How do you make breakfast delicious and quick?

Hans Gerd T.
I like omlets and I'm Chilean so I like pebre too (it's like our salsa but more Herby, you can look it up). I always have a big thing of pebre ready to go and I pre prep chopped peppers and have spinach around. So when I get up I have my pan ready to go throw in butter and heat it up. I whisk two eggs and throw in the already chopped peppers and spinach. It cooks super quick! And I have my pebre for some extra flavour!
So flavourful and easy AND filling. I make sure I soak my pan right away in case I'm in a rush it's easy to wash in the evening or when I'm back and the pan sits by the stove so it's ready to go in the morning.

Pebre I find is a bit healthier because it has much less sugar than salsas you find at the store. If you don't want to make the Chilean pebre having Frank's hit sauce adds some flavour too!

Suzanne B.
I make sure I have healthy food. My breakfasts usually contain all macros, protein, carbs and fat. Musli with hard boiled egg and 1/2 grapefruit. Or protein shake smoothie with coconut oil in it.
Gino U.
Eggs and toast are a quick and easy breakfast. Over easy with hot sauce. Light butter on the toast and a glass of water…yummy!
Elle N.
Overnight Oats
Large rolled oats and organic Natural yoghurt stored in the fridge overnight. Consume in the morning with fruit, (kiwi and blueberries). Sprinkle seeds and nuts on top, (sunflower and pumpkin seeds).
Rog Rio A.
2 eggs in grill which makes them more delicious and puffy, using virgin olive oil generously and some cheese, and kefir. After them, a good cup of tea with roibos and cinnamon
Louison E.
I struggle to eat or have an appetite in the morning so what has been helping me a ton has been breakfast smoothies. I have it every single morning for breakfast. I use a cup to cup and a half of almond milk vanilla flavor, a cup to two cups of frozen fruit, a tablespoon of chia seeds, and a serving of pea based protein powder. I use these because I am allergic to milk.
Ginger Q.
I like to make it ahead so I don't have to think about it when I'm rushed in the morning. On the weekend I'll make an egg casserole or something
Nicoline W.
I usually use easy to create one-meal dishes like oats with almond milk and add nuts or blueberries to it. For the days that I am in a hurry I use Quaker Oats so that I get something nutritious in my body! Please be mindful that the flavored varieties of Quaker Oats contain a lot of refined sugar and so either a low-sugar option or cooking your own oats is preferable.
Amalie Y.
For me, quick means minimal cooking. I can still make sure it's healthy and delicious. My go to Breakfast is either cereal or rolled oats. Make sure they're organic and simple. You can then truly customize your breakfast with fruit topics or honey or cinnamon. I also like adding a bit of nutty texture with peanut butter.
Sofia C.
My family has always had options in the fridge for healthy decisions and so all I had to do was pick what I wanted. I also think that cutting fruit can be time consuming so I found apple cutter that makes perfect slices in less than 5 seconds! I then make an egg that only takes at most 2 minutes. If I’m rushed I have a protein granola bar that I can take on the go so that I always have a quick but energizing breakfast!
Uta Y.
if you don’t have much time in the mornings, you could prepare your meal the night before. I’ve done it a few times and it’s a great way to prepare a good meal!
But if you want to make your breakfast in the morning, you could go for some simple and healthy recipes that are easy to do!
There are plenty of videos on YouTube that could help you!

I hope, I was able to help in any way.

Sarah W.
Depends on what you’re making, but you could prep whatever it is the night before. For example, cut veggies or fruit, press tofu for a tofu scramble, make overnight oats, and/or measure out spices and seasonings in advance the night before. That’s how you make breakfast quickly. Spices and seasonings make it delicious! Also investing in an electric kettle is a game changer. It boils up to 2-3 liters of water in under 2 minutes. That way making tea or coffee or even oatmeal is super simple.