What app do you recommend for making a to do list?

Kuehn N.
I usually har a note pad. Prefer handwriting it and write 1 fir most important and so on. I number from 1 to ten. and tick once achieved ! I am sure there are some apps like Keep notes , …
Kristen Q.
I usually just use my notes on my iPhone, but I also like to use the spaces provided on here to note my to dos because it’s easy and easily accessible
Thembi A.
I use Fabulous. I’m able to right down what I need to do on that day & then later on in the day I’m also able to adjust my plan & also write down what I need to do the following day
Ausendo F.
Google keep notes is really helpful if multiple people need access. It's also gives you space to write like a note or the option to make an actual check list. It's my go to for lists
Garance A.
If you have an iPhone than the app notes that come with the phone is a really good one because you can tick what you have done and emojis to make it colourful
Breanne X.
I personally don’t like using apps because I tend to forget about it thanks to all my other 10s of apps on my phone. For me the best and more effective method is a good old fashion piece of paper that sits on my counter where I see it multiple times. Now that I made it a routine I bought a small notebook specifically for my todos.
Stanitsa V.
Personally, I love paper post it! notes. They are very convenient because you can stick them anywhere. What I do is I stick it on my planner divider, so that even if the week is over I can easily transfer it to the nect week, plus it takes less space in the planner itself. An app I use is called "ColorNote" for when I don't have my planner, or paper for that matter, at hand. With it you can create text notes or checklist notes. I keep there my grocery list; films I want see; packing lists; sometimes even dream logs (but only until I write them in my paper diary, and then I delete them).
Jennifer N.
I just make them on notes on my phone, I use the feature that lets you put circles beside the task to then check off as you complete, also I order them in sequential order of when i will do them after assigning each an estimated time to complete, ie 15 min, 1 hr. I also have an ongoing list of things that I want to do each week in my agenda/planner that I use to make my to dos.
Ava C.
I use a note book! I have down my goals and reaches, and when I dont complete a reach one day it becomes a goal the next!
Adelaide T.
If you have an iPhone, the Reminders app is built in and really simple and easy to use. I use it for everything, from to do lists, to groceries, to movies to watch