How long is a good session?

Amy Y.
A good yoga session is 20 minutes to one hour. If I have high energy after 20 minutes then I will repeat the session, especially if there are moves I want to practice. Sometimes I try out a new routine. If I’m feeling strong at the start I go for 60 or 90 minutes, I find the longer programs are interesting enough to keep focused and if a pose is troublesome I’m able to watch the video knowing that I can study the move and still get a good long workout in.
Martha C.
I do not know what you mean by a session because you didn’t explain I get if this was a accident but if you did try to give a question then please explain with better context.
Oliver Y.
I say for a full session of your morning or evening routine should be 20 or more minutes equal to everything in each routine but time vary from what you do in your routine
Emi Z.
Depends on what your feeling, sometimes when I wake up I love to do a really long workout and yoga session but sometimes I just do 1min wake up exercise and 4 min yoga so for me it depends on what your are feeling that day

If you see this I hope your happy and healthy and that your day is beautiful,, you are loved xx