Is 10 minutes enough for meditation?

Kirk Y.
I have only been able to successfully and contently meditate for up to 5 minutes. But my meditation would move from being refreshing to reflective if I changed to 10 minutes. More time to be become in tuned with myself and practice being exposed to distractions but maintaining my focus with myself.
Dana N.
It can be. Sometimes I use a guided 5 min mediation and after it ends I sit still for a while, forgetting time. But mediate everywhere, anywhere for as much as you enjoy 😊
Tamisonel N.
Yeah, it’s correct if you meditate alone by yourself.

In reality, when you have been learned through meditation journey with a master then 10 minutes are not going to be true. I want you to know that I am one of the master in the art of meditation journey so that I know what I am talking about in this meditated subject than anyone out there in the internet!!! Tamison