think about anything, i also like to image a wave of relaxation going through me. it’s letting me be in “nowhere” and that’s also kinda my goal so yeah
Valeria Y.
I focus on the feeling and fill myself up with light. I address emotions and where they reside in my body, and I find the color they correspond with, and then do internal light and color therapy, moving the colored light in spiral, or letting it shine brighter or dimming it until the feeling is processed and dealt with, so I can release it.
Valeria Y.
I try to listen how my body feel, the breath in my addom and sometime I immagin my breath like a flame that is red when I inhale and blue when I exhale