How often do you do aerobic exercises vs weights?

Anna P.
I’m now doing cardio exercises 3 times a week for 1 hour and using my body weight to exercise right after for 15min and finalising with stretches.
Cassandra A.
I just started doing aerobic exercises. I was more into weights, but it always made more a little more anxious after working out rather than now I am doing aerobic exercises I feel more relaxed after and still energized. Not so sore in some muscles. I enjoy it alot more.
Cameron U.
i find green tea the best tea for waking up, it tastes nice & doesn't need milk (i'm lactose sensitive) and very low on calories which is good for me, as i'm trying to lose weight
Sarah Y.
For my morning exercise I do five crunches and five push ups, and I try to walk a couple times a week. I’ve never tried weight training but I think I’d like to start!