I tend to use it to empty my thoughts for the day. Im not always sure what I will write about until I start. I try to let my mind free flow and just write down the thoughts. It can be a strange experience sometimes, like I can only see the sentence I am currently working on and the next doesn't reveal itself until I have finished the previous one. I have found it has helped me slow down and follow my train of thought. I've been able to work through unresolved thoughts about past experiences in a way that keeps me accountable. I try to use 'I' messages rather than 'You' (e.g. 'I feel / think' rather than 'You made me' etc). I think it has helped keep me responsible for my own emotions and meaning making. I do sometimes have the urge to write down a 'You' message when I feel stuck. So when I write it down I follow it with 'I' messages. It actually helps me to start to unpack what I'm struggling with because I know it's coming from a place of blame. It also helps validate some of those go to, gut reactions of blaming without agreeing and just seeing them from the surface.
How long do you take to write in your journal and do you write creatively or just to empty your mind of the day?
Charlie I.
I put aside 20mins to write my journal every morning. I use a journal app to type and save securely which make me feel more comfortable in my writing .
Emma E.
It varies, I don't want to turn it into a chore so if I don't feel like writing, then I just do a short burst. Usually inspiration kicks in and I write longer than I thought I would. I usually think about something that's bothering me and then try and rationalise it, work in solutions and set myself a goal for the next day.
Isaiah G.
I haven't kept an effective journal for over 15 years. So when I write, it is just snippets of a vision, goal or topic and or person. That is already put together inside of me but hard to articulate out because I am super critical of my writing.
Yari F.
I journal at different times for different reasons. Lately, I have a specific writing journal for processing my grief. I lost my partner of 16 years in February. I write to him through my journal and also to myself. Mostly when I am overwhelmed. I write entries every few days. I'm the evenings, I write a very brief every in a gratitude journal app.