Thalia Z.
I keep the exercise requirement super short and make sure it happens first thing in the morning before I leave the room and enter the barrage of demands from my small children (ages 3 and 5). So most mornings it’s just a 5 minute yoga routine. But if I happen to wake up earlier then I choose a longer workout. Having a supportive partner who is an early riser helps too. I rely on my partner to keep the kids at bay for at least the 10-15 minutes I need to brush my teeth and do that quick workout.
Fred A.
In the evening after work time, before bed time, it will make me relax while i am sleeping and make my body more energcy in the morning after i woke up
Tk X.
I set my priorities and make sure I organize my day before I start doing anything. It allows me to reflect what I need to accomplish by today. It is okay not to be able to do everything, but time management is key to having an organized and well-balanced life!
Fatouma N.
I don’t have kids, i’m not married or engage. i’m still in high school. Even if being a teenager is quite hard, dealing with some issues which are taking all you time. the question is how could you find time between all these distractions ?
focus on your goals and how you could achieve them. it’ll help you !!!!
focus on your goals and how you could achieve them. it’ll help you !!!!
Julia U.
I try to fit it into my morning routine. By just starting off your day with a little exercise you won't have to worry about have time for it later in the day. I would start off with something short for only a few minutes if you are really busy. This will get you into the habit, then you can always make the routine a bit longer if you find time