I prefer sweet breakfasts even though I know it’s not really recommended. Suggestions for a good compromise?

Kl Re F.
A good compromise is yogurt with berries(blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) and one date. Then, add some nuts and protein such as hemp seeds to balance the breakfast.
Signe F.
When I want a sweet breakfast I make a smoothie with fruit and berries. But I make sure to include some seeds, honey, yoghurt and sometimes vegetables, then you both feel full for a long time and its very healthy.
Carmen P.
So you can't have sweets every but you can switch it up a bit all while being healthier in doing so. Try French toast but instead of syrup use fresh fruit and whip cream for a extra treat thn on other days go with lighter treats like yogurt and nuts/ fruit or both. Yeah they aren't as appealing as the French toast but they are a compromise in between the two. There are many other options but look more into creative ideas that fulfill your sweet desire but offer you nutrition as well! I hope that helps in some way!