I prefer to eat my first meal much later in the day. Around 2pm. There are benefits to this, e.g. intermittent fasting Why should I change? Isn’t it about finding what works for me not just copying the routines of others? Are the only ‘successful’ or ‘happy’ people in the world those that wake up at 5am, drink water, eat breakfast, do yoga and read?

Scarlet Y.
Things like exercise and drinking water are important in the morning because they wake you up more. It’s not to say that you have to do exercise in the morning. It’s important to find your own schedule. But breakfast should be a must. Eating breakfast gives you the most energy for the rest of your day until your next meal. It’s not necessarily changes to make you “happy,” but more so to have the ability to concentrate and work at your best quality throughout the day.
Dale Z.
Of course not! If that’s what works best for you, then I think you should do it. Being a ‘happy’ person is more than just waking up early, drinking water, and yoga. Do what’s best for you and you will be happy.
Margarethe E.
I agree it should be about what works for you. If your first meal of the day is at 2pm there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that.
Simon N.
You don’t need to wake up at 5am, but eating your first meal around 2pm ain’t healthy. Breakfast is the important meal out of all, helps you stay energized and focused throughout the day. 5am is a bit extreme but atleast wake up before 12am and eat your breakfast. All love, you can do this!❤️
Lula E.
Woah, that’s deep, anyway. You should just do what works for you and whatever gives you a healthy relationship with food. It doesn’t just have to be banned on others routines, but if yours stops working, then taking inspiration from others is always a great idea!! You don’t have to change ❤️
Saloni T.
I try to follow a 16:8 intermittent fasting routine on most days. So I usually skip breakfast and have my brunch around 12 or 1pm. But if I feel very hungry on some days, then I can have my breakfast early. I feel IF is great for metabolism, but it’s best to listen to your body instead of just following general health advice out there. So eat whenever you feel hungry. 🙂
Silje Z.
I think in my opinion that doing what works best for your body, metabolism etc is the right call. I am also a delayed breakfast person, so for me having something nutritious but small is a better compromise and fuel option for my body.