Ukasz J.
Hi🙂 I never run before I have a breakfast so that means I normally run before lunch time or evening. Sorry can't help you with that question….
Tsvetelina N.
When you open your eyes you have to say to yourself “i can do it”. You have to wake up and be better than yesterday. Keep up the good work and you will feel better.
Melisya T.
I don’t really my do this often at all but I recommend stretching like,cracking your Nuckles ,moving your neck ,stretching your legs arms basecley everything
Samantha C.
I find doing dynamic stretches helps to get my blood flowing and my mind more awake. Try doing some quick squats, lunges, and marches before you go out the door.
Lisa P.
I found it easy to start with 10 mins on the treadmill and then adding time. I am up to about 30mins most days. But, even if I am running behind I can squeeze 15 mins.
Violet U.
Ups, I am bad addressee, as I do not like running :)) But in general, maybe you need some other sports activity instead of running? Or, maybe, to start with fast walking and only then switch to running?