Make them 1 part oats to 1 part milk (I make 1/2 cup of each but whatever is a good portion size for you), then add whatever you like. I like to add flax and chia seeds, banana and cacao. You can also add nut butters, berries, apple and cinnamon, whatever suits you! and make sure to prepare your breakfast the day before. I had the following this morning: sliced banana with lemon, covered with porridge, sprinkled with nuts and covered with a yoghurt, sprinkled with almonds, a pinch of salt&pepper and cinnamon. All prepared last night. All I had to do this morning was take it out of the fridge and eat it. This evening I shall be preparing scrambled eggs for tomorrow (during my evening routine). Good luck!
If I have time on weekend, I make baked egg cups in muffin tins using left over cut veggies, cooked meats and/or cheese. Internet has all kinds of recipes to bake/fridge/freeze these.
I would suggest you to boil some eggs and eat them with a toasted bread and some cheese. I personally do that and it is really good:))
Plain yogurt with fruit and granola
Avocado toast. Great with a chili lime seasoning
All of these would take about 5 minutes to prepare
High quality yogurt (preferably low in sugar), and a couple of apple slices, diced up and added and or a 1/2 teaspoon of honey for sweetener. I may have that with a slice of whole grain toast. Try to stay away from foods with a lot of sugar and preservatives and if the ingredient label is filled with a bunch of stuff that you do not know what it is or even how to say it… stay away from it.
1/3 – 1/2 c milk (almond, dairy, cashew, coconut etc)
1/3 – 1/2 c old fashioned rolled oats, uncooked
1/3 – 1/2 c yogurt
1/2 banana mashed
1 t chia seeds
1. Add everything to jar or container. Mix well. Refrigerate overnight or at least five hours.
2. In the morning add additional liquid if you want. Top with fruits, nuts, seeds, granola, spices, etc
Note: very flexible recipe and Is good base for add-ons. You can vary your milk and yogurt. I use almond and plain Greek yogurt. The banana really makes a difference. It should keep for up to 2 days. If you don’t add banana, up to 4 days.
Yum! Enjoy!
Frozen berries
Fast cooking oatmeal
A mug
Fill the mug about halfway with the frozen berries and nuke the heck outta them in the microwave (should be completely melted and steaming a bit, I do 55 seconds).
Next, add a half teaspoon of honey to the warm berries and stir in until it melts.
Add oatmeal to it until you have a berry-to-oat ratio that you like (I use about 3-4 heaping tablespoons)
If needed, add some boiling water to warm it up more and get the level of wetness that you want
Crack 3 eggs (free range for extra karma!), add a splash of milk, a dash of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper, turn up the heat and after a minute or 2 of moving it around – breakfast!
Sliced tomato and/or avocado on the side and you’re done!
The key to this is to have the ingredients in stock the evening before – fail to prepare, prepare to fail!
The ingredients are
1 egg
1/2 a banana (riper ones make it sweeter)
1/2 to 3/4 cup oatmeal
A splash of unsweetened almond milk or whatever kind of milk you like
1 – 2 tablespoons Ground flaxseed (optional)
Fruit (I like to put raisins and diced apples or whatever other kind of fruit I have).
A spoon of peanut butter if desired.
Dash of salt if desired.
Crack the egg into a microwaveable bowl
Smash half a banana on a cutting board with a fork & put it into the bowl with the egg. Stir
Add the oatmeal, flax, dash of cinnamon, splash of almond milk and fruit and stir.
Microwave for 2 min. Or until it’s the consistency you want.
Add spoon of natural peanut
Butter on top and melt for 30more seconds and spread. “Chop” up with spoon and add more milk for a more cereal like oatmeal. Sometimes I don’t have some of the ingredients, but as long as I have the oatmeal and egg and some kind of fruit it’s a yummy filling breakfast. I hope you Enjoy!
1. change your sleep schedule so you go to bed earlier and wake-up earlier thus giving you more time for breakfast.
2. Prepare your breakfast at night. One of my personal favs is chia seed pudding. Get a can of lite coconut milk, blend it with a date and fresh berries, add about 1/4 cup of chia seeds. Slice up a banana and put it in the bottom of your serving containers. Pour the chia seed coconut milk mixture over it. Add some fresh berries and put a lid on the container and let it sit in the fridge overnight. You can do the same thing with rolled oats instead of chia seeds. When you wake up in the morning breakfast is ready to go in serving size portions. No heat necessary! Grab a spoon and dig in!
If I have more time than that I like to do oatmeal with milk and protein powder or other ingredients that I enjoy eating such as peanuts, strawberries and so on. This takes about 3 minutes to do, but a little longer time to eat up (say 4-10min depending on how much I do).
I recomend oatmeal as I get stay full for a longer time, or a mix with a small portion of oatmeal and scrambled eggs.
Or if you are in true hurry in the morning prepare a raw porridge in the evening before: 1 dl oat flakes, ~2 dl low sugar/low fat yogurt and mix it in a jar. Add berries or spices as above. This you don’t put in the microwave oven. You can take it in tha jar with you from the fridge in the morning and eat it while commuting!
Another option is refrigerated overnight oats, which will be ready for you when you wake up in the morning. Good luck!
Porridge 2 min microwave with almond milk