How do you keep your motivation for working out?

Patrick B.
I’m measuring results in various ways, on a regular basis, so if I start to move in the wrong direction I notice quickly and take action. But different forms of exercise can be a daily habit as it really helps to get every day moving. I also look for events in the future to motivate. This could be a sports event I have signed up for or even just a holiday . The benefits of any sort of exercise together with the appropriate diet and quantities are always good to feel so they are a major priority tool that can create its own motivation if you can just be consistent. Accountability from someone else will also help to get going and keep going
Birkan G.
I don’t force myself for work out. I don’t do it to look better. I choose an activity that excites me. Like playing tennis or squash, having long walks or doing bike tours. So for me it’s more about finding an activity that suits you better. For me it is racket sports, for you it might be boxing or some sort of martial art, bouldering etc . Find your passion and your motivation will follow.