How do you deal with anger?

Anita X.
Generally really poorly. The best thing that I can do is remind myself to be rational and not emotional and write down my frustrations so I can address them when I’m not as upset. If I just let things go it becomes worse.
Tina E.
I need a release. I’ve been working myself away from things like eating to feel better to moving my body like going for a walk or writing my thoughts down or doing a short mind clearing exercise. If I have time to deal with it I seek alone time to process in my journal. Writing it down gets it out of a swirling mind and gives you another perspective.
Nathielle W.
Step back, think it through from other sides and intent, heart. Pray over it and then talk with the person/s honestly. Anger has not been a huge issue in my life for which I’m very thankful and that’s pretty much how I’ve most often handled it.
Ma Lie E.
I look for what is causing my anger. It seems to mostly be a secondary emotion and finding the primary emotion may lead to a solution or help us gain acceptance.
Hermann W.
Step away from the source. Take your anger to an isolated area, preferably alone and private.

Let all the emotions out and then take note of what comes out. Write it down in your notes app or notebook.

Then keep think about how you can manage this differently. Think about why you cared more about it and how that’s different to now.

Nicklas Z.
Oh man, I’m working on this right now. I’ve got a long way to go, but here are some things I’ve been doing lately that really help.

First, I remind myself to observe the emotion. Not to resist it, let myself feel it without attaching to it, and let it flow through. If I’m not resisting but it still won’t pass, then I sit with it and ask, What is this anger trying to tell me? Usually there isn’t an answer. Just making space for the question is enough. But when an answer does come … 🤯.

Second, gratitude journaling really helps. I had an executive meeting one Monday morning, and I walked out so angry, it stayed with me all day. When I journaled that night, I forced myself to write about why I was thankful to have felt that anger all day. And holy cow, it shifted my entire perspective on my situation and my responsibility for it, and how I could change it.

Third (and this relates back to the first point), I stopped judging my anger. The more I make friends with my dark side, shadow self, or whatever you prefer to call it, the more whole I feel. And the more I do that, the more I realize my anger is more often than not a messenger.

Mark Z.
I get busy and once I feel exhausted physically I sit with my thoughts
Often it helps to write my thoughts and rereading it shows some irrational or incorrect perspective that I alter
Lya E.
Taking a few deep breaths and writing a letter in response to what triggered your anger to yourself, then revisiting the situation when you are calm.
Allie Y.
Mindfulness is my ideal route, and when I succeed with this it usually works out for the best; if I notice how angry I am, then I can begin to question the origin/reasoning behind it and challenge its validity. A lot of times I’ll realize I didn’t have a good reason to be angry and (important step) forgive myself for feeling that way anyways. Then I can chose the most productive thing to do next starting with the question “how can I make things better given the current situation?”
Tristan E.
Analysing exactly what I’m angry about: is it injustice to me or others, someone being mean to someone I love, me mistaking the other person and seeing it through my own lens.

If I am angry and I feel it’s justified, I’ll go outside. It’s important to have air. I’ll take deep breaths