Pamela P.
What helps me is when I split the to-do list into 'Now, then and later' sections! It relieves some of the pressure and helps me to prioritise what I need to get done as opposed to what I want to do. To include reward, I put fun things on my to do list! So if I get something fun done that I enjoy, I am more likely to do the other things on the list
Philip F.
When I've had that problem, I find ether breaking down the tasks into more manageable smaller pieces/chunks, or scheduling the time in my day planner helps. Also, it helps me to think about why I want to make the task a priority today, not tomorrow
Gabrielle O.
I struggled with this for a long time, I found the main thing is I was not giving myself enough time to do the things on my list and subconsciously my brain knew I couldn’t finish them so it kept putting it off. Or else I thought things would take longer than they would. Two things to do are to start timing your actions do you know how long things take and second is to make a to do list of ONE thing to start. What’s the most important thing I can do today for my goals? And do that.
The third thing is when you go to do your to do list say “I don’t want to do these things, but I trust myself that I decided o do it for a reason, so I’m going to just do it.”
Alex Y.
There is a few things to consider, one is that somedays we're not getting around to any of it, we need time off and we should give ourselves that. The other point is when I give myself TOO MUCH to do in one day, I pick between 1-2 jobs, that's it, anymore that I write down and can get done are just bonuses.
Elma F.
First thing my friend… You need to first reduce your number of ToDos item & secondly select Top 3 ToDo & call it a day if your done with Top 3… So that way, even if you Fail you end up achieving your top priorities