How long do you recommend doing one stretch?

Luanda Z.
10 seconds
Sarah P.
I would normally stretch for one minute for each muscle.
Janett B.
I usually do 8 deep breaths for one stretch. Although, u can take ur time on some stretches more that others if u find them more relaxing.
Heidi B.
I think atleast 20 secs of one stretch is needed to actually push and relax your muscles.
Gabe N.
I would like to hold a stretch for two minutes.
Marshall P.
30 second
Claire Z.
I try to stretch each muscle out for two minutes and 30 seconds as that provides me with enough time in 20 minutes to do 8 stretches. I then use mindfulness while I stretch as I can be in the moment and present and feel tissues being strained as they are activated by my nervous system.