How do you sustain the stretch habit?

Gustav B.
I listen to my favourite music(kpop) and I try to distance myself from distractions such as devices, siblings and schoolwork.
Lauryn Z.
since im a very athletic person , i always stretch to remind myself of what im about to do (dance , track , cheer , etc .) .
Sharad P.
I just compare it to something that is more challenging, like a 15 min intense workout. I definitely don't feel like doing that but I also want to keep my body moving, so what's the middle ground here a 10 min stretch, that's it! This is what my internal dialogue sounds like every morning when the stretch challenge shows up. Hiepnthis helps😊
Yournee Y.
After I get up and drink water and take kids to school. I have to mentally keep telling myself that I am going to do this it’s just 1-7 minutes out of my life and I owe it to myself. Cuz I Love Me
Hope this will be helpful for you. I had brain and neck surgery and was on so many meds. I finally told my doctor no more meds. So she suggested Wegovy to me it’s an injection for diabetics but I do t have diabetes. In 4 months I’ve lost 20lbs with the help of this app and I’m eating healthier.
Mia X.
See how you feel before the stretch and after the stretch. I find that if I take that moment to just wake up my body I function better later, so the habit just sticks.
John O.
Sometimes I don’t feel like stretching, but when the reminder from this app pops up, I get myself to do it and I always feel so great after! And when another day it’s difficult to do it again I try to remember how great I felt afterwards!
Julia V.
My muscles are constantly sore because I am someone who does a lot of strenuous physical activity. I try to stretch before and after a workout, but sometimes I forget and sometimes I need a little extra stretching to make sure my muscles aren’t hurting and my body is right where it needs to be. Once I started stretching as a habit in the morning and at nighttime, I noticed a difference in the way my body felt and soon I couldn’t go back. This little habit made me feel incredible and I never want to miss a day.
Jaclyn T.
It’s not easy for me to form healthy habits. However, I have noticed that stretching improves my movement at work and helps wake me up in the morning!
Diana J.
Making it almost the absolute first thing I do in the morning. Since I workout these stretches almost feel like a reward. So reframing the experience into a reward has also helped. Finally I do face and hand and ankle stretches when I am stopped at certain stoplights. I associate these stretches with those stoplights so it’s sort of a game !
Noemi N.
I felt the need of it due to the soreness and pain of staying at my desk all day long. I just very simply started doing it for 1 minute, one muscle in particular and I found myself enjoying it
S Ra N.
I feel productive when I clean my room before preparing the breakfast. But I'm disappointed because I didn't stretch so tomorrow I definitely must stretch. Then I'll be proud of myself and happier than today.
Muhammad M.
أحافظ على هذه العادة من خلال التحفيز الذي أحصل عليه من رسائلكم ومن الإرادة التي طالما بحثتُ عنها في نفسي وأجدها حيناً وتختفي عني حينا.
Paloma E.
I try to think about all of the benefits that my body gets when I stretch. Some days I really have to force myself to stretch, but those are the days where I feel the most reward when I finally finish. If I wake up and find it especially difficult to stretch one day I just gently lay my feet on the ground and say "I dont want to stretch but I am going to none the less."
Sophia Z.
Well, my arm has been kind of hurting for a while now, so it’s easy to be reminded of stretching and I feel like it’s a necessity 🙂
Callum E.
When I see it pop up in my daily routine I make sure to get it done, it helps to wake me up and feel less achy at the start of the day.
Julie O.
I just tell myself that I'm going to do it just before I go to bed and make it part of my routine along with brushing my teeth.
Virg Nia F.
Luckily, I've done many different sports throughout my whole life, and that has teached me how to stretch most muscles that I would be able to. Although I'm actually not that flexible, I find the idea to stretch everyday very useful to improve that, apart from every other benefits it would bring.
Leslie U.
it gives me benefit of greeting my body in the morning and make a smooth exit from the bed. feeling my bones crack with my eyes closed gives me a "start-up" feeling.
Mary X.
When I wake up after I drink water, I simply sit in bed and stretch my body out. I do this so I feel more awake and rejuvenated after sleep and so my body can wake up too
Alexander X.
As I have started going to the gym, my muscles and joints have been gettiny quite tight. I stretch mostly to maintain a health RoM for my arms and legs, as well as reducing pain. I am reminded to stretch whenever my muscles feel tight or when certain movements become harder.
Zelaine Z.
Do it while doing waiting for other things… such as waiting for the water to boil, or during the bath or while waiting for the bus or train. you will find that you will feel good with the stretch and do it several times a day.
Ruby B.
Every morning, I make it a point to stretch so I can awaken my body and get into a better mood, because being productive always makes me feel better.
Florentino N.
You want to breathe, and be cam, do stretches that won’t hurt yourself and help you get started for the day, it will help you feel energized, and ready for the day. It has helped me a lot to not be as stiff, or unorganized. It helped me feel calm, and able to do things.
ダレリ N.
When I stretched for the first time I felt good. Not only that i thought to myself that I could become this a habit. I think that every day until now and it has helped me a lot. That’s how how I maintain a habit. Motivating myself :).
Anna P.
I usually get up and do arm exercises like stretching them left and right or going backwards doing other exercises like getting my toe up and going back On my back or to take one of my legs to put it forward bent and the other stretched back and try to go down I do not do too many things in the morning because I do not feel appetite But I usually do more walking exercises like take my whole leg and bend it and bring it to my belly
Diego Y.
I sustain the stretch habit by reminding myself that my body is a perfect machine, but a perfect machine with such a relatively short life needs to stay in motion to function optimally. With this thought I put stretching as my “starting the engine” type of habit. Another helpful mindset I have to sustain this great habit of stretching is to think about from a musician or athlete point of view. For professionals in either of these fields stretching is an essential habit for having a productive session. In this way I am able to sustain stretching by also seeing as stretching before playing the song of my life everyday!
Joy A.
After you wake up and drink your water you should stretch, but personally I like to stretch twice after I wake up and drink my water, and after I take a shower.
Louren O Z.
I like stretching my body because it makes me feel better and if i have any cramps or sprains , stretching makes it go away
Lance S.
I make sure the space I stretch in is clear of clutter. I light candles and play a relaxation play list. Make sure your space is comfy. When I wake up I drink a bottle of water, test my blood sugar (I'm diabetic) and then go to my stretching/meditation area and begin stretching. I make sure the night before I go to sleep that my area is prepped and ready for when I wake. Even if I sleep in, as long as I have the time I stretch. If you don't have much time just small stretches that you do when you first wake up in bed is better than nothing. I usually stretch for a good 10-15 minutes just enjoying my surroundings and feeling my body, really listening to what areas need more stretching. It really helps me maintain a clear head for the hole day.
Vantina X.
You dont have to stretch for a long time, and you can do it whenever you feel like it. One step at a time, or at this case, one stretch at a time and before you know, it will become a part of your routine and your body will feel more and more relaxed
Nicola N.
As soon as I wake up I drink a pint of water which I leave next to my bed. When I get up, I open my curtains and stretch my back while watching the birds. I have arthritis in my hips so I go some gentle hip rotations and some yoga warrior poses. Watching the birds and the cats in the garden passes the time and cheers me up. I open the window too if it’s not raining ☔️
Keira I.
i have a reminder on my to-do list type thing. it’s one of my tasks on a journey i have on finch which is my other self care app
Adrianna E.
Stretching genuinely feels good to me, and after I definitely feel more relaxed and even accomplished and proud. So even when I don't want to do anything, I think about how good I feel after I do it and it's enough to motivate me.
Melissa N.
I usually wake up and will lay in bed for hours, yet yesterday when I started this I decided I wanted a change. So today when I woke up, in order to keep me awake I drank water, stood up, and started stretching. It gave me a really good feeling as if I have accomplished something huge, so I am definitely looking forward to doing it tomorrow and the days after that.
Kristen E.
I’ve started with a small stretch time to make it more manageable and hope to build from there. It helps to think about it that way – I only need 60 seconds to stretch for goal completion but I can go longer if I want! I am using a 5 minute YouTube stretch routine to help me know how to stretch even if I only have a little time.
Nicole T.
I known how I'll feel at the end of every movement and throughout the day, it's something that keeps me active and happy but some days if I'm not feel like doing it ..I simply won't. The key here is that I try to balance my rest days with my routine days.
Jess Q.
It’s almost an instinct to just stretch out your arms or legs when you wake up. So it’s easy to just throw in a couple more intricate stretches into that habit. It relaxes me more as I start my day and gives some relief if I didn’t sleep so good that night.
Emeline E.
I prepare the outfit i’m gonna wear in the morning before i go to bed, so that when i wake up, i change, set a 5-minute timer and prep my yoga mat, then the moment i start stretching, one thing leads to the other and my body starts sinking into it. Then that feeling when i’m done is what keeps me going. I feel proud and happy, cause all these endorphins start spreading throughout my body, making me feel satisfied. And when i stretch and integrate yoga into my stretching routine, there’s this connection between my brain, body, and soul that makes feel alive and at peace for the rest of day, so every time i wake up i crave these feelings that makes me feel it’s not something i’m obliged to do, it’s something i love to do.
Melissa F.
I tell myself that stretching, exercising and eating healthy it benefits me. And I deserve to be the best version of myself.
Maria R.
It’s an habit that makes me unwind, feel good and connect with my body. So it comes naturally, I enter Fabulous, remember I have to do it, and just do it!
Joyce F.
I wake up get ready and check the app and remember I have to do the stretching. It also helps to loosen my muscles in the morning ready for the long day ahead.
Sam N.
I tell myself to do my daily habits after doing a fist clench to strengthen my resolve to be a better version of myself.
Susanna Z.
Well for me it works like this I spread out my stretch habits daily I consider stretch habits in the morning as soon I wake up and before I go to bed.
Vermillion U.
Everyone does a little stretch each morning, so I decided to make that the time I stretch each morning. Everytime I do the small stretch, I remember and continue to stretch for 1 minute.
Sandro E.
I start with the thought of ONE good stretch. Once I start with one I naturally said I can do one more and did that till I was happy with my stretch time or I did my whole body.
Morris E.
I will typically wake up and stretch my arms out just put of habit, but had I not been doing that before the stretching then I might have definitely forgotten to do it more. Although when I was first starting to get into stretching I would put a post it note by my bed on top of my phone so I would see that and remember to stretch even on tired mornings.
Jacob W.
I am doing it every morning (no skips), in the middle of my routine and with a bit of celebration after I finish. You can also sleep in your gym clothes or put it near the bed to jump into it right after you woke up. I personally do not use gym clothes for my morning exercises.
Deviputri F.
You can sustain your stretch habit by setting a time and putting it as goal by seeting a even 15 minute time you can make it as a habit
Donald Z.
If I am reluctant to stretch then I will trick my mind into thinking it's fun, I will tell myself that I will feel great afterwards and that it benefits me so I just do it, and then I really do feel amazing after, physically and mentally 🎶
Justine C.
I struggle to remember but with fabulous reminding me of my daily plans and goals I try to make sure I do it as it alerts me, if it’s not convenient I change the time to make sure I never miss it. Hopefully the habits will become second nature!
Martin U.
It doesn't have to be perfect. Doing something is better than nothing. So on the days I can't be motivated to get out of bed properly, I just do it where I am. Stretch my arms and legs a little before getting up, and if I'm feeling up to it, I will take it to the floor and do more but sometimes I'm too tired. In my opinion, it's a matter of making healthy practices accessible to your needs, every day, even the bad ones. (Good luck!)
Paul T.
I don't call it strech because it's not a fun name, I call it "good morning" instead. Also, doing it in front of a mirror is easier for me.
Michelle E.
do it as soon as you wake up! it is when you are not the most flexible but it will feel great after. also do it right before bed when you Are the most flexible. One more way is to stretch quickly while brushing your teeth or doing a leave in productive or even the shower! just put it somewhere “easy” in your routine! hope this helps!
Sydney R.
I wake up kind of stiff sometimes depending on what I did the day before. When i wake up, i pay attention to how my body is feeling (and this focus on my body is emphasized by drinking water) and I try to alleviate the stiffness. I try to restore balance to my body before I get into my day so I have a truly fresh start.
Henning U.
Pain from a workout is a good physical reminder to stretch. Dancing motivates me to maintain flexibility. I can take the time out for myself for this small act of self care
Linda N.
Do it right after something you’re already doing every day, a habit or a routine. This way, your brain will automate it faster.

Having a glass of water on the bedside table is a habit my parents taught me from a very early age. So for me, it makes sense to stretch right after drinking my water because I never ever skip it. It could also be something like right after brushing your teeth, or as soon as you exit the shower if you do this every morning.

Good luck and keep going!

Melvin N.
After sitting a long time behindmy desk I get up and do some simppe streches to make my body feel better and also to feel refreshed
Spicy Z.
i just know even if i'm not feeling motivated or even energized that it'll make my day so much better and that if i want to be the best me, i have to work hard for my future
Shin Dee N.
The minute I get up in bed, no matter how late it is, I stretch my arms and neck, and that itself takes more than a minute already!
Iris U.
Hi!! I do a very quick sun salutation when I do the stretch habit. It’s great, because it’s a yoga pose made specifically to gently stretch you. It just takes a minute and definitely wakes me up and makes me feel limber. Here’s a short one for you –
Alien S.
I wake up and I immediately start stretching, it’s nice after a long nights sleep because your body tends to stiffen up at night because you stay in the same pose for a couple hours so that’s what reminds me to stretch
Marcos B.
As I work from home, I say the time when I should do a break from my computer. This way I rest my mind, stretch and get a snack to keep going until me next meal or break.
Jerry W.
I do balett so my body is really tired. So when I wake up my body longs for the streching. After that I feel more fresh and I don’t feel myself very tired. I like streching. That’s the jey How can I sustain this habit.