How do you make time for exercise if you work?

Sharon Z.
I take walks in nature during breaks. When I can, I also try to do long periods of work at home so I can workout in between productivity sessions. That way, I'm staying active and getting my work done.
Vanessa Z.
You don't need to do a long sesión of excersices, You can Focus on one or teo habilities that You want to get better at and training 15-30 min
Barbara X.
Making time for exercise is difficult for me. There I said it. Stop that negative mental eye roll, ignore those instant negative internal voices. It’s not whining, it’s not the same as accepting defeat! Indeed, an honest acknowledgement of a challenge is the first step to doing something about it!
Why is it so difficult when it seems so easy for others? Who cares, but I do think it’s important to figure out personal barriers, the root causes, before making a plan — just avoid getting lost in the weeds. Formal exercise and sports were not remotely a part of my family culture. I’m an introverted highly-sensitive thinker by nature and have always resented mindless activities. My mornings are special to me; I require some alone time, some creative time to form the foundation for a productive day. It has taken me many years to learn these things about myself, to acknowledge it’s okay to be this way, to see that’s it’s more about being my best self than trying to conform. And that understanding allows me to relax my protective barriers and pursue a more balanced self and life, to actually look forward to exercising. Making time for exercise and making it a habit is an ongoing challenge for me so where to start? Apparently the key is to start small. And practice. It’s not rocket science; I can do this!
My end goal is to establish a solid weekly exercise schedule of doable-for-me adequate-for-health activities. With built-in planB’s, because ideators hate static. My job requires 10 solid hours standing and can be physical; half the battle was recognizing that even a walk after work just was not going to happen, let alone that appealing Zumba class at the Y. So quit trying to force what doesn’t work. Use your brain and customize. A little careful selection and timing are important, but detailed full blown scheduling is not — just start something and experiment along the way. Then gradually build up variety and length of exercise sessions. So a letter to myself to review once a week:
Step 1 – two to three upbeat songs worth of stretching/dancing in the kitchen every morning while making coffee. Fun!
Step 2 – add 15min brisk walk around yard after lunch each day off; if get distracted birding, do very brisk 10min on deck. Energizing!
Step 3 – add 15min restorative stretching after every TuTh shift, as soon as get home, in living room (if exhausted try simple wall Pilates instead of mat yoga so don’t fall asleep on floor!!). Soothing!
Step 4 – add 10min super simple strength workout every off day. Empowering!
Does that feel solid? If no, tweak timing and maintain until it is. If yes, try setting that alarm just 15min early and add in a 20min exhilarating pre-shower Zumba every work day; walking 20, then 30, then 45 minutes after lunch; tack on 5/10/15min yoga to the work evening stretches. And as expand program, remember to KISS: KeepItSimpleSilly! Don’t commit to any exercise class until feel good about current level of activity and feel unstressed by time allotment. Just show up and do what you can, bumps in the road need not derail you, find what works for you. Experiment with pre-work waterwalking at Y, recumbent bike at Y on way home, water aerobics and/or weight machines at Y on off weekday. Doing nothing is two steps back, both physically and mentally — so remember you can always walk laps and know you did something