I have found that printing out an actual workout calendar or challenge is really helpful— after my workout, I cross the day off and it feels GREAT. I worked really hard and completed one of my goals for the day.
Find a workout plan that works best for YOU! If you don’t like running, try yoga. Don’t like yoga? Try HIIT. Like dancing? Do Zumba! There are a lot of different ways to get your exercise in, so even having a plan where it mixes everything up every day can be really helpful with keeping the routine in place.
Set a time amount and make it realistic! Try it out and see if it works! Is a 10 minute video realistic to stick to for a week? How about 3 weeks? Maybe going for a 20 minute walk every morning is more of your way to start a great habit.
Setting a new routine will take some trial and error, but remember that the error is NOT a failure— you just found a way that isn’t best for you, and that’s good information to have. Set realistic goals for yourself and stick to it!
Start today! Cross the day off and celebrate your victory 🙂 You can do it!
On your good days, you'll have enough energy to do them yourself. On your bad days, you'll have someone else push you!
2. I reward myself for exercising with a tasty protein shake.
3. I tell myself that my current body is a disgrace and that I want to achieve a body a could be proud of.
4. I have a partner who motivates me and for who I want to look good and not just for myself.