Maryam U.
Any kind of omlet can be prepared last night. I make mixed and stired of eggs with grating vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, leek, onion or fresh dill
Jaquelinne Q.
Try egg muffins! Using a muffin tray, spray it with non stick spray and add your egg with veggies mixture. Bake it at 350 for about 25 min. Just reheat it in the morning, is super easy.
Pixie N.
A pretty simple thing is to make an egg wrap. You put the wrap in the pan and crack an egg on top of it (scrambled is easier) and flip it when the base is cooked enough to stay on the wrap. You can personalise it as much as you want with fillings of your choice. You can heat it up in the morning but it also tastes good cold too!