Eric E.
Like anything tempting, you have the choice to do or not do the temptation. Take a pause in your mind acknowledge the temptation and decided if you will put it aside or if it is important to follow your desire. If you wish to not look at the time accept the desire and return to your breath. If the thought returns accept that it is back, that is not wrong to have thoughts and choose to put it aside. You may have to repeat this over and over again. If you decide to look accept that is your choice look and move on. I find returning to my breath and even repeating "this is my in breath" "this is my out breath" with each breath along with self-kindness usually helps persistent thoughts pass. Also, looking or not looking at the time is your choice, in fact staring at a second-hand tick by for minutes can be a form of mediation. There is no right or wrong way to mediate, only your way. Mediation is a practice for you, controlled by you, and ultimately designed by you. I wish for you happines , peace of heart, and the embodiment of love and kindness.
Ildiko Y.
I'm not sure what you mean. But if you mean during a habit, I usually don't need to look at the time unless I have something I need to do right after. I just go with the flow otherwise.
Crystal G.
I didn’t, I looked. Only once as I thought it had stopped. Then became immersed in my thoughts and thought the time passed quickly.
Albert Z.
I go ahead and look. Thinking about looking, trying not to look, thinking I shouldn’t look etc. are all way bigger distractions than just looking at the time. I have my timer set where I can see it with a quick glance and be done with it. I find that knowing I can always look has reduced the temptation to do so.
Mark G.
By not looking at it 🙂
Simply enjoy the process, not forget about the result for awhile. That’s how I deal with my anxiety and worries about the result.
Sarah P.
Sometimes I do look at it, but for the most part I just take a deep breath and tell myself, the timer will tell me when it's done and then we can deal with all these thoughts running through my heas
Jessica R.
I just tell myself that if I'm not constantly checking the time I have left, I can make more use of the time I have, and in the end it will feel quicker and you will feel better about having done something.
Dwayne Z.
I try not to look, but sometimes I do. But I accept this as part of the training. I never meditated before and I'm not expecting of me to have a strong capacity to focus immediately. But with every session I feel more in control of this kind of temptations.
L Rke Z.
For that, I do meditation for more than 20 minutes so I don't be obsessed by time. Focus on breathing and dive into your thoughts and from time to time get back to your breathing medication it's like a excsrsise for your brain and your brain is a muscle the more you do the better you become. Just relax and breath
Soren N.
I usually take around 6-8 spoons of sugar daily. But after reading the letter and I scolded my doctor cousin why you dint tell me about sugar. I decided to take challenge, skipped my morning tea, my afternoon I am feeling very depressed. I controlled myself, and ate 3 oranges 🍊. Till evening there were no sugar, I am feeling little weird. I hope it will be awesome if I complete the challenge, but it’s holiday time. I don’t think I will do it.
Thiago Y.
I usually make myself more comftarble with another distraction, if im studying i listen to music and if im doing something that requires less focus like cleaning my room, i would play some sitcom tv show on my laptop, i hope you find it usefull.
Ellen B.
Start it and then take a minute (walk slowly, breathing mindfully) to put it out of reach. Also, turn off all notifs before you start (personally, I keep all notifs off for everything all the time) and put it on airplane mode
Jordan E.
I recognize the temptation and I wait for completion tone . The task I have trouble doing for the whole time is meditation unless it is guided meditation.
Bradley J.
Do a guided meditation for the first few practices. It will keep you focused or at least remind you so that you don't open your eyes.
Ruben E.
To tell you the truth I to had the habit of checking the time in every two minutes but when you start enjoying yourself I think the time moves fast . when you hate something time moves so slowly that you keep checking the time and your like when will this end .when I meditate the same things happened with me so then I started enjoying it so the time started moving quickly and I didn't even know when it ended I think the main point here is enjoy the process and time moves quickly and temptation of checking the time ends😊😊
Nuno F.
Think about your practice being time for you and savour it. Concentrate on your breathing and you won't realise how much time has passed
Emily W.
At first I looked. The more I looked the more it felt like a chore. I then reminded myself that the time was irrelevant and that this was a gift, an opportunity for me to be grounded and free from any actual chores and distractions. I don't look anymore and sometimes wishes it went in longer cause it just makes me feel fabulous.
Wallace Z.
Ugh… sometimes I can’t. But I have to remember that this action is just a another thought and distraction. I take it as an opportunity to practice not judging myself for being distracted
Nicky L.
I'll be honest, I'm not perfect. There are times I sneak a peek but I try to keep it to a minimum. If I end up giving in, I treat it like I would any other instance of my mind wandering, and I try to bring my focus back with kindness and compassion. Many times, I try asking myself why I'm squirming, why do I want to know how much time is left? If I already remember the whole thing is supposed to be just 5 minutes or 10, I tell myself it'll be over soon enough. It happens sometimes but I keep moving on.