What night before prep do you do for breakfast?

Amber E.
Nothing much just check that if I have fruits, milk and something to eat as a breakfast available at home or not and I check it when shops are open so I can quickly bring the stuff😊
Sara W.
Overnight Oats! Put Oats, milk, yoghurt, nuts, chia (whatever you want) in a container, mix it up and leave it overnight. Ready in the morning! You can make a batch big enough for the week.
Jordan C.
Personally, I don't do a lot of night before prep. Mostly just seeing what my schedule is for the next day and picking my breakfast accordingly. Not to hectic of a morning I usually do stovetop oatmeal or scrambled eggs and toast. Busy morning usually just a protein bar and fruit. I also make sure that any dishes i need the next day are washed the night before. Nothing kills a morning vibe then having to do dishes lol