Kirsten Y.
Exercising every day keeps the muscles going. If you skip a day they start to weaken again and that's when the pain and soreness will set in harder. The stronger your muscles are, the more they can endure.
Wallace O.
You're going to get tired and you're going to get sore. That's what happens when you're working muscles that you haven't worked before or in a long time.
Let's be realistic in our expectations here.
There is a difference between good pain and bad pain. I persoy like the the kind pain you get from working out. Yes, I'm stiff and I'm a bit sore but I stretch, soak in and Epsom salt bath, make sure I have banana because the potassium helps the soreness.
There are lots of things you can do to help yourself.
Educated yourself.
Let's be realistic in our expectations here.
There is a difference between good pain and bad pain. I persoy like the the kind pain you get from working out. Yes, I'm stiff and I'm a bit sore but I stretch, soak in and Epsom salt bath, make sure I have banana because the potassium helps the soreness.
There are lots of things you can do to help yourself.
Educated yourself.
L Rke Z.
Make sure you are only doing 70% of your max capacity every day and eat plenty of protein to repair your muscles. It is more beneficial to show up for yourself every day in completing the exercises than to push to your limit every time you work out. This teaches you discipline and gives you a boost of energy daily. Happy exercising!
Olivia Y.
Go slow and listen to your body. If you don't regularly workout, start with something small like a low intensity circuit of 3-4 leg exercises. If your legs are a little sore, that's good! That means they worked and are rebuilding themselves into stronger muscles. The next day do a circuit of arm or ab exercises and give your legs a break, or do a short yoga routine to get some stretch in your legs. Always stretch the muscles you workout for at least 30 seconds afterwards, that'll help with soreness as well.
Charles P.
Start with walking for 15 minutes and then add time or increase intensity every few days. I can’t guarantee fatigue or soreness will not occur. It comes with the territory, but this can minimize it.
Phillip B.
I started with some light yoga. You can YouTube morning yoga routines. User Yoga with Kassandra has a 10 minute one that you can do from your bed. I didn't really feel overexerted doing that one, but it did give me a deep stretch that made me feel more energized.
Karen U.
I take supplements such as magnesium, calcium, collagen, trans resveratrol, whey protein, i make sure I am training different muscle groups on different days, getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, breathing deep and sleeping a lot!
Lina Q.
Try stretching before workouts. And push yourself to the limit, not passed the limit. So try to give yourself relaxing days.
Bonnie P.
If you're new at working out, start with something small. 5 pushups 5 sit-ups 5 leg lifts. And gradually work yourself up. Do bodyweight exercises. Meaning squats lunges push ups sit-ups things you can do without equipment. Remember to warm up thoroughly. And always stretch when you're done. Take your time. It's not a race.
Arquimedes S.
I’d say, begin with a steady small step. I begin with 7 minutes work out, then have 1-5 rest days as the muscle is in sore. When I feel my body is ready to workout again, I continue the work out again. The break for rest days would eventually get shorter until the 7 minutes workout finally become implemented as daily habit. Key is to focus on the process and trust in one’s ability to grow.
Lisa Z.
I struggled when I started this, to the point where I put it off for a good two weeks. A colleague at work suggested beginners yoga sequences on YouTube. I had a good look through what was available and found many instructional videos which were perfect for beginners, with many targeted to morning exercises. I was sceptical t first as I didn't think that yoga would be much of an exercise it was soon proven wrong. This has really helped me start my morning exercise routine and it actually helps to strengthen muscles, rather than just them.
Melinda Z.
It is best to not over exert yourself. Body weight exercises are best for this. If you are fitter then you do light weights and more difficult exercises. Because I gym quite a bit I use a 20kg sandbag to do various exercises like squats, deadlifts, arm curls etc… do not over do it. When you feel sore or uncomfortable stop and use lighter weights or less extraneous exercises. Drink water! I don't use supplements, it's a personal choice.
Irmtraut U.
Start small: just dance around the house at first. You can add more challenging moves day by day and make it into a full set of exercises.
Alcione P.
I get into the habit by doing something super simple. Examples include jump rope, seven minute workout or even a stretching routine. Have it be something so simple it would be silly not to do it. Focus on the habit first, then add more when you're used to exercising regularly.
Jenny O.
It’s all a matter of what muscle groups you focus on on the day. The legs/glutes being the largest muscle group in the body can manage being worked at least twice per week while the others benefit from some recovery in between. So mix it up.
Zoe P.
Start very small. Our muscles tire and pain only because they are not used to the kind of exercise you started. Challenge it only a little bit, like only 5 min exercise and then stick to that simple plan for 21 days. See, what happens, take it from there. Also, remember no pain, no gain.
Heinz Josef E.
Start small and be sure to finish with cooldown and streching. A lot of people skup streching because they fine it boring but that is exactly what helps you avoid muscle soreness. You can also take Mg suplement (but after you're done with your strech 😉
Ewa F.
First thing is to start with what Makes you comfortable. A walk or lite jog, a home workout. Anything that is doable on the first day. Give yourself good feedback on doing the first steps to a new you. Each time you take the chance to complete a doable workout give yourself a positive self talk. Don’t feel bad if you miss a day, get right back to it when you are able. Get a small calendar and put a X each day you complete your workout. You will soon notice it will form a chain, so in your mindset build the idea of not breaking the the chain. Keep going the new and improved you is at the end of this beautiful journey of your true self and you will learn things about yourself you never new. Also working out gives you an amazing love life. Wink wink. You will just feel better, think better about yourself. Also read about other people’s fitness journey which can inspire you. Write in a notebook how you felt after the workout.
Tim C.
What worked for me is to start slowly. Focus on low impact activities like walking for 30 minutes either early in the morning or in the evening. Keep yourself hydrated. If you experience foot pain, pop an ibuprofen important that you keep going. You can do it!
Anne W.
Start low and go slow. Starting any new physical activity will result in some fatigue and discomfort, and if you wish to progress rather than simply maintain fitness, you can expect Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) most of the time after you train. Over time, however, as you improve, your soreness and tiredness will be much less and your recovery from rest will be quicker. So just keep at it! And of course only take on as much intensity as you can safely handle.
Dolores S.
If you feel tired, maybe you've been over working yourself and not getting enough rest/sleep. Or simply because you exercise at your low energy period. Pain in muscles on the day after your exercise is good, means these muscles had a good workout. You can alternate muscles in your training days (I.e. Upper body vs lower body, etc) and make sure to eat enough protein to recover.
Jose P.
Start with a gentle stretch. I’ve always hated stretching but I do gentle yoga poses like child’s pose or other yin yoga poses that you have to keep for a few minutes. It calms your mind and gets your body ready for exercise.
Wyatt Z.
You can start with easy and quick wins think about it to keep it sustainable meaning you will start with something you can do without a problem and gradually increasing the complexity, if you have pain or are tired you might review and start with less intensity something you can afford without finishing exhausted, remember your main objective you do not want to do this just for a few weeks and quit you want to do this for life
Sophie Z.
You can’t. It’s natural to be tired or experience soreness when you start activating muscles you haven’t used in a long time. That being said, as you continue to making exercise a regular part of your life, you’ll stop feeling sore and tired. In fact, it’ll give you a quick boost of endorphins which will improve your mood AND increase your energy 🙂
Franco O.
Try yoga and stretching first. Exercise will cause muscle pain at first because the muscles are not used to the work. That goes away over time. Start small with 5 or 10 mins a day and build up from there. Plenty of stretching (but not overdoing it) helps the muscles release lactic acid build up and reduces the amount of time the muscled hurt.
Kira C.
Baby steps helped me. Do some easy simple workouts everyday at a set time. Slowly overtime, feel free to challenge yourself and do more intense workouts during a longer time.
Nicklas W.
Working out is more painful at the beginning. I switch up cardio one day with strength training the next and sprinkle in some yoga! Variety of muscles being used helps.
Friedrich Wilhelm Z.
If your body isn't used to regular activity, the best way to start out is by doing stretches. This will gently introduce your body to exercise and it will make your body more flexible- which will then make general exercise more bearable. Try any ten minute yoga program on YouTube. There are plenty of "start your day" morning ones that will be really good for you, and an easier start. After you start feeling like your chosen video has become like clockwork, it's time to step it up to aerobics or (if you want to stick with stretching) ballet routines. I recommend the "Ballet Beautiful" programs on YouTube- but only after you've gotten used to the gentler yoga stretches. Dont be ambitious with your body. Take it slow and steady, and you will get to the point where you crave the exercise, and look awesome to boot.
Dwayne E.
Start slow, you need you learn your endurance and strength. Be careful with the runners high, just because you can keep exercising does not mean you have to. Make a workout blueprint.
Kevin N.
Sta with small workouts and slowly build up to bigger ones. If you try doing a hard workout before a easy one, yiu might experience pain.
Jerusa Q.
Start super easy! Don't worry about starting to work out at the level you want to reach right away, focus on building consistency and practice getting started.
Sore muscles aren't bad, though! Feel the ache and enjoy the reminder that you're doing work to make yourself happier.
Lima Q.
Hey, I suggest something that does not require high amounts of energy. Much like warm up exercises before you do sports, for example. I start from the bottom up. Do exercise where it only requires a minimum amount of body parts at a time, like maybe rotating each foot, 10 seconds each. That way you will not strain your body too much. If you get tired or feel pain, then stop… Take a breather then continue
Malone U.
You need to start slowly then build up on it. Start going for walks, then increase the distance you walk, then start jogging. This should be done over weeks. When you are able to show your body you can walk a particular distance, then you can start working on jogging that distance. It will ache at first, then it stops aching and you actually begin to look forward to the exercises.
Anatole Z.
When i wake UP, i imagine how good i will feel after Workout and i do just a little bit more every day. One more minute, one more pose in yoga, one more squat…and the stretching is very important to me, against pain
Kylie Y.
There really isn't a way to not have some pain in your muscles if you are doing a good workout. You should be slightly sore. That's why you need to take at least 2 rest days a week and not work out the same muscle group two days in a row. Your muscles need rest to rebuild. And the more you workout, the more energy you will get. It won't be as tiring after awhile.
Emma A.
You shouldn't be doing heavy exercise every day. Switch it up! Yoga one day, a walk the next, weight training ECT. When you're sore just do something little like stretches or a little walk
Katrin C.
Sorry, you're going to get sore. No avoiding it. When you exercise, you damage to your muscle fibers. When they heal, they get stronger. That's how building strength works.
Keep at it! After a couple weeks, you don't get as sore. Learn to welcome the soreness as a sign that you are doing something good for yourself. If there is acute pain, take a break before resuming.
As far as tiredness goes, make sure you get plenty of sleep and that you are eating healthy.
You're doing great! Struggle through the pain and you will be rewarded!
Keep at it! After a couple weeks, you don't get as sore. Learn to welcome the soreness as a sign that you are doing something good for yourself. If there is acute pain, take a break before resuming.
As far as tiredness goes, make sure you get plenty of sleep and that you are eating healthy.
You're doing great! Struggle through the pain and you will be rewarded!
Juri F.
I'd start with gentle workouts to build up your muscle strength. Stretch WELL before and after(thoigh boring, this one is so important) and have somethig with protein in immediately after (like milk, or a protein shake) to facilitate muscle repair. Last year I went to a fitness bootcamp for ten days, and we did about 5 hours of intense exercise per day, and with stretching morning and evening, and enough protein, I was ok! You may have pain for a little while, but as your body gets uses to it you should find it happens less and less.
Zoe C.
I like to start with walks, or light workouts. Once you've done that constantly enough you're ready for harder workouts!
Axelle Y.
Start slow, adding more difficult or complex exercise parts every week. Focus on doing more of stretching kind of moves, like Pilates or in my case wing chun kung fu.
Sofie Y.
Vary your intensity and work a different part of your body every day. Also, don’t forget the importance of warming up and stretching properly.
Helena E.
I Think you Will get a little pain in your muscles if you work out everyday.
But i started 5 days ago with the 7 minuts workout in the app here and i Can feel that i get stronger and very little pain – so start small and work your Way up😊
But i started 5 days ago with the 7 minuts workout in the app here and i Can feel that i get stronger and very little pain – so start small and work your Way up😊
Reno A.
It’s natural to have muscle soreness when first starting to work out. As you stick with it, though, you will notice that it disappears or doesn’t last as long. I would recommend starting off by exercising a few days per week, with a rest day in between each workout day. That way your muscles have a chance to recover.
Ellie E.
I started by doing 8 minutes at a slow pace on the treadmill. Not at all strenuous. Now I’ve also added yoga about three times per week. No way to avoid muscle pain with that workout but I still love it!
Tom Q.
I don't think there's a way to completely avoid that at first since your muscles aren't used to working a lot. That pain you feel is really your muscles trying to grow. Just make sure to drink a LOT of water and eat a good meal after working out with lots of protein (such as eggs). This will minimize the discomfort you feel as well as help your muscles heal and grow better/faster.
Sofia W.
Well, if I were you I would from small steps. First, train your muscles with 5k or 10k normal tempo or mid tempo walk and than with warming exercises start doing the wworkout.
Julie C.
Pick up three easy excercises and repeat 20 times each. Answer to your health issues, you will have an extra motivation.
Katrine P.
You have to make sure that you don’t overdo it at first. In the beginning start with light exercises and don’t push yourself too much. As your body adapts to the training you can do more without getting sore or feeling tired.
Villads C.
Well, alternating exercises for the same muscle groups, gives your body a chance to test those muscles every other day. The more variations you employ, the better. For example, do sit-ups one day, and if you’re determined to do another ab, or core workout the next day, but can’t do the same one, do crunches. If by the third day you’re too sore, but want still want to work this muscle group, do reverse crunches where you lift your legs toward your chest. The same can be done for upper body, with varying types of push-ups, tricep dips, etc., and for lower body as well. Mix it up, but keep it simple to stay motivated, and add cardio as often as you can.
Filippa U.
Start small, 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Suggest starting with Push ups, Sit-ups and Squats. You should be able to do that daily for a few weeks. Build on that after 2 weeks and you should be sweet. Just increase the reps.
S L Ne Y.
Why must tiredness or muscle pain be avoided? If you keep it up for a while, say a week, your brain will actually start liking it and, at some point, even craving for it.
Marlis C.
At first when you wake up, you should think positive. You'll do something really good for yourself and after that you will feel energized. So in that way you won't be tired. When you're still in the bed you should strech. Something like mini yoga. And after exercise too. So your muscles will be refreshed for new FABULOUS day.
Bryan O.
Start small. Little workouts and little time. Then increase difficulty and length as you feel you need it. Slight muscle pain is normal as it just means you worked yourself to as far as you could without perminant damage. If pain lasts longer then 4 or 5 days after workout with no sign of it fading or feeling better, get it checked out.
Marie C.
Switch it up. I started by jogging but then my knees hurt. So I switched to doing push ups for a while. You don't have to do a lot. Try just 1 thing and go from there. Just consistently do something small and then it'll turn into a habit.
Sue F.
The idea is to just be active. Doing low intensity exercise. Even a 5- minute exercise routine is enough and shouldn't cause you too much grief.
Jon O.
Well..a workout will make u tired n your muscles in pain for the beginning. An easy way of short workout is walking to the grocery.
Terry J.
Begin with stretches. Take your time stretch long. Do a plank for as long as you can increasing the time as you go and try to walk 10 minutes a day
Nikolaj Z.
maybe try alternating the days of intensity. So maybe every second day is a really hard workout and then the others are a bit easier. Or you could try working different muscles every few days. Eg: abs on Monday, legs on Tuesday, arms on Wednesday etc!
Diana Z.
Doing a warm up before a work out can really help prevent pain in your muscles. If your workout program or videos do not include a warm up routine, you can always look for help from Youtube or physically active family members and friends. You can always do a cool down after a workout too, if you need it.
Fred Q.
I don't. I do weights, and I don't do them every day because you can't train for strength daily. Your body needs to rest. You can do a mix of cardio and strength training on alternate days. So ten minutes running or whatever on one day, then half an hour weights the next. I just do a basic weights routine 3 times a week. Still have to work out the cardio part!
Alexa J.
Stretching is your best option. Also, make sure you keep yourself hydrated. Hot or cold bath/shower after the workout will also help with pain. And remember, tiredness after the workout is one of the best rewards and indicators that you did a good job.
Giorgio F.
Well, if you haven't exercised in a while it's normal when you start exercising and finish your workout to fell pain in your muscles. You've got to exercise at least 2 times a week. Tiredness is because you don't sleep not enough but at the hours that you need to. For sleeping I suggest you the app Sleep Cycle. And of coirse tiredness can come from eating junk food or sweets. Now, sweets will energize yoi for a short amount of time but after 1 or 2 hours they will squeezeall the energy out of you. For that I suggest eating properly for your body and for your workout and reducing gradually the amount of sugar that you consume.
Graciele C.
Choose something you really like. Like dancing or yoga. Martial arts are great too. I you can take long pauses between each sequence or excessive. Laid down and relax before keep going. It will hurt the next day. So just start slowly, do not do difficult exercises at the beginning
Raphaela F.
I would start with a few exercises for stretching and then some dancing. After a week I would add some more intense exercises or a short walk. Good luck 🙂
Penha O.
You do the exercises up to your capabilities and limits, and remember if your muscles are in pain, the exercise will only help to get rid of the pain.
Louna S.
Start small and slow. 5 minutes of something low intensity. Then do it with a little more intensity the next day. Then add an extra minute the next day. Then maybe add some light weights the next day. Your muscles will slowly adjust without too much pain!
Zaida S.
Start your work you calm and nice with some stretchings!
I also like to stretch a little before going to bed or/and direct in the morning when I get up. Yoga if you like it!
Keeping movement in the body helpes prevent the muscles from getting stiff!
I also like to stretch a little before going to bed or/and direct in the morning when I get up. Yoga if you like it!
Keeping movement in the body helpes prevent the muscles from getting stiff!
Silje P.
My preference is to mix it up. Lift in the mornings 4 times a week, and then add in running and yoga at a lower intensity. I also have a foam roller and massage ball
Noham Q.
By combining softer with more intense workouts and alternatingbody parts that are being challenged: monday 15 minutes full mobility stretching – tuesday go for a strong run – wednesday do some chore exercise – thursday go for a slow/chill run – friday hit the gym, work on your upper body.
Ethan F.
There's no way out of this, you will get sore muscles and be tired in some moments. But you will also become more flexible, energetic and love your body more
Bendavid E.
Listen to your body, and don’t overwork yourself. Remember a 5-10 minute workout is 100x better than no workout at all. Also, adjust to what your body needs..if your legs are tired from the day before, give them a break! It’s okay to rest and rejuvenate, maybe try a short walk instead of weight training that day so you don’t put as much strain on your muscles. Don’t forget to stretch after your workout too! This can help with not being sore following your workout. Good luck! 🙂
Isolde E.
Start slowly. I just did a few sun salutations or danced around to a few upbeat songs. Just something like that can kickstary the habit.
Nanna Z.
Do different kinds of exercise on different days – switching up the intensity and the muscle groups worked. If a muscle group is tired out, do exercises that don’t use it heavily.
Marcus P.
I will start with drinking two glasses of water to hydrate my body. After this I will start with a stretch routine… do the workout and finish with a stretch/cool down and pranayama
Serena Q.
You can’t! Exercise should make your body work, as you get fitter, it gets easier so then you have to intensify what you’re doing. Look at Hiit exercises on youtube, short and sharp will be hard at first but mentally you know it’s only a few minutes. Think about getting a PT or going to the gum for expert advice. Aching mucsles and discomfort won’t damage your body but maybe you need someone to help you understand that and build your confidence if you’re concerned about injury.
Loreto T.
Start slow and build up length and intensity of your workout. Although a little pain in your muscles isn’t a bad thing.. it can mean your body is changing in a good way!
Noam T.
At first decide you really want to exercise. Its upto you that you want to work out. At start do less. Keep on going with starting less at the start, then day by day/week by week increase your time or amount of exercise you want to do. Once mind gets habituated it will support your body as well. And in this way you can exercise without getting tired or any pain
Daniel J.
Take your time when starting. You start with a simple stretch to warm up. You are not aiming to have pain but just warm up your mussels. Then once you have warmed up start with basic exercises and then progress on to more advanced levels of exercise.