How do you fix your body clock?

Wandile C.
Slog through the pain of waking up at the same time every morning, drink some water and get 15 minutes outside taking a slow walk. That gets me awake and full of life and come 9:30 pm I'm ready to hit my bed
Theresa Q.
I use more self care and I wright in my journal and yeah I just check in with my body and you know just show self love and all that good stuff
R Gia Q.
I developed a sleep routine. It includes a bubble bath, cleansing face, brush/floss/gargle, throughly moisturize, etc. // My lights are automated they gradual dim over an hour. // I crack the window to cool off my room. // I play soundscapes or Sleep Away by Bob Acri. // I put a heat pad under my sheets before I bathe. // I take my meds and drink water .
Gunnar T.
If you can't commit to strict unplug and bed times, start with easy queues like making it darker, quite and cooler. And make unplugging at least an hour before you want to fall asleep your first big goal. Even if it doesn't create the results you're looking for right away, you'll notice it's a more powerful habit alongside the others you built first.
š‘Øš’š’š’† š‘“š’‚š’“š’Šš’† N.
It deppends about two things:
1. When you go to sleep
2. How many hours you need to sleep to be well after wake up.(and it deppends also by your age)
For example, if you need 8 hours of sleep, and you go to sleep at 8 p.m you'll get up at 4/ 5 a.m.
Jo J.
Pick a consistent time to sleep and wake up, even if you don't feel like it. You can add cues to help let your body know it's time to sleep or wake up too. For example, dimming the lights before bed and waking up to natural light by a window.
Laur Nio S.
Itā€™s not something you have control about you should give it a try give yourself a reason to go to sleep early instead of giving yourself a reason to sleep late, and of course you need to really want it and try. I had problems with this but since I started using this app and focusing on myself and my future I sleep 23:00 and wake up 7:00/ 8:00 I didnā€™t even realise how or why this happened
Randall Z.
I fix try to fix by improving on my sleep. I do this by doing my night to make me relaxed for the night, go to bed early to have 8 hours fo sleep and make sure to setup a alarm for the perfect time that I am tested and energised for the Day. I also try to do productive and active thing in the morning and through the day so that youebody can be more relaxed at night. If you can get your regular 7-9 hours of sleep everyday, your will get used to it and will fix your body clock.
Sienna E.
I would say going to bed with a good routine at the same time everyday, even on weekends is crucial, go to bed early and do some things to make sure your sleep is highest quality, and make sure to wake up everyday at the same time and do good things for your body, less caffeine and alcohol, take care of yourself!
Tessa T.
Having a good sleep routine helps, going to sleep and waking up at the same time makes you able to do ir on your own after a while.
Annika C.
Make time for yourself and plan the day before make this routine realistic and add things to look forward too like a small candy after a workout .
Dennis X.
I uncovered the window of my room and usually waking up early with light of sun, and in evening turning off big lights and make my room darker to help my brain to control the amount of melatonin in the body.
Sesinam B.
You should create a routine that allows you to get a full 8-12hours night of sleep. Strictly follow the routine for about 1-2 weeks, and your routine should go back to normal
Karolina U.
To reset or fix your body clock, also known as your circadian rhythm, you can try the following strategies:

1. **Consistent Sleep Schedule:** Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your internal clock.

2. **Exposure to Natural Light:** Get plenty of natural daylight during the day, especially in the morning. This helps your body recognize when it's time to be awake.

3. **Limit Screen Time:** Avoid screens (phones, tablets, computers, TVs) at least an hour before bedtime, as the blue light emitted can interfere with your sleep.

4. **Create a Bedtime Routine:** Establish a relaxing pre-sleep routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath, to signal to your body that it's time to wind down.

5. **Watch Your Diet:** Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime. These can disrupt sleep patterns.

6. **Exercise Regularly:** Regular physical activity can help regulate your sleep, but avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime.

7. **Limit Naps:** If you need to nap, keep it short (20-30 minutes) and earlier in the day to avoid interfering with nighttime sleep.

8. **Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment:** Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature for sleep.

9. **Manage Stress:** Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress, which can disrupt sleep patterns.

10. **Avoid Clock Watching:** If you wake up during the night, try to avoid checking the time, as this can create anxiety and make it harder to fall back asleep.

It may take some time for your body clock to adjust, so be patient and consistent with these habits. If you continue to have sleep issues, consider consulting a healthcare professional for further guidance and evaluation.

Arianna Y.
I start by a time and do one workout, then later on do more workouts and early time the more you start doing it more and more.
Ivy Z.
You should set a bedtime and also a waking up time. U have to make sure u stay consistent to the times u have chosen. And with time ur body Will adapt as soon as it recognizes the pattern
Marten Y.
Honestly, the best that I can say with regards to this is just to be consistent. Falling asleep and waking up at (roughly) the same times every day will give your body something to anchor itself on, if that makes sense. Of course, not everyone is the same and that definitely means that different people's sleeping needs are… different. Learning what your body needs and consistently accomodating that will likely make sleeping less of an ordeal.
Stephanie W.
When the time changesā€¦ I fix my body clock by being gentle with myself. The day if I do nothing. I donā€™t make myself sleep at certain times. I just slowly allow myself to adjust on my own time.
Joe Ann T.
Personally? I take a medication that is similar to niquil (or any sleep medication that is used when you have a cold or flu) but has no cold or flu medication part. Thereā€™s also melatonin tablets that help, and I know that for certain types of sleep issues that you can speak to your doctor and with their determination, you may end up having a prescription for CBD
Pelk N.
I started going to work and everything just went along. If I get up early in the morning I just donā€™t have the energy to stay up very late
Ryan N.
I can fix my body clock by waking up at the same clock time every morning and going to sleep at the same clock time every night
Senami N.
I try my possible best to always fit into the time schedule even though I donā€™t have the app open or busy days while thinking happy thoughts šŸ„°
Nour N.
Well it is a little bit hard but you can do it šŸ’ŖšŸ» you 'll sleep in your usual time then wake up early the next morning even if you had slept just 3 or 4 hours, that day you 'll be very tired and have no energy to do anything except sleeping šŸ˜…
but you 'll force yourself to stay awake until it comes 8 pm
Go to sleep at this time and then you will wake up very early next morning
You have to maintain this habit for 3 days at least and after that your clock body will work perfectly and you will wake up early every day at the same time immediately šŸ’™
Cali O.
You find the most beautiful place and when you get home you say I need to get there asap and you run there and sit in all of its beauty then oops you have to run back home real quick
Minos N.
Consistent bedtime and waking up time. Also let light in in the morning and dim lights at night. Do this for even a week and you'll see the difference. I recommend an app called Sleep as Android to fix your bedtime schedule. Hope this helps!
Erin O.
Suffer the alarm clock with the snooze. The second you press snooze you are teaching your body to not wake at the time youā€™re trying to. It doesnā€™t matter exactly what you do but you should just get out of bed with the first alarm. Do something you donā€™t normally do in the morning to really solidify that this new thing is a new routine. Keeping the same routine but changing your timeframe will just work against you. So add one new thing when you wake up and itā€™ll be easier to fix youā€™re internal clock
Christian N.
Making sure I went to bed and woke up within an hour of the same time every night. For example, would sleep between 1:30-2:00 and wake up between 9:30-10:30
Efa T.
Setting up routine has been very helpful, with progressively having good and restful sleeps, which helped with waking up by myself around the right time for my morning routine
Sofia N.
If Iā€™m sick šŸ¤’ I donā€™t do as a usually do, but Iā€™m gonna try my best to be healthy and productive, Iā€™m gonna try to eat my medicine and get better ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹!
C Me E.
Shift your bedtime to its regular time slowly, perhaps 15 or 30 minutes a day. By now you should already have your excercise habit and morning routine, but if not that will actually be another way to help your body be more awake in the morning and more tired at night.
Angela F.
I have no idea if that is even possible. I dont think it is. Ones body block is genetics and is environmentally affected by, say, medications or medical treatments.
Peggy U.
I stay up late the previous night and then I wake up early the next day, and then I go to sleep at my ideal bedtime. Good luck šŸ‘šŸ¼
Hans J Rgen O.
You start going to bed early, wake upearly, start waking up and going to bed at the same times, take care of yourself and rest.
Laurena N.
I deal with this often. As a minor still doing school, I wake up at a similar time every day. On weekends or school breaks, I wake up at that same timeā€”but thing is, Iā€™m tired, and I want more sleep. So how do I get that?

Do things before bed that get you tired. Read, journal, etc. Then, before you hit the hay, remind yourself ā€œI have nothing waiting on me tomorrow. I can sleep in. There is no pressure to wake up.ā€ Whatever works for you.

To summarize my answer, go through your night routine to soothe yourself and make you tired, then remind yourself that you can sleep in the next morning.

Hopefully this helps, and hopefully I understood what you meant by ā€œbody clock.ā€

Jade Z.
Establish routine. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up around the same time each morning.

Natural light rhythms. Limit lights (especially blue light from technology) before bed to let your body know it's night time.

Orianna Z.
I would normally stay up or go to sleep earlier depending on your current body clock. I suffer from not being able to sleep until at least 4am, I would fix that by not sleeping late into the day or staying up so I make sure I sleep that night
Cassandra Y.
I try to set a timer early in the morning and have my alarm be really loud so I have to get up. This way Iā€™m forced to start my day early so that by the time itā€™s time for bed, Iā€™m tired because of how long I was awake. Doing this repeatedly should fix your body clock
ŠŠ»ŠµŠŗсŠµŠ¹ Š¢ŃŽŃ€ŠøŠ½ N.
Just trying to get more tired and wait for a night to unfold as long as I can. And of course using melatonin is a good tool:)
Hanni A.
Honestly I am working on this also. Start with a sleep plan, and try getting rid of distraction… My biggest problem is saying no, and meaning it.
W N.
I think for a few minutes when I want to wake up, and then I wake up then, try it, it might only work for me but I hope it works for you
Dodo Y.
Just make a new routine and stick with it for a long time over a few days or maybe a week your body will start to adjust to a different body time
Apolin Rio Q.
I believe that you are supposed to eat well throughout the day and work out a little bit. Go to sleep at the desired time. Even if you donā€™t fall asleep right away. And wake up at the time you want no matter how much or little sleep you get. After a few days your body starts falling asleep faster to make up for missing sleep time. Also try not to do things on your bed other than sleep so your mind only associates the bed with sleep and not work.
Ivy Z.
Whenever I'm trying to fix my body clock, I usually set an alarm for the time I want to wake up. I also try to consistently wake up everyday when the alarm rings. With time ur body adapts to that consistent pattern so then it automatically wakes u up around the same time as the clock
Avery S.
For that you need a correct mindset, a mindset tht motivates you and doesn't let you get distracted. I myself when I started this I also got distracted more than once and it happens with us all when we implement new habits so it's nothing to worry about. You should start with small steps like first fixing your drinks than onto your small appetizers and than onto the main course of course that's going to take time but have patience. So that's it goodbye!ā™”
Barbora Q.
Just set an alarm for a time when you want to go to sleep and when you want to get up. Try to sleep like that every day and even if you cant Fall asleep go to bed, after some time your body will get used to it
Allison X.
It helps me to ease into the change. Also to go to bed early if itā€™s set to late, and late if itā€™s early. It also helps to wake up naturally, without an alarm. This helps your body fix itself- instead of forcing it.
Ananya F.
Trying waking up by setting an alarm 3 to 6 days then u can see how your body starts waking up with the time but oppeted
Kelly K.
You could fix it by sleeping 5~10 minutes earlier than you would usually do for a week and repeat. Until you get the point in time that you would like to rest at, then you wouldn't need to continue it.
Nasirudeen N.
Meditation hit different to us all
Itā€™s depends on how we connect to our inner self, or react or how well we do it,
So I believe meditation can be anything depend on individualā€¦
Ian T.
Not turning on lights at the to reconnect with the sence of the time and i try to sleep early and get enough sleep to wake up at sunrise
Angel U.
I switched from going to sleep at 3am to 11pm. Firstly, I acknowledged that I was doing this almost as a form of self harm. Therapy helped.
More practally I stopped using my laptop in bed. This ment I switched to using my phone. I found that my phone has a bed time mode. This turns my phone to grey scale and do not disturb. This really helped me. Other than that therapy.
Clive A.
First it can take days or even a bit longer. You need to schedule winding down and going to bed. And the 2hours before going to bed are important too. Choose the right sounds. Stop drinking caffeine and smoking. Prepare for the next day. Be grateful..say your prayers and go to bed. I set my radio to sleep after 30 minutes. If you wake and can't get back to sleep get up. Do something tedious and go back to bed later… Be gentle and patient with yourself. Sleep will come eventually. It's learning to be disciplined about sleep time and realizing that sleep is as exciting as anything you do awake. Relax. Recharge. Renew your body and soul.
Regina C.
Well!! Its all about my work status and its within your comfortables but make sure that u should have 6 hrs sleep daily managing the time all matters
Caelan O.
Stay on a routine like if you go to bed at 9:00, wake up at 5:00 as an adult or wake up at 9:00 in the morning as a child
Zo U.
Have a consistent bedtime, try to not do too crazy things (like playing call of duty or watching an intense movie) starting about 1 hour before you aim to fall asleep.
Phones and computers these days have a ā€žnight modeā€œ that reduce blue light, try using that (i set mine to sunset to sunrise)
Get your 8 hours of sleep
Mustafa R.
I started going to bed early, and when I woke up I drank a cup of water, which gave me a lot of energy to accomplish my daily tasks without sleeping during them.
Ma L T.
I wake up very early, I do as much as possible throughout the day to tire myself out and at night I try not to use the cell phone and sleep early
Janna Z.
I mostly add a ten to twenty minutes earlier than the time i sleep last night and repeating it until i get to my desired time to sleep
Nguy N D.
I have been eating green food for a week now and my body is getting lighter. Green vegetables make up 2/3 of the meal menu. I go for an afternoon walk in the woods and enjoy the view, petting with dogs, cats, and cattle. I like living in the forest because it makes me calmer. Sometimes I meet a few people and talk to them, we talk about each other's different lives. People say my life is boring but I don't think so. I feel happier when I get to do what I really want.
Alo S P.
I've set a lot of alarms to remind me again and again till I give in because I've always been a person who says I'll do this later and then later I always lose my interest so setting alarms is a way for me to do it
Ileana Z.
I started fixing my routine,i downloaded the Fabulous app and it helped me a lot make a healthy habbit and remind me how important is to have a good routine and a plan for the day.
Adam O.
Got sleep early wake up when Sun goes up . Do not forse our body just go with the flow . Listen to your body it knows what is best for its self and just take the time to listen to it
Olive N.
My main advice is TAKE IT SLOW I canā€™t stress enough how much this means because if you are rushing it, then it will most likely fail. The whole point of this app is so you can take it slow piece by piece start going to bed 15 minutes earlier and setting an alarm for 15 minutes later in the morning then if youā€™re feeling more confident after that try half an hour earlier and do the same with your alarm clock but with your new time, and so on.
Mattie J.
If by body clock you mean the time you naturally go to sleep and wake up every day, I would recommend not being suscept to any blue light at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep, opening a window or getting some natural light in a soon as you wake up, setting a time you want to wake up and going backwards from that in one and a half hours sections to allow yourself to wake up at the point when you are sleeping the lightest. Something I would also recommend is experimenting with hoe much sleep you need each night without a form of alarm clock if possible and seeing which feels the best. One more thing I think could be good is not snoozing or going back to sleep after you have woken up, if thats the time you are set to wake up at, as this can also damage your body clock.
Matilde Q.
Do you mean for sleeping?? If thats the case you just have to put the allarme at the same hour each morning even when you have nothing to do and you have to get up immidiatelly, it may be difficult at the beginnig but after a while (maybe 1 week or 1 month, it varies from person to person) you'll start to wake up by youre one few minutes befor the allarm goes off, an other important thing is that you don't need to focus too much on the hour you go to bed (it's better if it's regular too, but not essensial) but you shoul not try to recover the sleep you lost during the day (if you slept less than usual cause you wern't able to go to sleep early and you sleep in the afternoon you wont be tired at the ritht time neather the evening after so you'll alweys be tired during the day, instead if you resist and don't sleep in the afternoon you'll eventually start to feel tired at the right time).
1) you have to set the allarm
2) try to allways wake up asap when the allarme run off
3) dont sleep when is not the right time
4) after a wile it'll become automatic
5) if it wasnt for sleep but maybe for eating abits or anythig else it should work the same way anyway.
Pietro G.
There are two ways to fix your body clock. One is by gradually pushing forward a few minutes each night so that you can slowly reach the time your body should be going to sleep and waking up naturally. The other is to jump start it by waking up at the time you want regardless of when you went to bed and not napping all day. The first is the easier method but takes longer the second is difficult and can lead to burn out a lot quicker.
Saja S G.
I usually stay up until the next day and sleep at the specified hour, but this does not work out if the working hours are irregular, it becomes difficult to determine a specific hour for sleep
Paul N.
My answer might be strange but, it happened for me out of circumstance, i got a dog and I lived alone so I always got up early every morning to let him out to pee, it didn't take look before I was waking up at the same time everyday, no matter where was at, on the flipside I my sleeping time has consistently been a mess for a long time, and I wouldn't know to fix it since falling asleep is really hard for me
Claudia P.
You can maintain a sleep schedule, helping your body get used to a certain bed time and causing you to feel better every morning having more energy to start your day.
Marius F.
For me, fixing your body clock takes mental determination and patience, it wonā€™t happen in one night. But, the more you work at it youā€™ll be able to tell your body what time to go to sleep and what time to get up, the use of alarms will be futile, and you will be well on your way to a new life.
Flavie Y.
Olha ultimamente eu tĆ“ deixando meu relĆ³gio biolĆ³gico de lado, porque estou dormindo muito tarde, e eu gostaria de mudar isso, sĆ³ que tĆ” difĆ­cil, mas eu acho que nĆ£o mechendo no celular antes de dormir jĆ” faria uma bela diferenƧa.
Zeynep F.
I mentally prepare myself to wake up at a certain time. The before night I repeat that "I am going to wake up at 07.00 and I have 8 hours to sleep". Then I dream what will I do after wake up. E.g. it's 7 am. I wake up and go to the bathroom. I dress and time is 7.15.
Albena Z.
By going to bed at the same or close to same time every night even on the weekend. An hour prior dim the lights and lower the noise and recall all the good things I did
Rainforest N.
I dim my lights (I have LEDs so I turn them to dark orange) to trick my brain into feeling sleepier. I also have a routine-wash face, exercise, journal
Ana Z.
According to Google, the easiest way to alter the circadian clock, scientists know, is by exposing someone to light during their normal sleeping hours. This more quickly shifts the body's clock than exposure to darkness during the waking hours.
Anyway, but what I like to do, is to set or fix my body clock by repeating to myself
the hour when I want to wake up and the hour when
I want to go to bed multiple
times. I hope this will help.
Emily G.
I sing to myself when Iā€™m trying to fall asleep. It is slightly embarrassing but it tells myself that I should be falling asleep. I also like to drink plenty of water so that I can reset.
Iris Y.
I already have a good body clock, the only thing I do is setting an alarm and trying to wake up before it, somehow it always works
Alejandro W.
Loads of basic things really – doing the laundry, staying hydrated, eating a sizable meal, talking to a dear friend, fetching the Mail, etc.
Lucas E.
Start by sleeping timely and waking up timely then fix the timing of your meals, the more you do stuff on time, the better.
Deborah F.
I try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. And if for by any chance that I mess it up like when I get sick and sleep my day away I do what I can to get back on track like staying up until it is my normal schedule
Elinoy N.
I try to sleep earlier, little by little, wake up and go to sleep at a consistent time and to see direct light every morning
Meszes E.
I think it's just about persistency.
You go to sleep at the same time every day, but basically, you can either try half an hour every day, but when I make it really bad, I tend to either not sleep at all or wake up early even if that means 3 hours of sleep.
Then I can sleep early that night and it's almost fixed. Just gotta keep that bedtime and it gets more natural every single day.
After like 3 days of sleeping at the same time it usually gets quite easy
Kim G.
I used to have a really bad sleep/eating schedule for 2 consecutiveecutivei barely ever had a proper circadian rhythm and I could feel my body and mental health changing for the worse I had recently taken the oath to change everything of my routine and I did it by waking up everyday at 5:30am working out having all my meals on time and making sure to take my last meal by 7pm and intermittent fast till the next day to 7am and this is how I changed my body clock.
Ramadhan V.
After wake up early I grab one glass of water, I meditate 10minutes, excersize after emphasis my routine list and do the necessaries
Rena J.
Rather than spend a day exhausted, I prefer to take melatonin at a set time and do some relaxing activity in the evening to help me sleep earlier that day.