Francisco C.
#1 The best way to stop your gums from bleeding is to floss daily. It will toughen up your gums.
#2 follow your tooth up into your gum line as far as you can comfortably go. Do the same for the adjoining tooth.
#3 Ask your dental hygienist for tips.
#2 follow your tooth up into your gum line as far as you can comfortably go. Do the same for the adjoining tooth.
#3 Ask your dental hygienist for tips.
Josselino F.
I’ve always heard that your gums bleed because they’re not used to being flossed. So I suppose just keep flossing and they will eventually stop bleeding. You also don’t really have to attack your gums as long as you’re getting all the way in between your teeth it should still be effective. 😁
Ewen B.
Consistency is key to stop them bleeding. Also try floss sticks as they are sometimes gentler as allow more control when flossing.
Jeppe C.
I've found the more consistently and frequently I floss the less my gums bleed. A lot of the bleeding comes from irritants trapped under your gums bothering them. The more you floss the less there should be to irritate your gums and hopefully less bleeding!
Rose T.
For me, doing it regularly helps reduce bleeding. Also worth noting that one really doesn’t need to press into the gums very much to clear out the gaps between the teeth. Your dentist I should be able to advise you on this also.
Adrian P.
If your gums bleed, it may be because you don’t floss often enough. In a more extreme case, it could be because you have gingivitis. Be gentle while you floss until your gums are used to it.
John U.
Repetition is the key to flossing without having your gums bleed.
Floss 2 times a day for 2 weeks and expect some bleeding. After 2 weeks the inflammation will decrease and the bleeding will stop
Ibuprofen helps wi
Lori E.
Yes! At first when I started flossing regularly, they bled somewhat due to inflammation. But after a couple of weeks, the bleeding stopped completely.
Simon B.
I floss by not digging around too much. Down back and forth a few times then out again. But there’s also truth to the more you do it the less your gums bleed.
Mathias C.
Gums bleed when they are inflamed with bacteria. If you just started flossing daily, your gums will be pretty sensitive for about a week. Then they get used to being cleaner and bleed less! If you DIDN’T just start flossing and floss regularly and this happens see a dentist. It could be a side effect of something more serious.
Kleydianne Z.
The more you floss the less likely bleeding will occur. Some people just have sensitive gums. I’d ask your dentist what they recommend.
Roseni A.
According to my dental hygienist, the reason why the funds bleed is because you haven't been flossing. So if you keep going at it, gently , of course, then your gums shouldn't bleed as much. There also might be an infection, but the most common one is that your gums are just not used to it.
Clifford F.
My gums stop bleeding after a week or two of flossing, and if I don’t floss for a few weeks, they bleed again when I restart. Nothing to worry about. My dentist once told me to floss twice a day to make my gums tougher and prevent them from bleeding at dentist cleaning.
Emma G.
I use floss specially made for sensitive gums. I also floss gently and slowly. And then as my gums get tougher I can go faster.
Theres S.
Rinse with warm salt water daily until bleeding is under control. Gently floss gums daily and bleeding will gradually decrease. Use mouth wash. Massage gums with toothbrush while brushing.
Maurice J.
By flossing more regularly, your gums should bleed less. The build up between your teeth not only can cause cavities but weaken your gums.
Karen F.
I use a waterpik flosser which is the most effective way of flossing. My gums bled a lot in the beginning but with time, the gum inflammation actually goes away thanks to the flossing and they just stop bleeding.
Roy W.
Hi dear!at first most of the time, I had the same problem but if you continue in several days your gum will accustomed to it, I promise😉
Est Ban S.
If you don’t floss as often, you’re likely to bleed more. But the more you floss, the less and less sensitive your gums will be and you will bleed less.:)
Colleen U.
Position the floss in a U shape around the side of the tooth you are flossing, and gently slide it up under the gum line, sawing back and forth across the surface of the tooth. Withdraw, and repeat with the next side using a fresh section of floss. If you have teeth that are tight together, try not to jerk the floss up between them. Inflamed gums will bleed when you start to floss regularly – sometimes, quite a bit. With regular flossing, this should decrease and eventually stop altogether. If it doesn’t, it may be time to see a dentist.
Lucile T.
Just keep doing it, it will improve. If you just started with it, maybe there were small inflammations so the gums are more sensitive, thats why bleeding occurs 🙂 dont give up
Austin G.
I experienced the same. You can do two things: do it even more carefully, and keep flossing and brushing, and it will eventually go away.
Anne Z.
If you’re bleeding too badly check with your dentist. Mine were bleeding awfully when I was pregnant due to my hormones. Now I do oil pulling to get my teeth cleaned in between and below the gum line several times a week before I brush and floss, and it seems to actually help (I do this during a 20 min show on Netflix or YouTube). And I avoid flossing the same spot more than once (in the same sitting) or I aggravate it too much and make it bleed. Keep flossing, though, even if your gums are sensitive; they’ll get better with regular care.
Ka S I.
Slowly, and very gently. Also make sure your floss is for sensitive gums. As they get healthier the bleeding should stop in time
Julie P.
I had that problem a lot when I started out. It hurt and I didn’t want to do it anymore, but I started to go more gently on certain teeth until they didn’t bleed anymore. It doesn’t happen very often now. Just stick with it!
Tammy J.
They bleed less the more consistent you are. For real if you floss every day in about 2-3 weeks they won’t bleed anymore
L Ane E.
I use a flossing wand so it's easier to reach all the areas easily. I have also found that the more consistently I floss, the healthier my mouth is, and the less likely my gums are to bleed. Be gentle and stick with it.
Marc U.
I found that when I first started to floss that my gums bled really bad. However, over time they didn’t bleed as much and only will if I put too much pressure. Also, I use little floss picks to make it easier for me to get my molars.