That motivates me to do squats at any time of the day 🙈
Same attire, pretty much same prep except no warmup.
This got me in the habit of just getting my shoes on and going outside
Now its a lot easier to get my shoes on and go outside for a run
So try this. Dont workout, or run or whatever it is you want to do, but get your gym clothes on and go for a walk or something
The walk is easy, not intimidating, and if you start out trying to go the whole mile and brutal workouts then yeah, its hard to do.
Once tou have that habit solidified it will be a lot easier to just go to the gym. Maybe light workouts for a month or two.
Not only will that help with the habits, buy it will help protect you from injury
If you workout real hard now, your muscles will get really strong real quick, but your tendons and ligaments wont have time to catch up.
So everything will be going just fine, and then BAM! All of a sudden you have a bad pain during or after a workout and it will take months to recover because your tendon or ligament is damaged
Thats what happened to me when I was lifting weights, and also running
Also, research proper form really well before you jump in.
Yes, for every workout no matter how obvious it seems (e.g. pushups)
Research how to prevent injury on everything you do
Good luck
Then I think about my long term health – and the repercussions of NOT exercising (I have osteoporosis and am seeing my Mum suffer spinal compression fractures and reduced mobility). Exercise is my best defence against debilitating ill health.
I’ve started exercise regimes before (walk every morning – even just walk twice a week) and not stuck to them, so this time I’m trying to go easier on myself by giving myself options: a walk, or a bit of yoga (even just stretching) or a few free weight exercises.