Matteo E.
Helping you
Lesa X.
Depends on how much caffeine you are taking in during the day in total. Maybe drink some water before and after your morning coffee
Suzanna P.
I think it helps however it should never be at the expense of a healthy breakfast
Samantha L.
Sometimes it helps me to work on a good mood, but sometimes it doesn’t .
Hildegunde O.
It depends. Usually it’s not reccomended for people with an acidic stomach. In my case, caffeine makes me tremble after some time, so i don’t drink it. If you are taking just one cup a day i think you’re good. Just don’t abuse.
Annabell O.
Right now, I feel my morning coffee has been hurting rather than helping. I’ve felt dependent on it, both for warmth in the morning and caffeination. And sugar. It might be time to take a break.
Kathy W.
That depends on whether it’s sugar-laden or not. Coffee by itself with milk isn’t an issue but sugar, is.
Owen O.
It’s helping you. Coffee is good for you
Kylie N.
Morning coffee is fine. Caffeine has a half life of six hours in your body according to some things I’ve read, but don’t take my word for it.
But afternoon coffee is killing you. Instead of going for that second cup, work a nap on your schedule. Even a ten minute one in a closet at work is better than the time, money, and lack of night sleep that will hound you if you do afternoon coffee.
Hana T.
Coffee gives me energy for a short while then makes me more tired though out the rest of the day. Drinking water first thing in the morning is good.
Kleianne N.
I think morning coffee is a tool that doesn’t need to be used all the time. There are many pros and cons to coffee, but like anything else, it should be used in moderation.
Moritz O.
I don’t depend on a morning coffee so therefore a morning coffee would have little to no negative affect on my life.
Gustav F.
It really depends, are you addicted to the caffeine? Is it becoming unhealthy for you?
Elias U.
Enjoy your coffee after your glass of water. One or two cups won’t hurt you. Everyone in moderation.
Scott F.
Well, I guess that’s up for debate. I noticed when I drink water and have a healthy breakfast at home before going to work, having a cup of coffee seems to help with getting on with the day.